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Past infectious disease outbreaks have revealed a need to improve coordination of evidence-based research response. We established a ‘living’ rapid research needs appraisal (RRNA) for the World Health Organization (WHO) priority diseases as part of the Pandemic PACT program. This is a method for rapidly and robustly identifying existing evidence gaps to inform research prioritisation and coordination of research responses to new and (re-)emerging epidemics.
We developed the RRNA protocol in collaboration with multidisciplinary experts and piloted it on human henipavirus diseases. Teams involved consisted of a steering and coordinating group; information specialist; henipavirus disease experts and global systematic review teams. The pilot involved 15 pre-specified steps from the decision taken to start the process (day 1) through to the final report (day 5). The protocol specified domains for the RRNA to be identified from published literature, those included: clinical characteristics, transmission, risk factors, diagnostics, and social factors. Use of a global relay model and a web-based systematic review software (Distiller SR) enabled review teams’ collaboration across time-zones. This allowed for a 24-hour ""relay"" process where reviewing could continue uninterrupted. A data dictionary and extraction guidelines for reviewers would facilitate the process. Additionally, we used a data prioritisation step, where the identified data was continuously monitored, which allowed for modifications to be made to further extraction needs.
The main steps of the RRNA were finished in 10 days by 2 review teams with 13 reviewers working on screening and data charting in parallel. 84 relevant studies were identified, and data extracted. The process successfully could identify a number of evidence gaps against the pre-defined domains.
Our experience shows that it is feasible to conduct an RRNA within 10 days, but more time is needed for the analysis and interpretation. The pilot facilitated modification to the timeline of the planned steps. Time for screening and data extraction could successfully be reduced during the process by continuous data prioritisation. The use of a global relay team, and instant messenger were enablers.
Past infectious disease outbreaks have revealed a need to improve coordination of evidence-based research response. We established a ‘living’ rapid research needs appraisal (RRNA) for the World Health Organization (WHO) priority diseases as part of the Pandemic PACT program. This is a method for rapidly and robustly identifying existing evidence gaps to inform research prioritisation and coordination of research responses to new and (re-)emerging epidemics.
We developed the RRNA protocol in collaboration with multidisciplinary experts and piloted it on human henipavirus diseases. Teams involved consisted of a steering and coordinating group; information specialist; henipavirus disease experts and global systematic review teams. The pilot involved 15 pre-specified steps from the decision taken to start the process (day 1) through to the final report (day 5). The protocol specified domains for the RRNA to be identified from published literature, those included: clinical characteristics, transmission, risk factors, diagnostics, and social factors. Use of a global relay model and a web-based systematic review software (Distiller SR) enabled review teams’ collaboration across time-zones. This allowed for a 24-hour ""relay"" process where reviewing could continue uninterrupted. A data dictionary and extraction guidelines for reviewers would facilitate the process. Additionally, we used a data prioritisation step, where the identified data was continuously monitored, which allowed for modifications to be made to further extraction needs.
The main steps of the RRNA were finished in 10 days by 2 review teams with 13 reviewers working on screening and data charting in parallel. 84 relevant studies were identified, and data extracted. The process successfully could identify a number of evidence gaps against the pre-defined domains.
Our experience shows that it is feasible to conduct an RRNA within 10 days, but more time is needed for the analysis and interpretation. The pilot facilitated modification to the timeline of the planned steps. Time for screening and data extraction could successfully be reduced during the process by continuous data prioritisation. The use of a global relay team, and instant messenger were enablers.