A sign of the times: helping more with less

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Couban R, Pennick V1, Kelly A
1Institute for Work & Health, Cochrane Back Review Group, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Background: For the Cochrane Back Review Group (CBRG) to move towards its vision that decision-makers concerned with neck and back pain and other spinal disorders will make evidence-informed healthcare decisions by using high quality Cochrane reviews of the best available evidence, we should facilitate the successful and timely production and utilization of our reviews. In an effort to determine how we could best support our stakeholders, given our limited resources, the CBRG decided to seek input from their lead authors, editorial and advisory board members, and healthcare decision-makers to see what they felt would be helpful. Objectives: To determine: (i) what services the editorial office can offer to help authors complete and maintain high quality reviews in a timely fashion and (ii) how to make our website more useful to review authors and healthcare decision-makers. Methods: Questionnaires were developed and posted on survey monkey. Emails were sent to lead authors of all CBRG registered titles (N = 6), published protocols (N = 9) and reviews (N = 40), editors, advisory board members, consumers, and members of clinical networks associated with the Institute for Work & Health with links to the questionnaires. Two reminders were sent, a week apart, in an attempt to increase the response rate. Descriptive analyses were completed and compared with past surveys (CBRG 2005; The Cochrane Collaboration Author survey 2009) to identify trends. Results: Twenty-six of 55 authors responded (47%) to queries of which editorial office services they found helpful; 160/650 authors, editors, peer referees and other clinical decision makers responded to our queries about our website. Findings will be reported in the final presentation. Conclusions: The CBRG editorial office will use survey results to inform their editorial process and the assistance and information they offer their authors.