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Background: Summary of Findings (SoF) tables present key information about each important effect of an intervention, including the size of the effect and the certainty (quality) of the evidence. While there are advantages to having a standard SoF format, it is unlikely that the same format is optimal across different audiences. Moreover, static SoF tables that present all information at the same time may overwhelm users. Conversely, static tables with restricted information may leave out information that is critical for some users. In addition, some users may better understand text or visualizations rather than numbers. DECIDE (a project funded by the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme) and the GRADE Working Group are developing an interactive SoF table.
Objectives: To introduce people to the first working prototype of the interactive Summary of Findings (iSoF) table and gather feedback. The iSoF table allows producers to tailor a presentation to a target audience and users to interact with the presentation by viewing more or less information, effects presented as numbers, words or visualizations, and cursor over explanations. The presentation will demonstrate the functionality in the current prototype and provide forms for audience feedback.
Objectives: To introduce people to the first working prototype of the interactive Summary of Findings (iSoF) table and gather feedback. The iSoF table allows producers to tailor a presentation to a target audience and users to interact with the presentation by viewing more or less information, effects presented as numbers, words or visualizations, and cursor over explanations. The presentation will demonstrate the functionality in the current prototype and provide forms for audience feedback.