Rede NATJus: a blog providing content on EBM and HTA for professionals involved with judicialisation on healthcare in Brazil

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1Centre of Health Technology Assessment, Hospital Sírio-Libanês; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp)
2Centre of Health Technology Assessment, Hospital Sírio-Libanês
Background: Between 2008 and 2017, the number of health-related lawsuits in Brazil increased 130% accompanied by an increase of 50% in all-cause lawsuits [1]. Several strategies have been implemented to understand the scenario and to identify measures to improve the judicial process in healthcare in Brazil.

Objectives: To present the implementation and the initial accesses data of a blog focused on evidence-based medicine (EBM) and health technology assessment (HTA) content for health and law professionals involved with judicialisation on healthcare in Brazil

Methods: Descriptive and analytic study conducted at the Centre of Health Technology Assessment (C-HTA), Hospital Sírio-Libanês (HSL, São Paulo - Brazil).

Results: In view of this new judicial scenario, one of the strategies was the creation of the Rede NATJus blog ( with EBM/HTA content and aimed at NATJus members. NATJus (Núcleos de Apoio Técnico ao Judiciário) are technical nuclei, composed of health professionals, who offer support to the judiciary during legal proceedings, providing evidence on efficacy and safety of health technologies requested from the government through the courts. The Rede NATJus blog, maintained by C-HTA of Hospital Sírio-Libanês, was officially launched on October 3, 2019 and besides EBM and HTA, addresses issues related to incorporation of technologies by the Brazilian public health system (SUS), health judicialisation itself and related courses/events as well. The posts are made available weekly and the most relevant ones have also been sent as newsletters to a mailing list of 4,000 users (previously identified or spontaneously registered on the blog's homepage). By March 12, 2020, 76 posts had been published and according to data Google Analytics, the 88% of accesses were from Brazil, 13.4% from USA and 2.1% from Argentina. The main access channels were email (newsletter) 50.8%, direct 21% and organic search 13.2%. Among the five most accessed posts, three addressed judicialisation and two addressed training courses in EBM/HTA. It is important to note that in the week before 12 March, the most accessed post was about the special series of Cochrane reviews about COVID-19 (23.7% of all accesses,

Conclusions: We hope that the Rede NATJus blog can be a reliable and an easy-to-understand source of information on EBM/HTA for professionals with interest in health judicialisation in Brazil.
Patient or healthcare consumer involvement:Rede NATJus can contribute so that the Brazilian judicial decision-making can be more efficacious, providing only technologies that clearly work and are safe to the detriment of those ineffective, harmful or presenting uncertain efficacy/safety.

Support: Brazilian Ministry of Health/PROADI-SUS.

[1] Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa, INSPER. Judicialização em saúde no Brasil perfil das demandas, causas e propostas. Available from: