The challenges of moving evidence to practice

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Holly C1, Salmond S1
Background: Despite overwhelming clinical trial evidence, increasing publication of systematic reviews, expert opinion, national guidelines, and a vast array of educational conferences, evidence-based therapies continue to be underutilized. Such underutilization leads to a gap in care, such that reports indicate: 55% of patients get less than adequate care; 30–40% do not get what they should get; 20–25% get what they should not have or they do not need. Purpose: To begin to address this issue, a project was undertaken to translate evidence to practice using methods of action research and quality improvement.

Conclusions: This poster will detail the challenges encountered in moving evidence to practice: The Challenge of Commitment, The Challenge of Democracy, The Challenge of a Slow and Messy Process, The Challenge of Obtaining Baseline Data, The Challenge of Context and Real World Complexities, and The Challenge of Competing Priorities.