What works in preventing radicalization, hate crime, and violent extremism: The Campbell Collaboration countering violent extremism (CVE) evidence synthesis programme

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Higginson A1
1Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; Campbell Collaboration Crime & Justice group
The Campbell Collaboration countering violent extremism (CVE) evidence synthesis programme is a global research initiative focused on building a robust evidence base for the prevention of targeted violence and terrorism. The research program was developed in consultation with the Campbell Collaboration Crime and Justice coordinating group and the Five Research and Development (5RD) Countering Violent Extremism Network (CVEN), a multilateral partnership of government home affairs/interior departments from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and United States.
The number of studies about targeted violence and terrorism has increased greatly in the past decade, creating a challenge for policymakers and practitioners to keep abreast of the influx of research evidence. The Campbell Collaboration CVE programme aims to produce rigorous and up-to-date evidence synthesis products to help policymakers and practitioners in the field of countering targeted violence and terrorism take into account the least biased and most scientifically rigorous evidence in their decision-making and to make the reviews easily accessible to these decision-makers as well as other researchers and concerned citizens.
Since 2018, the Campbell Collaboration CVE programme has supported the production and dissemination of over a dozen high-quality systematic reviews and evidence and gap maps to inform policy and practice. The authors of these reviews represent a wealth of international expertise and are supported by a team with unique experience in conducting systematic reviews, alongside partner stakeholders with expertise in CVE policy and practice. This collaborative process ensures robust evidence synthesis products that clearly articulate the policy and practice implications of the research.
Campbellā€™s multi-year program of evidence synthesis has produced systematic reviews on the risk factors, measurement approaches, prevention, and response to hate speech, cyberhate, radicalization, and terrorism as well as a comprehensive evidence and gap map on criminal justice interventions for preventing terrorism and radicalization.
This presentation will discuss program implementation with a particular focus on the benefits of collaborative stakeholder partnerships and present the key findings of the Campbell Collaboration CVE evidence synthesis programme to date.