Management of Vascular Anomalies and Hip Dysplasia in Children According to International Recommendations

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Melnyk I1, Lishchyshyna O1
1The State Expert Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine
Background: Management of different diseases in children is often complicated due to the lack of evidence concerning certain medical interventions in children, especially innovative ones.

Objectives: To develop up-to-date, evidence-based clinical guidelines and protocols of medical care for the management of vascular anomalies and hip dysplasia in children in order to provide unified quality care throughout Ukraine.

Methods: After the creation of the working groups on vascular anomalies and hip dysplasia in children consisting of leading specialists in the fields and senior paediatricians, the medical databases were searched for the best evidence. Unfortunately, the evidence for such clinical conditions in children is insufficient. This is mainly due to the complexity of performing randomised clinical trials in children.

Results: After the evaluation of the guidelines with the help of AGREE II, the clinical guidelines of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the International Society for the Study of Vascular Anomalies were selected for adaptation and implementation in healthcare settings in Ukraine. Both these guidelines emphasise that the main issue in the management of these conditions is early detection. For this reason it was important to introduce such medical documents in Ukraine.

The protocol of medical care for the management of vascular anomalies in children has already been approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the protocol on hip dysplasia in children is halfway through the approval process.

Conclusions: Introduction of modern medical and technical documents on the management of such conditions is an important achievement for the heath system of Ukraine. On the basis of the approved clinical guidelines and unified protocols each healthcare setting will be able to develop its own local protocols of care which will allow harmonisation of healthcare in Ukraine with best international practices.