Global ageing: Defining the evidence agenda. Towards 2020, the WHO decade of Healthy Ageing: A Cochrane-Campbell response 

Article type
Marcus S1, Welch V2, Howe T3, White H4
1Cochrane Global Ageing/Cochrane Dementia group
2Cochrane Global Ageing and Equity Methods Group
3Cochrane Global Ageing
4Campbell Collaboration
With life expectancy set to reach 90 in many countries we need to set agenda for producing, synthesising and disseminating evidence that will drive the research needed to address the healthcare, social needs and inequalities of an increasingly older population.

This special session will provide an opportunity for a multidisciplinary discussion to explore thoughts, opinions, share best practice, network and collaborate towards the aims above.

Prior to the session we will:

Develop an evidence map of existing systematic reviews relevant to the scope of Global Ageing. Identify priorities for reviews by surveying policy makers, practitioners and advocacy organisations interested in healthy ageing (e.g. Better Ageing, International Longevity Centre, AgeUK). Commission and publish open-access social media pieces, e.g. short blogs, opinion pieces and showcase examples. We will actively solicit comments, discussions and contributions about these pieces on our social media platforms.We will analyse all contributions prior to the session and generate appropriate themes for discussion which we will present as a starting point to ignite the discussion. Participants will then join a table for 15 minutes for a themed discussion and then rotate to a second and third table to discuss different themes. Rapporteurs will summarise the discussion for each theme. The content and discussion of the entire session will be reported in real time via social media - text and images.

The outcome of the session will be:

To define the scope of high-priority reviews that Cochrane and Campbell could jointly undertake. To develop position papers or editorials for submission to open-access journals. To identify priority strategies for knowledge translation, across the six themes of the Cochrane KT strategy.Participants will be able to contribute to these outputs post session via Wiki and the Cochrane Global Ageing website and twitter discussions.