Identification of Clinical Trials Published in Iberoamerica (1948-1998)

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Marti J, Talavera J, Bonfill X
Introduction: The project "Identification and description of clinical trails done in Spain (1971-1995)" (FIS 96/1802E) has been ongoing since 1995. Right now we plan to extend this project to the countries of Iberoamerica (Spain, Portugal and the Spanish-speaking-countries in Latin America) for the period of 1948- 1998.

Objectives: To exhaustively locate all clinical trials (CTs) published in Iberoamerica between 1948 and 1998. We want to continue the identification and description of CTs in Spain and Portugal (project BMH1- CT94-1289) and to start in Argentina, Colombia, Cuba, Chile, and Mexico.

Methods: Cross-sectional research, conducted with the Biomed project "European Contribution to an International Register of Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) of Health Care: Phase 2", (BMH4-CT98- 3803)". 1. Identification of publications. The following information sources are being used: Bibliographic databases: Medline, Embase, HealthStar, IME, Lilacs and Artemisa. 2. Identification of CTs: 2.1. Handsearching of identified journals. 2.2. Electronic searches in Medline, Embase, HealthStar, IME, Lilacs and Artemisa.

Results: A) SPAIN The data currently available (April 1999) comes from hand searching. A total of 3,580 possible CTs have been identified, of which 2,313 have been reviewed. Of these, a total of 1,766 CTs were identified. B) PORTUGAL AND LATIN AMERICA. Portugal and 5 countries of Latin America are participating, with national coordinators for each country. Initially 207 journals in Argentina (national coordinator: Zulma Ortiz) have been identified, as well as 112 journals in Colombia (national coordinator: Enrique Ardila), 16 in Cuba (national coordinator: Jehova Oramas), 55 in Chile (national coordinator: Rodrigo Salinas) and 32 in Mexico (national coordinator: Gladys Faba).

Discussion: Our manual search strategy prioritized sensitivity in the first stage, followed by a final, more specific approach. The contribution's of this project will be the available information coming from the CTs conducted in Iberoamerica.