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Colloquium Abstracts
Trusted evidence.
Informed decisions.
Better health.
GRADE-Adolopment: A learning experience from Jordan’s guidelines on management of adult with diabetes
Quality of Technical Documents at the End of the Health Technology Assessment Training by Professionals from Different Regions of Brazil
“Evidence Tori dey”: Contextualising knowledge translation and communication of evidence for Consumers through Storytelling in treatment of malaria in Africa
A comprehensive review of the evidence regarding the effectiveness of community-based primary healthcare in improving maternal, neonatal and child health: Summary and recommendations of the Expert Panel
A single-centre experience using GRADE approach for the assessment of evidence on prognostic factors: sarcopenia in advanced prostate carcinoma
A systematic review of proposed approaches and exercises conducted for prioritizing topics or questions for systematic reviews
Advanced meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy: dealing with heterogeneity and test comparisons
An approach to assessing data richness in primary qualitative studies included in a qualitative evidence synthesis: a worked example
Appropriate use of prescription opioids: how to do a systematic review of strategies
Bayesian methodological approaches used in the design of contemporary randomized clinical trials: protocol for a systematic review
Craft with intention: Leveraging AI and technical writing instruments to elevate KT products
Disseminating Cochrane evidence
Effect of evidence-based medicine courses on informatics competencies of medical college students
Engaging patients, public and others in evidence syntheses: future research into methods of co-production
Exploring the Efficacy of Mobile Technologies in Managing Care for HIV Exposed Children in Eswatini
Improving medical content accessed by millions: Wikipedia and the WikiJournal of Medicine
Integrating modelling evidence in clinical guidelines: An introduction workshop
International Comparison of the Job Satisfaction of Nurses and Gross Domestic Product (GDP): A Systematic Review
Issues in interpreting and presenting patient-reported outcomes in Cochrane reviews
Issues in using, interpreting, and presenting patient-reported outcomes in Cochrane Reviews
Issues in using, interpreting, and presenting patient-reported outcomes in Cochrane Reviews
Judging the quality of evidence in reviews of prevalence research: adapting the Hoy criteria
Living Evidence to Inform Health Decisions Framework (LE-IHD): A practical interactive framework based tool to guide the incorporation of Living Evidence in the development of knowledge transfer products
Methodologies for critical appraisal of prevalence studies: a systematic review
Overcoming the difficulties of meta-analysis in psychotherapy
Scoping reviews versus systematic reviews: results from a scoping review of scoping reviews
Trends and hotspots of global ultra-processed food research (2010-2023): A scientometric study
US-PCG consumer involvement and outreach efforts
:[P04-33] A collaboration-wide survey of Cochrane authors
'A complete shift in ownership': valuing contributions from consumers and other stakeholders in systematic reviews
'Clustering' documents automatically to support scoping reviews of research
'Cochrane Lehrmodule': development and implementation of teaching modules in university-affiliated courses
'Consumers for the terrified' or identifying good practice in involving consumers in the work of Cochrane Review Groups
'Destaques Cochrane’: an initiative for making Cochrane Reviews more popular among students and health professionals in Brazil
'Fatal flaws' in randomised controlled trials of interventions for low-back pain
'Health in your language' by the Evidence-Based Medicine Unit to provide the best healthcare evidence for the community of Portuguese-speaking countries
'Hit, Miss or Maybe". An Analysis of the Usefulness ofCochrane Reviews to Commissioners of Health Care in one Health Region in the UK.
'Irrelevant’ or 'neglected’? An analysis of RCTs in the ARI Group
'Leaving no-one behind': applying an equity lens to Cochrane Eyes and Vision reviews on cataract
'Listen to my heart': qualitative researchers and people living with rheumatic heart disease (RHD) collaborate to provide guidance for future RHD research
'Other bias' in the 'Risk of bias' tool for Cochrane Reviews: a systematic analysis
'Portuguese Pills' by WhatsApp: a typically Brazilian experience
'Rapid review' methodology to inform a policy decision: when is it fit for purpose? A case study
'Real-real world evidence' to understand the use of health information systems for decision making
'Risk of bias' assessments for random sequence generation and blinding of participants and personnel in Cochrane Systematic Reviews were frequently inadequate
'Screen For Me': harnessing the efficiencies of machine learning and Cochrane Crowd to identify randomized trials for Cochrane Reviews
'Sometimes similar, sometimes different': a systematic review of meta-analyses of random and nonrandomized policy intervention studies
'Spring-cleaning' of Cochrane reviews and clinical guidelines in order to co-ordinate Cochrane reviews and clinical practice
'To fast or not to fast': Cochrane Nutrition and the Cochrane Fast-track Service join hands to produce a priority nutrition review for WHO
‘Buying’ into Cochrane: how do Fields measure success?
