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Displaying 1 - 20 of 240 records Index
Poster Appropriate use of prescription opioids: how to do a systematic review of strategies
2015 Vienna
Irvin, Furlan, Van Eerd, Munhall, Kim, Danak
Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that worldwide 69 000 people die from opioid overdose each year; an estimated 15 million people suffer from opioid dependence (i.e. an addiction to opioids).
Objectives: To determine existing strategies, frameworks, collaborative networks…
Poster Effect of evidence-based medicine courses on informatics competencies of medical college students
2015 Vienna
Qin, Chen, Zhou, Wang, Chen
Background: Effective and appropriate use of information and communication technologies is an essential competency for all healthcare professionals. With the development of information globalization, the ability to acquire, process and use information is particularly important.
Poster 'Health in your language' by the Evidence-Based Medicine Unit to provide the best healthcare evidence for the community of Portuguese-speaking countries
2015 Vienna
El Dib, Betini, Cardoso, Modolo, Nascimento Jr
Background: Cochrane activities in non-English speaking countries is limited by the language barrier and usually low in comparison to English-speaking countries. Making Cochrane summaries more accessible by translating them into other languages, is likely to enable wider dissemination of these…
Poster A checklist approach to evaluation of scientific study protocols approval removes bottleneck and improves methodological quality: a randomized controlled trial
2015 Vienna
Kumar, Kosambiya, Reljic, Chenneville, Menezes, Mhaskar, Miladinovic, Djulbegovic
Background: Scientific Review Committee (SRC) members mostly use qualitative methods for reaching decisions (approval or disapproval) on study protocols. Checklists for reporting scientific studies have helped improve transparency and presentation of studies in the public reporting of research…
Poster A meta-study on teacher professional development activities
2015 Vienna
Thurlings, den Brok
Background: Teacher professional development (TPD) is considered essential for the quality of education. Several literature reviews have explored under which circumstances TPD is effective, yet they did not explicitly explore the methods and theories included studies used.
Objectives: We explore…
Poster A model for streamlining Cochrane Review production: year one of an NIHR programme grant
2015 Vienna
Kew, Welsh
Background: To meet Goal 1 of Cochrane’s Strategy to 2020, review groups face the challenges of identifying the most relevant reviews for production, and finding and supporting dedicated and skilled authors to complete them to a high standard and in a timely manner.
External review teams often…
Poster A network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of interventions for the treatment of rotator cuff tears
2015 Vienna
Gagnier, Beyene
Background: Rotator cuff tears are common and increasing in prevalence in our aging population. Rotator cuff tears can be treated through various surgical procedures and rehabilitative programs, many of which have not been compared directly to each other. Using a network meta-analysis allows…
Poster A new taxonomy of stroke physical rehabilitation to enable clinically relevant evidence synthesis within a Cochrane Systematic Review
2015 Vienna
Pollock, Campbell, Choo, Morris, Forster, Baer
Background: Clear, clinically relevant taxonomies of complex rehabilitation interventions are essential to enable objective evidence synthesis within systematic reviews. Definitions of current physical rehabilitation approaches are generally inadequate, lack universal international acceptance or…
Poster A novel methodological approach to synthesising the findings from quantitative and qualitative systematic reviews
2015 Vienna
Moore, Gwernan-Jones, Ford, Garside, Stein, Rogers, Thompson Coon
Background: There are few established methods for the integration of findings from quantitative and qualitative systematic reviews of interventions. This paper describes a method of overarching synthesis that we developed to bring together the findings from four systematic reviews about the…
Poster A pilot study on the system and execution model for health technology reassessment
2015 Vienna
Park, Park, Lim, Choi, Yun, Lee, Son, Lee
Background: The value of health technology change depends upon its life-cycle. A health technology reassessment (HTR) is essential in terms of overall life-cycle management of the health technology. Meanwhile, the National Evidence-based Healthcare Collaborating Agency has developed a system and…
Poster A pilot survey on the status of the local guidelines for healthcare workers at the Sichuan Tian Fu New Area, China
2015 Vienna
Wei, Fan, Mu, Tian, Zhang
Background: Guidelines for healthcare workers in community and town hospitals would benefit the quality and efficiency of healthcare, especially in prevention and control of non-communicable chronic diseases for those in less developed areas of China.
