What does it mean? Plain language summaries of advice on health technologies

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Harbour J1
1Healthcare Improvement Scotland
The Scottish Health Technologies Group (SHTG) produces advice to inform decision-making about non-medicines technologies in NHSScotland. For example, SHTG produced advice on the use of ultrasound in people with rheumatoid arthritis and on point-of-care testing for sore throats. Topics reviewed by SHTG can be technically complex and involve terms unfamiliar to healthcare consumers. In 2017 a pilot project explored developing plain language summaries of complex SHTG advice to improve clarity and accessibility.

To develop plain language summaries of SHTG advice for informed decision-making in NHSScotland

A template for plain language summaries was developed that included:

• A description of the condition of interest
• A description of the health technology, for example robotic surgery for kidney cancer
• The question that was addressed in the advice
• A plain language explanation of the advice given to NHSScotland
• Any future work recommended on the topic.

Volunteers, known as public partners, were consulted on the draft plain language summaries.

A set of guiding principles were created to support authors converting future SHTG advice into plain language.

Two brief plain language summaries were developed as part of the pilot project. Both summaries related to advice on the use of ultrasound in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

A panel of public partners, including public representatives who are members of SHTG, commented on the draft summaries. Comments related to the choice of wording, clarity of the advice, and tone of the summary.

Following the pilot, the decision was made to produce plain language summaries for all future SHTG advice. Feedback on plain language summaries will be available at the conference.

Advice on health technologies aimed at healthcare decision-makers can be converted to plain language. By producing plain language summaries it is hoped SHTG advice will be more accessible to stakeholders, including healthcare consumers.

Patient or healthcare consumer involvement:
This project was part of SHTG’s efforts to improve patient and public engagement in health technology assessment. Public partners were consulted about the pilot plain language summaries and future summaries of SHTG advice will be reviewed by public partners within SHTG.