Qualitative synthesis with meta-aggregation: A practicum

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Lockwood C1, Munn Z2, Stannard D3, Salmond S4, Bjerrum M5, Carrier J6
1Cochrane Nursing Care
2Joanna Briggs Institute, The University of Adelaide
5Aarhus University
6Cardiff University
To be introduced to the principals and methods of meta-aggregation and software to guide and support qualitative systematic reviews (SUMARI).
To gain introductory-intermediate level experience and knowledge in qualitative data management, including identifying qualitative data, establishing the credibility of qualitative data, synthesising qualitative data, using the meta-aggregative approach and in developing qualitative summary of findings tables.
To increase understanding and experience in establishing rigor through appraisal, extraction and synthesis in qualitative systematic review.

This workshop is suited to novice/intermediate participants and includes minimal didactics; participants must bring a wireless-enabled laptop. An introduction and overview of meta-aggregation for qualitative synthesis will be followed by a series of brief, practical sessions using JBI systematic review software. Sessions will include a brief introduction to the theory and methods followed by practical activities on identifying qualitative data, extracting qualitative data, rating extracted data with a level of credibility and synthesising qualitative data. Brief discussions will explore and illustrate the applicability of qualitative synthesis to evidence-based healthcare, and to informing recommendations for policy and practice. Attendees will use the JBI-SUMARI software and maintain access for a further 12 months.