EROS dialogues with RevMan: data extraction, quality assessment and more ***in computer lab; no need for personal laptops

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Glujovsky D1, Ciapponi A2
1Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS), Argentina
2Argentine Cochrane Center IECS, Argentina

To review how EROS (Early Review Organizing Software) works at the initial phases of a systematic review (SR). To show the important updates that have been developed in EROS: data extraction and quality assessment.


Study selection and its distribution for independent quality assessment and data extraction is not only time-consuming, but it is also complicated, tiresome, and prone to mistakes, especially if we have to deal with a great number references retrieved from the search strategy. EROS has become a very commonly used tool, mainly because it helps reviewers with some issues before data go into Revman, and because it has been a free tool for Cochrane Reviews. After a brief demonstration about how to generate a SR project, define inclusion/exclusion criteria, import citations from reference manager software or directly from electronic databases and allocate citations with title/abstract and full-text to reviewers, workshop’s participants will simultaneously work online on the same project, importing a file that comes from RevMan, doing independent data extraction and quality assessment, and exporting the file into RevMan, ready to be analysed. At the end of the workshop, the assistants will be ready to use EROS in a systematic review.