Rapid review programs and methods research: description and discussion of the experiences from among Convenors of the Cochrane Methods Rapid Reviews Group

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Stevens A1, Nussbaumer-Streit B2, King V3, Gartlehner G2, Kamel C4, Garritty C5
1Cochrane Rapid Reviews Methods Group
2Cochrane Austria
3Center for Evidence-based Policy; Methods--Rapid Review; Cochrane West
4CADTH, Canada
5Cochrane Rapid Reviews Methods Group, Canada
Objectives: To introduce participants to rapid reviews, describe the experience of conducting rapid reviews from four institutional programs, and seek participant feedback on current rapid review methodological projects.

Description: Convenors of the Cochrane Rapid Reviews Group (RRMG) will introduce rapid reviews and describe their experience of conducting them. Convenors represent the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH, Canada), Cochrane Austria, Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU, USA), and the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (OHRI, Canada). We will cover a range of topics across several presentations, such as the evolution of programs, general overall logistical process for conducting rapid reviews, funding and staffing structure, end-user clientele, and methodological research that is underway. Participants will have the opportunity through a hands-on interactive exercise to provide specific feedback on current rapid review methodological projects.