Disseminating the findings of systematic reviews: the CRD approach

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Wilson P, Booth A
The workshop will using worked examples outline the CRD framework which provides a basic structure for developing a dissemination strategy and could be used by anyone seeking to promote the findings of a review. At the conclusion of the workshop, participants will have a greater understanding of how to:
1. Develop and contextualise messages
2. Target audiences
3. Select communication channels
4. Plan and implement strategies
5. Evaluate impact
In recent years, there has been substantial investment in the commissioning of systematic reviews assessing the effects of interventions, the overall aim of which has been to improve health care quality and outcomes. However, simply making reviews available does not ensure that those that need to know about it get to know about it or can make sense of the findings
Many agencies are beginning to recognise the value and importance that active communication processes can have in increasing the impact of health research. The Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) specialises in evidence synthesis and systematic review in the health field. Since its inception in 1994, the centre has actively disseminated the findings of systematic reviews and promoted their use in practice and policy. The centre has developed an approach to dissemination that is based on both theoretical and empirical research into the ways by which different audiences become aware of, receive, access, read and use research findings. This involves targeting the right people with a clear and relevant message, communicating via appropriate and often multiple channels (any medium used to convey a message to an audience or audiences), whilst taking account of the environment in which the message will be received.