Writing and commenting on Plain Language Summaries (PLSs) to improve quality

Article type
Gyte G1, Struthers C2
1Pregnancy & Childbirth Group
2Cochrane Consumer Network
Objectives: The Plain language summary (PLS) is arguably the most widely read part of a Cochrane Review. It is intended to be easily understandable by the general public, is freely available globally, frequently translated, and reproduced in the press and in health-related websites. For this reason, a set of minimum standards (PLEACS) was developed for PLSs to ensure quality and consistence across Cochrane. This workshop will help authors write good quality PLSs and will also help those commenting to do so constructively.
Description: This workshop will involve a short presentation on the PLEACS standards for Cochrane PLSs. Also a brief demonstration of the tools available to help authors write effective PLSs, and the checklist to help provide constructive referee comments. In small groups, authors will use the tool to help write PLS either on their own Cochrane Review or using an example from the Cochrane Library. Managing Editors and consumers will use the checklists for commenting on two PLS chosen at random from the Cochrane Library. There will be feedback from the small groups to share what has been identified and to provide guidance and help to others in the workshop. The main suggestions from participants will be collated and shared more widely within Cochrane.