Beyond Clinical Effectiveness - the Role of the UK NHS Economic Evaluation Database in Providing Best Evidence for Health Care

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Stoykova B, Nixon J, Glanville J, Christie J, Drummond M, Kleijnen J
Introduction: The NHS EED Project is commissioned by the UK NHS to identify papers on economic evaluations of health, and to disseminate the principal findings to clinicians, decision makers, and researchers through structured abstracts available on the public database. Furthermore, the abstracts are critical in their nature as they also contain a commentary field where assessment of the quality of the study is provided. It is recognised that health interventions should only be considered for general use when their effectiveness and safety have been demonstrated. However, decision makers are becoming increasingly aware that, because of finite resources, the resource implications of health care interventions also need to be considered. Based on our experience, we suggest an approach in making well-informed decisions about health care by using the Cochrane Library. Cochrane reviewers can search the database to identify such evaluations which may be relevant for their review. The presentation will introduce the database to Cochrane collaborators.

Objectives: To provide an outline of the UK NHS EED as a newly introduced part of the Cochrane Library and its role in providing best evidence about economic evaluations of health care.


Discussion: Economic evaluations are a step beyond effectiveness evidence and are conducted in order to provide decision makers with information about the best way to allocate limited resources among alternative uses as they analyse benefits versus costs.