Café Scientifique—public outreach

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Tarbett L1
1Canadian Cochrane Centre, Canada
Background: The ‘Café Scientifique’ funding program is an innovative initiative funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). The goal of a Café Scientific is to bring together researchers with members of the public to spark a discussion about some of the most interesting research currently underway in Canada.

Objectives: The Canadian Cochrane Centre (CCC) applied to the Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s (CIHR) Café Scientifique funding program to hold a public discussion titled, ‘Health information in the age of the internet. Why Google your health questions when you can Cochrane them’? The goal of this particular Café Scientifique was to inform the local public about a valuable online resource in which they could research reliable health treatment evidence: The Cochrane Library. Given that one in three adults search health information online, it is crucial that they understand which sites are reputable and have the best evidence on which to base their health decisions.

Results: The CCC’s application was successful and ranked sixth out of 82 approved applications (94 submissions). The Café was a tremendous success. There were 73 attendees and all feedback received was positive. The Café was held just after working hours in a pub which provided an ideal time of day and atmosphere. Many participants inquired as to when we would be holding our next event.

Conclusions: The Café Scientifique program provided a relaxed atmosphere in which the public could feel comfortable engaging with scientists/researchers/physicians to whom they often do not have the opportunity to speak. Café Scientifiques are a great way to engage the public in learning about The Cochrane Collaboration, The Cochrane Library and Cochrane Review evidence. Given that many of today’s interactions take place online, this face-to-face event was a unique opportunity to bring the public and researchers together.