Study settings of Cochrane HIV/AIDS systematic reviews

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Vidanapathirana J
Background: The world enters the third decade of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. African and Asian countries are facing the main crisis of this epidemic. Meanwhile Cochrane HIV/AIDS systematic reviews give strong evidence in health care practice for prevention and control of HIV/AIDS. These evidence are useful to make decisions about care and diagnosis of individual patients and behavioral, social and policy intervention of health promotion in relevant to HIV/AIDS. It is important to have evidence from HIV/AIDS epidemic country settings to control the epidemic.

Objective: To find out the study settings of included studies, which were used in Cochrane HIV/AIDS systematic reviews.

Method: All included studies which were used in HIV/AIDS Cochrane reviews in Cochrane Library issue No 1 2005 were included. The study settings of participants were found out to achieve the objective.

Results: The Cochrane Library issue No 1 2005 consists of 19 HIV/AIDS Cochrane reviews. These reviews consist of 151 included studies. Out of these 19 HIV/AIDS Cochrane reviews, one review was on behavioural, social and policy intervention, eight studies were on biomedical prevention intervention, three studies were on health services delivery and quality of life interventions and the remaining seven were on therapeutic diagnostic and prognostics. Study settings of these studies were 44% Africa, 30% America, 19% from other developed country settings and the remaining 7% from Asia.

Conclusions: Half of the evidence is based on African settings and Asian settings. Almost half of the evidence were based on non epidemic developed country settings. A very few studies were done in Asian countries. Asian evidence in Cochrane HIV/AIDS systematic reviews were very limited.
Recommendations: Further high quality HIV/AIDS researches need to be done in HIV/AIDS epidemic country settings to enter in to the evidence based Cochrane library. It is important to do more researches in HIV/AIDS prevalent Asian country settings in order to overcome the epidemic.