Developing methods for assessing implementation in effectiveness reviews: Challenges and progress

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Hannes K1, Thomas J2, Mayo-Wilson E3
1Cochrane Qualitative Research and Implementation Methods Group, Belgium
2EPPI-Centre, Institute of Education, London, United Kingdom
3University College London, England

To provide an update on the methods that are being developed to assess implementation within effectiveness reviews.


The Cochrane Collaboration has instigated several initiatives to explore the development of methods to better explain intervention effects, which include MICCI and the recent name change of the QualitativeMethods group to the Qualitative and Implementation Research Methods Group (CQIM). The Group will be developing methods for assessing implementation in effectiveness reviews. This workshop will outline the different definitions for implementation. The challenges to the conceptualisation and assessment of implementation in effectiveness reviews will be discussed. It will feature practical examples and tips for extracting implementation data from primary studies and discuss how Cochrane effectiveness reviews can be integrated with other types of reviews to strengthen causal explanation and extrapolation.