‘Discussion sections’: are we ignoring valuable insights into intervention effectiveness?
‘Dr. Cochrane’: an innovative approach to continuing medical education using Cochrane reviews
‘Extreme reviewing’: use of text-mining to reduce impractical screening workload in extremely large scoping reviews
‘Mindlines’ or ‘Bricolage’ - An ethnographic study of the social organisation of practice nurses' knowledge use
‘No more updates’: a descriptive study of the 126 ‘stable’ Cochrane reviews in March 2012
‘Teenevidence’: Evidence for Young People for Our Topics and Our Style
‘The Order of Cochrane’ - a new way to encourage students to learn about systematic reviews and Cochrane
‘Think Pink’ Bahrain and The Cochrane Collaboration: raising awareness among breast cancer survivors and clinicians to the evidence base for decision making
"Admissible Evidence": the nature of evidence in Public Health and Medicine
"Admissible Evidence": the nature of evidence in Public Health and Medicine
"Ergonomic interventions for treating work-related
complaints of the arm, neck or shoulder in adults"
"Global to local: contextualising evidence-based, comprehensive clinical guidance to support primary care reforms in four low- and middle-income countries
"Good practice statements" in Chinese guidelines: current status and recommendations
"Growing Pains": A Critical Review of the Literature
"Guidelines meet shared decision making. Happy ever after?"
"Handbook of Evidence Based Practice in Psychology : a critical need for educational material on EBPP in Portuguese
"How do we improve the quality of randomised controlled trials?
An example evaluating Chinese patent medicine for treating primary osteoporosis"
"Overcoming Distances and Lack of Familiarity:
A Case Study of a Transnational Collaboration for a Systematic Review
"Recommendations for the use of biomarkers for the management of
adults with sepsis: scoping review"
"The Cochrane Library is a peer-reviewed publication" – what does this mean in practice?
"The intervention is safe": recognizing and rectifying spin for harms in systematic reviews
"Weight of evidence" as an expression of clinical heterogeneity
“Info without side effects” – Development and application of a checklist for lay users for evaluating online health information
“It’s Not Smooth Sailing”: Bridging the Gap Between Methods and Content Expertise in Public Health Guideline Development
@EvidenceAid: exploring the social network of a humanitarian knowledge translation programme
1948 and all that. How far back should we look for RCTs and CCTs?
20 ways to move Cochrane evidence into practice: a celebration of 20 years of disseminating Cochrane’s research to the world—and how you can use what we’ve done!
