Challenges in conducting priority setting exercises for Cochrane entities

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Nasser M1, Carlo R2, Crowe S3, Welch V4
1Peninsula Dental School, University of Plymouth, UK
2Bahrain Branch of UK Cochrane Centre, Bahrain
3James Lind Alliance, UK
4Cochrane Equity Field, University of Ottawa, Canada
Background: The Cochrane Agenda and Priority setting Methods Group is a newly registered Cochrane Methods group. One of the objectives of the methods group is identifying challenges that Cochrane entities face in conducting priority setting exercises and try to find strategies to help entities to overcome them.

Objectives: To identify challenges that Cochrane entities face in conducting priority setting exercises.

Methods: We sent an email to the entity lists of Cochrane Review Groups, Centre, Fields, and Methods Groups and asked them about the details of their most recent priority setting exercises and the three most important challenges that they encountered in conducting these approaches. The data would be analyzed to identify the main areas inwhich the Cochrane entities encounter challenges in conducting priority setting exercises.

Results: Up to now eight Cochrane entities have responded to our survey, we have coded the challenges stated by these entities and they were categorized in the following four broad areas. (1) Balancing workload and allocating adequate time to conduct or implement priority setting exercises (2) Resource allocation (3) Translating priorities into research questions appropriate for a Cochrane review (4) Engaging with stakeholders. We would continue to remind Cochrane entities about our survey and encourage them to fill it up. The final report would be presented in the Cochrane colloquium 2012.

Conclusions: Cochrane entities face certain type of barriers in conducting priority setting exercises. Identifying these challenges can guide the new methods group in prioritising their work to identify strategies to help entities to overcome or manage them.