Exploring the Efficacy of Mobile Technologies in Managing Care for HIV Exposed Children in Eswatini

Article type
Matsebula T1
1Young Heroes, Mbabane, Eswatini
"Background: The population of HIV-exposed uninfected (HEI) children expands rapidly. However, mother-to-child transmission of HIV remains a global health challenge despite being largely preventable. One main challenge being poor tracking and support for mothers to honour clinical appointments thus exposing the child to HIV vulnerabilities. Mobile technology has been increasingly adopted by humanitarian programs worldwide, for better programmatic design and improved monitoring and evaluation of programs. Phila Unotse project implemented by Young Heroes Organization supports the government of Eswatini to prevent new HIV infections and reducing the HIV vulnerability among young children where as part of the targeted population groups are HEIs tracked through Commcare mobile application.

Study aim: To ascertain the effectiveness of using Commcare mobile application in managing HIV exposed infants.

Method: Secondary data analysis of routine data collected from January 2023 to September 2023 within ongoing implementation of Phila Unotse project was explored. Trained Community Health workers identify HIV exposed children, provide consent to identified caregivers for enrollment into the project and provide health support to ensure that children stay HIV negative until end of exposure. An electronic appointment tracker (Commcare mobile application) for HEIs is maintained. Monthly, HVs review the online tracker to identify HEIs due for testing and provide follow-up and support to caregivers. HEIs who missed clinic appointments are visited and issued with referrals within 3 days and document on the online tracker.

Results: 399 HEIs were tracked over the 9 months period. In the first quarter of the year, HEI tracking was 100% with 99% HEIs testing HIV negative and 1 testing HIV positive and 0% missed appointment. The second quarter maintained 100% tracking, 99% HEI testing HIV negative and only 1 tested positive and was linked on treatment. In the last quarter, the project maintained 100% tracking rate with 0% missed appointments and all HEIs were on track with interval HIV testing.

Conclusions: Mobile application offers emerging solutions to support HIV prevention and keep HIV exposed children safe and healthy. Active tracking and support for Caregivers of HEIs ensured that they honor their scheduled clinic visits and kept exposed children HIV negative."