Objectives: A pilot survey of guidelines for…
Poster A search strategy to identify studies on the prognosis of work disability
2015 Vienna
Kok, Verbeek, Faber, van Dijk, Hoving
Background: Searching the medical literature for evidence on prognosis is an important aspect of evidence-based disability evaluation.
Objective: To develop and evaluate a comprehensive and efficient search strategy in PubMed, to be used by either researchers or practitioners, to identify…
Poster A survey of systematic reviews to identify items for assessing risk of bias in individual studies addressing values and preferences
2015 Vienna
Yepes-Nuñez, Zhang, Alonso-Coello, Selva, Schunemann , Guyatt
Background: Use of systematic review methods to synthesize evidence addressing distributions of values and preferences of patients and general populations is becoming more frequent, but there is limited agreement on how to appraise the risk of bias (RoB) of values and preferences studies.…
Poster A time sensitive, multi-disciplinary and collaborative method for systematic reviews enabling decision making in physical rehabilitation
2015 Vienna
Filion, Kairy, Caputo, Farley Chevrier, Brunet, Akué, Gendron, Bélanger, Visintin, Milette
Background: The CÉRIU, a Consortium of six rehabilitation centers, has been funded by the Institut national d'excellence en santé et en services sociaux, Quebec, Canada, with two objectives: firstly, to develop a Health Technology Assessment (HTA) team specialised in physical rehabilitation;…
Poster A triangulated approach for evidence-based practice in vulnerable populations with high blood pressure
2015 Vienna
Hong, Lee, Kim
Background: High blood pressure (HBP) is a lifelong disease and a key risk factor for cardiovascular disease, which is the leading cause of death worldwide. HBP is one of the most preventable causes of these premature deaths.
Objectives: This longitudinal exploratory-descriptive design used both…
Poster Access of evidence-based online databases among main and allied health professionals: a nationwide survey in Taiwan
2015 Vienna
Chiu, Kuo, Weng, Chen, Chen, Lo
Background: There are a variety of evidence-based online databases, but few studies have examined whether main and allied health professionals prefer different resources.
Objectives: The current study was to investigate the preference in accessing the online databases between main and allied…
Poster Accessing clinical study reports: potential to reduce bias in systematic reviews
2015 Vienna
Beaumier, Lawrence, Mintzes, Jauca, Wright, Perry, Turner, Puil
Background: Reporting bias is a recognized problem in many Cochrane Reviews, and could jeopardize the validity of their conclusions with implications for prescribers and consumers alike. Several currently available Cochrane Reviews of popular antipsychotics for schizophrenia have been criticized…
Poster Accurate diagnosis of latent tuberculosis in children, immunocompromised, and recently arrived people from high tuberculosis incidence countries: a systematic review
2015 Vienna
Tsertsvadze, Auguste , Pink, Court , Kandala, Clarke, Sutcliffe
Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality globally. Nearly one-third of the world’s population is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB). About 30% of all MTB-exposed people develop latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI). Three population groups, namely,…
Poster Acupuncture therapy for diabetic peripheral neuropathy: a network meta-analysis and methodology research
2015 Vienna
Xiong, Chen
Background: Well-designed multicenter randomized controlled clinical trials (RCTs), systematic reviews and meta-analysis could just assess two interventions treating the same disease. However, when there are more than two treatments for the same disease, direct comparisons between each treatment…
Poster Adult ADHD trials with methylphenidate have severely restricted study populations and should be revisited
2015 Vienna
Boesen, Danborg, Jørgensen, Gøtzsche
Background: There is growing recognition that ADHD persists into adulthood and the incidence of diagnosis increases. First-line treatment includes central stimulating drugs such as methylphenidate (MPH). Critical appraisal of current trials for national clinical guidelines encouraged us to review…