Strategy sharing for increasing translation capacity and disseminating translated Cochrane evidence

Article type
Chen C1, Chen JK1, Ahn HS2, Mori R3, Ried J4, Kuo KN5
1Cochrane Taiwan
2Chochrane Korea
3Cochrane Japan/National Center for Child Health and Development
5Cochrane Taiwan, Taiwan
1. To share strategies for increasing translation capacity such as using volunteers or local resources.
2. To exchange strategies to disseminate translated Cochrane evidence.

Description: This workshop is for colleagues primarily from non-English speaking countries to share their experiences of increasing Cochrane translation capacity in their localities, and to develop effective strategies to extend Cochrane's influence through dissemination of translation products. This two part workshop will focus firstly on sharing experience of increasing translation capability and capacity. The second half will address effective strategies for disseminating the translated Cochrane evidence to promote the application among different healthcare system settings or context, including healthcare consumers. We plan to have slide presentation and group interaction in each session.

We invite participants to prepare up to 10 slides about their story, including lessons learnt and how they tackled the two issues raised above, to share with colleagues.