Performance analysis: improving the pace and accuracy of production of systematic reviews

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Adams C1, Glasziou P2
1Schizophrenia Group Nottingham
2Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, Bond Universtiy, Australia
- present the production of a review as an analysis of an assembly line;
- discuss what bottle-necks there are in the swift and accurate production of best evidence;
- both present and explore solutions to these bottle-necks;
- plan for how these solutions could be carried forward.

We hope to have an entirely interactive workshop. The assembly line will be presented and some existing solutions discussed or demonstrated. Participants are invited to come with ideas or examples of how streamlining could be organised - whether in the question setting, registration process, training, protocol development, searching, data extraction, data entry, analysis, write up and the editorial process. It is hoped that the workshop will construct some practical and innovative ways to tackle the bottle-necks.