"The Cochrane Library is a peer-reviewed publication" – what does this mean in practice?

Article type
Urquhart B1, Bell-Syer S2
1Editorial and Methods Department, Cochrane
2Managing Editor Support, Editorial and Methods Department
The aim of pre-publication peer review of a Cochrane Review by independent people, including patients and consumers, is to assess the validity and quality of the review. Authors are able to improve their review in response to this feedback prior to publication, thereby improving the quality of the review and increasing the value to healthcare decision-makers (including patients). Until recently, Cochrane Review Groups operated independent peer review policies, but a Cochrane-wide peer review policy is now in place to standardise these processes and further improve the peer review process.

At the end of the workshop, participants will:

1) understand the principles and different models of peer review;
2) have discussed key elements from the new Cochrane peer review policy;
3) have considered how to implement the new Cochrane peer review policy using Archie workflows and other tools.

During this discussion workshop we will debate the sometimes controversial topic of peer review. We will examine the aims of the peer review process, the roles of the key players and the many different models that can be termed 'peer review' in academic publications.

We will address the key elements of the new Cochrane peer review policy, including the use of named (open identity) peer review. We will also discuss the implementation of the policy, including the use of Archie workflows for peer review, and use examples from several Cochrane Review Groups (CRGs) to help identify processes that could be modelled by other CRGs.

This workshop will be of interest to Co-ordinating Editors, Editors, Managing Editors and peer reviewers.