40 Years of randomised trials in the New Zealand Medical Journal
50 Years of randomised controlled trials relevant to the care of schizophrenia: 2000 studies, 18 outcomes, 670 rating scales
50 Years of reporting of randomised controlled trials in general health care journals worldwide: how things have changed
A ‘living’ rapid research needs appraisal platform for WHO priority diseases
A 40-hour tailored training programme improves evidence-based practice (EBP) competences in clinical nurses
A Bayesian approach facilitates interpretation of results in meta-analysis: the example of periodontal disease
A Bayesian approach to detect outliers in Network Meta-analysis
A Bayesian selection model for incorporating prior information for publication bias in meta-analysis
A best practice implementation project: the health promotion module for frail community-dwelling older
A best-practice implementation project of the maintenance of totally implantable ports: Lessons from one high-volume centre
A better gold pan: capturing RCTs with more precision
A Bibliometric Analysis and Visualization of Based on SEER Database Research
A Bibliometric Analysis and Visualization of Knowledge Structure of Frailty
A bibliometric analysis of Cochrane collaboration and its products
A bibliometric analysis of the 100 most cited Cochrane reviews
A bibliometric analysis of Web of Science published literature on adverse drug effects
A bivariate meta-analysis of sensitivity and specificity: accuracy of maternal serum human choriongonadotrophin (MShCG) determination in the prediction of pre-eclampsia
A blog series by Students 4 Best Evidence: to explain and promote 36 ‘key concepts’ essential for assessing treatment claims
A blueprint for international collaboration on evidence
A call to heighten quality of education in developing systematic reviews concerning traditional Chinese medicines in China
A call to support Cochrane's social responsibility of improving health equity - the Equity Group
A Canadian example of facilitating the uptake of syntheses into public health practice
A case report on updating Cochrane Reviews
A case study exploring youth engagement with a social media-based science communication project on cannabis and mental health
A case study of diminishing returns: updating a hypothesis-generating systematic review with 'negative' findings
A case study of involving members of a parent advisory group in developing the search strategy for a systematic review
A case study on the reporting of effect size estimates in breast cancer trials
A catalogue of biases described in the literature, and their implications for ROBINS-I
A Central Cochrane Contacts Database - That Works
A central repository for data extracted in systematic reviews
A challenge to accepted wisdom: systematic review of 35 Years of cholera vaccine trials
A challenging mixed literature review experience
A checklist approach to evaluation of scientific study protocols approval removes bottleneck and improves methodological quality: a randomized controlled trial
A checklist for the assessment of published indirect comparisons and network meta-analyses
A citation analysis of Cochrane systematic reviews in Chinese Science Citation Database
A citation study of the proprietary Chinese medicine - Sweet Dream Oral Liquid in the treatment of disease related outcomes
A citizen science approach to crowdsource decision-making for a systematic review combining human, animal, and in vitro studies
A cloud computing database for data extraction in a Cochrane Review
A cloud computing database for data extraction in a Cochrane Review
A cluster randomised-controlled trial for alcohol-use disorders in HIV care clinics
A co-produced e-toolkit to support patient and public involvement in developing and promoting core outcome sets
A Cochrane Collaboration systematic review of melanoma incidence in randomized controlled trials of lipid-lowering agents
A Cochrane registry has multiple functions
A Cochrane Systematic Review of Stabilisation Splint Therapy for Temporomandibular Pain Dysfunction Syndrome
A Cochrane-driven scientific initiation
A coherent framework for choosing 'fit for purpose’ review methods
A combined database for meta-epidemiological research: characteristics of included trials
A common descriptive dataset for shared evaluation (systematic review) of interventions to implement clinical practice guidelines
A Community of Practice implementing evidence
A comparative analysis of systematic reviews published in Chinese academic journals and the Cochrane Library
A comparative study of publication bias in systematic reviews of traditional Chinese medicine and conventional medicine
A comparison between articles cited in well-renowned decision support systems for drug interactions and findings from a systematic review
A comparison of checked versus unchecked individual patient data (IPD)
A Comparison of Cochrane Reviews with Meta-Analyses Published in High Impact Journals
A comparison of different approaches for editing health-related information: An editor's satisfaction perspective
A comparison of different forward citation chasing tools for complementary searches for Cochrane systematic reviews
A comparison of duplicate detection automation tools: a head-to-head comparison study
A comparison of effect estimates from meta-analysis of published data and effect estimates from pooled patient data
A comparison of Embase randomised controlled trial filters
A comparison of Embase systematic review filters
A comparison of handsearching versus Chinese BioMedical (CBM) database searching to identify reports of randomized controlled trials
A comparison of handsearching versus MEDLINE searching to identify reports of randomized controlled trials.
