Methods for Cochrane reviews of diagnostic test accuracy

Article type
Takwoingi Y1, Macaskill P2, HYDE C3, Scholten R4, Reitsma H5, Whiting P6
1Screening and Diagnostic Tests Methods Group
2University of Sydney
3Exeter Test Group, University of Exeter
4Cochrane Netherlands
5Julius Center
6University of Bristol
Objectives: To train individuals interested in understanding key issues in the design and conduct of Cochrane Reviews of diagnostic test accuracy (DTA).

Description: The workshop combines our series of workshops usually run throughout the Colloquium into a one-day programme, and will be delivered through a mixture of interactive presentations, discussions and small group exercises.

The workshop is based on guidelines as formulated in the Handbook for Diagnostic Test Accuracy Reviews. Participants will be introduced to the process of question formulation for a DTA review; the methodology for quality assessment; the principles of meta-analysis and recommended statistical methods; potential sources of heterogeneity and methods for assessing heterogeneity; comparisons of test accuracy; and presenting and interpreting results.