Electronic searching RCT/CCT in the Chinese database and transferring them into procite for international submission: How we have done

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Deng K, Zhang M
Background: Unbiased systematic reviews (SRs) of health care should include as many relevant articles as possible, yet many of the original RCT/CCT results in China is still relatively inaccessible through international indexing systems. The Chinese Biomedical Retrieval System (CBM), which indexes Chinese health care literature, is the first time electronically searched for international submission with the help of Australia Cochrane Center, and it could and should be an important source for SRs. Objective: To search CBM and locate RCT/CCT in the Chinese literature; to transfer RCT/CCT into Procite for both in Chinese and English languages; to submit the translated RCT/CCT to the CCTR for the use of English speaking reviewers; to prepare for setting up the Chinese Clinical Trial Database(CCTD) for the Chinese reviewers. Method: 1. Electronic searching: the CBM indexed over 900 journals, conference proceedings from 1980 to 2000 is systematically searched for all reports of controlled trials. 2. By searching medical subject term" RCT" to locate all RCT results ; 3. By limited searching and checking, RCT/CCT will be processed to ProCite in the ChiCC database; 4. Adding the Chinese RCT/CCT in the CMB directly to Procite database in the following ways: by downloading the related items from CMB , by changing Chinese colons into English ones, and by special function of WORD process software as well as by translating them into English.

Results: Of the 2190 articles identified were RCTs, 452 RCTs were translated into English and processed to Procite based on the criteria of the Collaboration . Of the 302 RCTs were submitted to the CCTR, about 150 were included in Cochrane Library (CL) issue 1 and the rest will be included in the issue 3 of CL. The original RCTs with its Chinese abstracts were collected and added to Procite as one of the sources of CCTD.

Conclusion: Some experiences have been gained for the first electronic searching CMB to transfer directly into Procite. It will encourage us to search some more Chinese databases for RCT/CCT for internet