A comparison of long and short quality scores of published trials
A comparison of MEDLINE, EMBASE AND CINAHL on searches for systematic reviews in respiratory health
A comparison of methods for meta-analysis of a small number of studies with binary outcomes
A comparison of statistical methods for identifying out-ofdate systematic reviews
A comparison of subgroup analyses in grant applications and publications
A comparison of the conventional search method and a technology-based tool approach for information retrieval in health technology assessment projects
A comparison of the Hartung-Knapp-Sidik-Jonkman method for meta-analysis with conventional frequentist methods: a systematic review of simulation and empirical studies
A comparison of two assessment tools used in overviews of systematic reviews: ROBIS versus AMSTAR
A comparison of two search filters for economic evaluations. The CADTH Narrow vs the NHS EED search filter
A comparison of two search methods for determining the scope of systematic reviews
A comprehensive approach to assess the existing evidence and appropriateness of anticancer drugs on advanced cancer: the ASTAC project
A comprehensive handsearch of controlled clinical trials published in otolaryngology journals in Spanish
A comprehensive review of the evidence regarding the effectiveness of community-based primary healthcare in improving maternal, neonatal and child health: Neonatal health findings
A conceptual framework of evidence synthesis for using real-world data to improve childhood cancer health outcomes and resource use in Egypt
A consumer-led project on evidence-based healthcare information for consumers
A core outcome set for asthma management: Consensus work across NICE Guidelines, Cochrane Airways Group and the COMET Initiative
A core outcome set for clinical trials on post COVID-19 condition: “what”, “when” and “how” to measure
A cost benefit analysis using beta-blockers as adjunctive therapy in patients with congestive heart failure
A creative way for knowledge translation: Using a short comedy play in local language to disseminate healthcare evidence to 'illiterate and semi-illiterate' villagers
A crib sheet for Cochrane Review authors’ use of trial registries
A critical appraisal of meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials - a cardiovascular perspective
A critical appraisal tool for systematic reviews of patient-reported outcome measures
A critical historical review shows mismatch between available evidence and related international guidelines recommendations: the case of advanced oesophageal cancer
A critical overview of the methodological quality of clinical practice guidelines for oral diseases
A critical review to nutrition clinical practice guideline
A critique and guide of methods to assess interactions in individual patient data (IPD) meta-analysis
A cross-sectional analysis of the use of data visualisation in scoping reviews and evidence maps
A cross-sectional survey of acute ischemic stroke trials indirect opaque reporting and suggests selective reporting bias
A cross-sectional survey of online applications for conducting systematic reviews based on R-shiny using the Mobile Application Rating Scale
A database of Informatics Evaluation in Primary Care
A database of systematic reviews in eyes and vision – a cross-section of the evidence available to underpin clinical practice guidelines and set the research agenda
A database to record the impact of fraud and misconduct in studies included in systematic reviews
A demonstration and guide to SCHARP, a software application for the analysis and plotting of individual patient data (IPD) meta-analysis
A Description of the high quality evidences for health policy research in China: evidence-based health policy research
A descriptive analysis of funding in research articles published in Revista médica de Chile between 2017-2021.
A descriptive analysis of non-Cochrane child-relevant systematic reviews published in 2014
A descriptive analysis of overviews of reviews published between 2000 and 2010
A descriptive analysis of pediatric trials published in 2007
A descriptive analysis of risk of bias in neonatal trials and the association with effect estimates
A developmentally appropriate care environment for adolescents and young adults (AYA) with cancer-A mixed-methods systematic review
A dialog with funders: What approaches and activities ensure research achieves its expected impact?
A digital map of systematic reviews on non-pharmacological interventions to inform policy making in infectious disease control
A discussion of the challenges in conducting a systematic review of adverse effects including randomized trials and non-randomized studies
A domain independent structured trial register
A family of different dissemination products from one Cochrane Review
A fast-track method of adapting clinical practice guidelines at King Saud University Medical City (KSUMC), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
A fine-grained and evidence-based knowledge representation model of clinical practice guidelines for Integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine using ontology
A flexible online tool for the management of complex evidence-synthesis projects
A forward search algorithm for detection of extreme study effects in network meta-analysis
A Framework for Choosing Between Multiple Interventions in Guidelines
A framework for deciding if individual participant data are likely to be worthwhile
A framework for determining the applicability and practical feasibility of a systematic review: experience from the area of risk assessment for food and feed safety
A framework for developing and implementing clinical prediction models across multiple studies
A framework for evaluating and distinguishing validity and generalization of prediction models
A Framework for Implementing Value-Based Healthcare in China
A framework for individual participant data meta-analysis in the presence of missing data
A framework for meta-analysis of prediction models for binary and time-to-event outcomes
A framework for meta-analysis of prediction model studies with binary and time-to-event outcomes
A framework measuring the influence of ECDC key scientific outputs on public health policies and practices in the European Union
A framework to identifying and characterise research gaps from systematic reviews
A framework to interpret external validition studies of prediction models
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