How has usage of full text Cochrane Reviews developed since 2011 and what are the factors that lead to an increase or decrease in usage?

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Stewart G1
1Wiley, United Kingdom
Cochrane Reviews have been published by Wiley since 2002 and can be accessed via the Wiley Online Library platform. Approximately 3.5 billion people (half of the World’s population) have access to full text versions of Cochrane reviews. The majority of users access full text versions of Cochrane Reviews by one of the following access options: a subscription provided by an institution; being a resident of a low- or middle-income country that is listed on the HINARI website or by being a resident of a country that has nationwide access provided by a funding body.

To analyse usage data from 2011 to 2013 and identify trends in demand and usage of full text reviews by geographic region and access option.

Visitors to are tracked using Google Analytics. The Usage Data Warehouse (an in-house system developed by Wiley) will be used to generate usage reports including the number of full text downloads, abstract accesses and instances of ‘access denied’ (where a user has attempted to gain access to the full text version of a Cochrane review but does not have a subscription to The Cochrane Library). Usage of Cochrane Reviews on Wiley Online Library is also tracked using Adobe Marketing Cloud.

Usage of The Cochrane Library has increased since 2011 but what are the factors that lead to an increase or decrease in usage in individual countries, and how much difference does the way users are able to access full text reviews make to the overall usage of The Cochrane Library? Full results will be presented once an analysis of usage reports has been completed.

Analysis of usage shows that there is increasing global demand for full text Cochrane reviews. Usage in individual countries can be affected negatively by a lack of funding or technical issues, and positively by the availability of training programmes, marketing campaigns, meetings and the Evidence Aid programme that raise awareness of The Cochrane Library and increase the reach of Cochrane Reviews.