RevMan 5 for Cochrane Diagnostic test accuracy reviews

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Leeflang M, Moore T, Moustgaard R, Hooft L
Abstract:The purpose of this workshop is to provide participants with an understanding of how RevMan 5 will be used to prepare Cochrane Diagnostic test accuracy (DTA) reviews. At the end of the workshop, participants will have been introduced to the various features in RevMan 5 that are specific for DTA reviews. RevMan is The Cochrane Collaboration’s own software, which has been developed to assist review authors in writing systematic reviews in the Cochrane format. RevMan 5 includes the ability to prepare DTA reviews (amongst others). The workshop will address DTA-specific topics with respect to Title formulation; Main text (mandatory and optional headings); tables for Characteristics of Studies, Methodological Quality Assessment and Summary of Findings; Data and Analyses (including test definition and options for analysis); and Figures. Workshop participants will be supplied with information and a core set of slides and training material to use in future training sessions.