Working with the GRADEprofiler (GRADEpro)

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Schunemann H
To learn about the GRADEprofiler (GRADEpro) used to prepare Summary of Findings Tables for Cochrane Reviews. This workshop will include computer exercises and focus on how to use GRADEpro software and how the program interacts with RevMan 5.
The aim of the workshop is to familiarize review authors to the software GRADEpro which is used for preparing Summary of Findings (SoF) tables - a new important addition to Cochrane reviews. Although not mandatory, Cochrane review authors are strongly encouraged to include SoF in their reviews.
GRADEpro is a simple computer application that allows importing information from RevMan 5, creation of SoF tables and exporting SoF Tables to RevMan files. The main feature of GRADEpro is facilitating the assessment of the quality of evidence (study design, execution, and limitations, together with directness of evidence and sparseness of data) and creation of summaries of the relative and absolute effects for individual outcomes.