Encouraging the use of EQUATOR Network reporting guidelines in Brazil

Article type
Riera R1, Pacheco RL1, Pachito DV1, Latorraca COC1, Martimbianco ALC1, Logullo P1, Atallah AN1
1Cochrane Brazil
The EQUATOR Network (Enhancing the Quality and Transparency of Health Research) includes more than 250 guidelines for reporting different study designs in health. Despite the existence of such guidelines, a considerable number of studies are improperly reported, undermining the reliability of their results.

To encourage and facilitate the use of reporting guidelines from the EQUATOR Network among Brazilian students and researchers.

To achieve this goal, we prepared and published a series of four articles in Revista Diagnóstico e Tratamento (RDT, published by Associação Paulista de Medicina since 1996). The journal is a quarterly Brazilian medical journal focused on offering updated medical content in Portuguese. It is indexed in the LILACS database, and is freely available in digital format (http://associacaopaulistamedicina.org.br/atualizacao-medica/revista-rdt) and also in apps for iOS and Android smartphones and tablets.

The series comprised four articles addressing, through friendly Portuguese text, the following: 1) how to report a case report or case series, based on the CARE guideline, 2) how to report an observational study, based on STROBE, 3) how to report a randomised clinical trial, based on the CONSORT statement and finally 4) how to report a systematic review, based on the PRISMA statement. Each article included a Portuguese version of the guideline, a brief presentation of their derivative tools and the link to the original version of the guideline.

This series seems to be a useful method for encouraging the use of EQUATOR Network reporting guidelines in Brazil and could be replicated in other countries where this practice is not yet routine.

Patient or healthcare consumer involvement:
This series may encourage the use of EQUATOR Network reporting guidelines in Brazil, making the methods from studies more clear and the results more reliable.