DynaMed summaries and Cochrane Reviews: a dynamic collaboration!

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Alper B1, Fedorowicz Z2, van Zuuren E3
1EBSCO Publishing, USA
2Bahrain Branch (UKCC) The Cochrane Collaboration, Kingdom of Bahrain
3Editor Cochrane Skin Group. Department of Dermatology, Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden, Netherlands
Background: Providing better knowledge for better health requires collaboration and rapid responsiveness to changing evidence. The Cochrane Collaboration has established internal collaborative networks and external partnerships, but none that systematically contribute to review updating. An innovative and dynamic collaboration is developing between DynaMed and the Cochrane Collaboration, blending expertise in evidence analysis and just–in–time updating to improve the quality (comprehensive, accuracy, and clarity) of Cochrane Reviews (CRs) and point-of-care summaries.

Objectives: To explore and develop the use of a balanced, bidirectional and mutually beneficial feedback mechanism to improve both products in terms of their currency, accuracy, and overall quality.

Methods: Unrestricted DynaMed access was given to a CR team who provided feedback on DynaMed summaries relevant to their ongoing review. Selection of clinically important outcomes for the review, methodologic issues relating to the identification of missing studies, and quality assessment of included studies were discussed and shared through the process.

Results: The CR was improved by refined selection and definition of outcomes of interest, and corresponding improvements in the reporting of included trials. The DynaMed summary was improved by greater specification of risk of bias assessments of specific trials. For example, DynaMed content revisions included ‘DynaMed commentary—this trial was determined to be quasi-randomized by contact with principal investigator during Cochrane Review development’.

Conclusions: The interaction between CR authors and DynaMed editors improved the content of both the CR and DynaMed to bring more relevant and valid information to health care professionals at the point of care. CR authors also benefit by additional acknowledgements in the DynaMed community and early notification of new evidence as it becomes available. We will present our experience on facilitating this and strategies for making this opportunity available to all CR authors.