A Roadmap to Success: Strategic Planning and Performance Measurement for Entity and Organisation Administrators

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Ellen Schaafsma M
Abstract: This workshop will help administrators identify the strategic objectives for their particular entity, learn how to construct a plan that will help them achieve their goals and then develop measurable performance indicators based on their plan that will help them track and report progress on objectives. Description: Managing an organisation of any size is a challenge world-wide, especially in light of the limited resources that many not-for-profits have to work with. This makes a clear strategic plan and measurable objectives critical. Without these, a sense of direction or purpose may be lost and resources spent on activities that don't further the goals of the organisation; success will be elusive. A strategic plan with measurable outcomes helps the team to stay on track and the advisory board and funders to see how well the entity is progressing. It is not a stale document, but a dynamic roadmap that is utilized on a regular basis to develop work plans, budgets and activities, and it is revisited and revised as the environment within which the organisation functions changes. There are many benefits: there are clear objectives, with accompanying activities to achieve them, which give the team a common understanding of the goals of the organisation as well as their role within it; finances are targeted to meet objectives and thus used to their maximum impact, eliminating unproductive spending; accountability for performance is adhered to, helping make the case for future funding; and, it simplifies annual reporting and keeps consistency from year to year in measuring and reporting accomplishments. The facilitator will present a method that has been successful for the Canadian Cochrane Network and Centre and will have the participants analyse their own organisation and begin to flesh out one strategic objective, the accompanying activities to achieve it and the measurable outcomes.