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Background: the notification, investigation and monitoring of occurrence of incidents with and without harm to patients in public health services is one of the primary strategies of the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health to improve the safety and quality of public health services. A computerized workplace system with intuitive and easily accessible features is a way of facilitating and motivating this notification.
Objectives: to describe the prototyping process of an information management system for the notification, investigation and monitoring of health incidents by adapting the practices, instruments and protocols of quality and patient safety used by public health services.
Methods: we conducted methodological research on the production of a technology with a qualitative approach in five stages:
1) analysis of the work process of the Quality and Safety Nucleus teams (NQSP) of the public hospitals of the Federal District (Brazil), in the handling of incident notification and investigation;
2) documentary analysis of the national and international instruments and protocols of patient quality and safety;
3) implementation of incident notification and investigation forms;
4) development of the medium fidelity prototype using the Pencil Project tool;
5) presentation of the prototype to the NQPS through deliberative dialogue.
Results: screens with layout, requirements and indicators consistent with the NQSP work processes used in incident management will support the development of a computerized system that will make the process of notification and monitoring of health incidents workable.
Conclusion: this effective technological tool is capable of integrating actions to interrupt and minimize damages from the identification and intervention of the risk factors and contribute to improvement of work processes related to the management of safe care in public health services.
Patient or healthcare consumer involvement: this study is relevant for patients because the product it generates will be a computerized system with intuitive characteristics and easy access to the population for the notification of incidents occurring in health services that have or have not caused damages. In addition, the system will allow the complete management of the incident, from notification to taking corrective measures that improve safety and quality of care. It is assumed that when risks are known, they will become part of the safety requirements and there will be a development of effective and rapid actions to reduce incidents because they improve the knowledge of professionals and managers.
Objectives: to describe the prototyping process of an information management system for the notification, investigation and monitoring of health incidents by adapting the practices, instruments and protocols of quality and patient safety used by public health services.
Methods: we conducted methodological research on the production of a technology with a qualitative approach in five stages:
1) analysis of the work process of the Quality and Safety Nucleus teams (NQSP) of the public hospitals of the Federal District (Brazil), in the handling of incident notification and investigation;
2) documentary analysis of the national and international instruments and protocols of patient quality and safety;
3) implementation of incident notification and investigation forms;
4) development of the medium fidelity prototype using the Pencil Project tool;
5) presentation of the prototype to the NQPS through deliberative dialogue.
Results: screens with layout, requirements and indicators consistent with the NQSP work processes used in incident management will support the development of a computerized system that will make the process of notification and monitoring of health incidents workable.
Conclusion: this effective technological tool is capable of integrating actions to interrupt and minimize damages from the identification and intervention of the risk factors and contribute to improvement of work processes related to the management of safe care in public health services.
Patient or healthcare consumer involvement: this study is relevant for patients because the product it generates will be a computerized system with intuitive characteristics and easy access to the population for the notification of incidents occurring in health services that have or have not caused damages. In addition, the system will allow the complete management of the incident, from notification to taking corrective measures that improve safety and quality of care. It is assumed that when risks are known, they will become part of the safety requirements and there will be a development of effective and rapid actions to reduce incidents because they improve the knowledge of professionals and managers.