Equity reviews: challenges, opportunities and next steps

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Tugwell P, Petticrew M, Kristjansson E, Robinson V, Oxman A, Waters E, Armstrong R
Objectives: The goal of this interactive workshop will be to work together with participants to share ideas on the following key questions:

- What are priorities for systematic reviews on interventions to reduce health inequalities in both higher-income and lower- and lower-middle-income countries?

- What are the challenges in incorporating equity into reviews in both higher-income countries and lower- and lower-middle-income countries?

- How do we ensure that systematic reviews focused on reducing health inequalities are used? Who would use them? How do we create stakeholder engagement from the start?

Summary: To facilitate a thoughtful and productive discussion, the questions and accompanying background materials will be sent to participants two weeks in advance of the Colloquium. Throughout the workshop, participants will be invited and encouraged to share their ideas with us. As we proceed through each session, a list of recommendations will be drawn up. The workshop, chaired by Peter Tugwell, will be divided into an overview of the Cochrane Health Equity Field and its mandate (5 minutes) and three sections, one for each question. Each question will be introduced by a short presentation followed by a brief discussion:

- What are priorities for systematic reviews on interventions to reduce health inequalities in higher- (upper-middle and high-) and lower- and lower-middle-income countries (LLMIC)? (Facilitators: Vivian Robinson, Elizabeth Waters, Rebecca Armstrong. 15 minutes: 5 minutes presentation, 10 minutes discussion);

- What are the challenges of incorporating equity into reviews? As an illustration of one approach, we will draw from Dr. Kristjansson's recently completed systematic review on school meals, which was one of the first equity reviews. (Facilitators: Elizabeth Kristjansson and Andy Oxman. 25 minutes: 10 minutes presentation, 15 minutes discussion);

- How do we ensure that systematic reviews focused on reducing health inequalities are used? Who would use them? How do we create decision maker/stakeholder engagement from the start? (Facilitator: Mark Petticrew. 20 minutes: 10 minutes presentation, 10 minutes discussion).

We will also allow ample time at the end for a general summary and discussion (15 minutes).

Level of knowledge required to attend: intermediate.