Encouraging and supporting Australian policy makers to use Cochrane reviews - further reporting of a three year initiative

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Misso M, Brennan S, Green S
Background: The Policy Liaison Initiative is a collaboration between the Australasian Cochrane Centre and the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing (DHA) to encourage and support evidence-based approaches to policy making. Funded by DHA, the initiative aims to address barriers to policy maker's use of research evidence, particularly Cochrane reviews. Hence the Evidence- Based Policy Network (EBPN) was established at DHA with a dedicated website to disseminate project outputs including regular bulletins, web-based summaries of Cochrane reviews in National Health Priority Areas, seminars, workshops and a help desk.

Objectives: To evaluate the Policy Liaison Initiative and inform the design of future strategies used to encourage and support use of Cochrane reviews in health policy.

Methods: A baseline survey was conducted in October 2003 on knowledge, attitudes and current use of evidence by policy makers in DHA. Barriers to the use of evidence were also assessed. The survey was repeated in December 2004 with additional questions to evaluate the support and resources provided. To evaluate the initiative further, the survey was repeated in March 2006.

Results: Twenty-nine policy makers completed the baseline survey and 31 of 166 EBPN members (19%) completed the survey in December 2004. In the current evaluation, 17 of 184 (9%) EBPN members completed the survey. There was continued support for evidence-based practice and its role in health policy decision making. Interactive workshops and seminars were considered relevant and valuable. Five respondents reported having developed a policy proposal using a Cochrane review; of these, one had been implemented. Most respondents felt that the initiative should continue and were interested in learning or improving the skills necessary to incorporate evidence-based policy into their work.

Conclusions: The Policy Liaison Initiative has the potential to increase the use of Cochrane reviews to inform health policy and an evidence-based research agenda in a small sample of policy makers.