MAPA: a live meta-analysis with customized tables in a live map

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Ciapponi A1, Glujovsky D1, García Martí S1, Bardach A1
1Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS)
Background: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) remains the most unequal region in the world. Besides, LAC has experienced rapid and complex epidemiological changes in recent decades. Despite the need of having available updated data, most countries in the region rely mostly on external financing to sustain long-term research and, therefore, it is not easy to be achieved. The production of documents with systematic reviews and economic evaluations are useful but not enough to provide the whole produced information in the research. A live epidemiological map with customized tables could provide a valuable contribution to the health part of the population in the region.

Objectives: To show an online interface that allows to retrieve interactive quantitative data with a graphic support, based on meta-analysis about some specific diseases in LAC population.

Methods: We performed systematic reviews with meta-analysis about certain diseases in LAC countries. That information has been uploaded to a database. Firstly, an online interface has been developed in order to show interactive tables where rows, columns, filters and outcomes can be customized. Besides, the information that feeds each of those cells can be easily retrieved by the users. Secondly, a customized forest plot can be shown. Thirdly, a list of other systematic reviews and economical evaluations that were found in the performed systematic review can be seen. Finally, an interactive map with several graphics will help users to see distributions along the region.

Results: An online interface with the previously mentioned information.

Conclusions: The living tables, meta-analyses and maps allow researchers, decision makers and health providers to acquire some specific and detailed customized information, which fits their needs and convenience.