How EPPI-Reviewer can support production of your Cochrane Review

Article type
Brunton J1, López-Alcalde J2, Thomas J1, Graziosi S3
1EPPI-Centre, UCL, London
2Cochrane Associate Centre of Madrid
3EPPI-Centre, UCL, Institute of Education, London
EPPI-Reviewer is a comprehensive online software package for systematic reviews and is available subscription-free via an Archie login for all Cochrane authors. EPPI-Reviewer and its integrated tools can be used to manage some or all stages of the Cochrane review process, and Cochrane Reviews can be transferred between RevMan and EPPI-Reviewer via Archie.

To learn how EPPI-Reviewer can be used to manage some or all stages of a Cochrane systematic review.

This workshop will show how EPPI-Reviewer can support all stages of the review process from bibliographic management, screening and coding right through to synthesis. EPPI-Reviewer provides a flexible framework for reviews, so the session will show how authors can organise their data extraction and synthesis according to user-defined criteria. The session will demonstrate EPPI-Reviewer’s integrated Machine Learning tools, showing how these can be used to speed up the study identification process and reduce manual screening workload. Many Cochrane authors are using EPPI-Reviewer, so this workshop will be an opportunity to provide feedback and help direct the program’s development.

This workshop will include an introduction to the latest version of EPPI-Reviewer, EPPI-Reviewer 5, which is co-developed with the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). This offers a new user interface which works in any web browser and contains new features, such as arm-based data extraction and automatic generation of PRISMA diagrams. Its architecture is designed with ‘living’ reviews in mind, so maximises efficiencies facilitated by automation and machine learning and enables users to maintain a constant ‘surveillance’ of the evidence base that they are interested in.

The workshop will include planned activities, so you are encouraged to bring your laptop (Windows or Mac) to the session so you can try out EPPI-Reviewer for yourselves.