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Colloquium Abstracts
Trusted evidence.
Informed decisions.
Better health.
A meta-epidemiological approach for evaluating bias and small study effects in networks of interventions
A Meta-Epidemiological Study: Could Prospective Publication of Protocols Promote the Overall Reporting and Methodological Quality of Non-Cochrane Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis?
A meta-regression analysis of insulin and cardiovascular disease
A meta-study on teacher professional development activities
A method for allocating evidence in meta-analyses
A Method for Maximising Comprehensiveness in Systematic Searches, and the Utility of this Approach for the Cochrane Health Promotion and Public Health Field
A method for quantifying the generalizability of meta-analysis results in clinical practice: meta-epidemiologic cohort study approach with three eye-opening examples
A method for the rapid assessment of high-cost cancer drug indications in a hospital setting
A method of prioritising review topics: map the distribution of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in the Cochrane Review Group Trials Register
A method to aggregate results of trials with heterogeneous treatment modalities: a rheumatology example
A methodological approach for binary data to determine the extent of treatment effect in the early benefit assessment of drugs
A methodological research of non randomized controlled trials in network meta analysis
A methodological review of the time series analysis designs in guideline.
A methodological systematic review of 494 published network meta-analyses
A mixed-methods evaluation to improve the adaptability of WHO evidence-informed guidelines for nutrition actions
A model for network meta-analysis of rare events
A model for streamlining Cochrane Review production: year one of an NIHR programme grant
A Model for Timely Synthesis and Sharing of Evidence to Meet Health System Decision-Maker Needs
A modeling approach to derive baseline risk estimates for GRADE recommendations: Concepts, development, and results of its application on a guideline.
A modern analysis of an old meta-analysis "on certain enteric fever inoculation" : a tribute to Professor Karl Pearson's legacy
A modified test for small study effects in meta-analyses of controlled trials with binary endpoints
A multi-faceted provider education program designed for consistent, evidence-based clinical practice change within an integrated care delivery syste
A multi-layered approach to base decisions in systematic reviews and the GRADE approach: The Chilean National Guideline Program Case
A multi-method study to explore publication and related bias in health services and delivery research
A multifile search of five bibliographic databases for stroke trials
A national registry of clinical trials: an Australian experience
A nationwide survey of the attitudes of doctors and dentists in training towards use of evidence-based practice
A network for working nationally within the Cochrane Collaboration: the "Groupe Synthese" network
A network meta-analysis of prophylactic antibiotics for preventing post-cesarean endometritis
A network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of interventions for the treatment of rotator cuff tears
A network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of target therapy for mRCC
A new approach for explicit judgments of values and preferences: define the benefit required for an intervention
A new approach to ‘empty’ reviews
A new approach to assessing the limitations of ‘non-conventional’ evidence sources: the ‘Ways of Evaluating Important and Relevant Data’ (WEIRD) tool
A new approach to deal with the absence of clinical trials in systematic reviews: a meta-analysis of case series studies
A new approach to update Cochrane Reviews focusing on the 'Summary of findings' (SoFs)
A new candidate TB vaccine: systematic review of animal studies
A new definition of evidence in Evidence-based healthcare
A new evidence-based cancer care model for the Brazilian health system
A new format for Plain Language Summaries: does it improve understanding, and is it useful and preferable?
A new instrument to assess Risk of Bias in Non-randomised Studies of Exposures (ROBINS-E): Application to studies of environmental exposure
A new instrument to assess the credibility of effect modifiers
A new large-scale meta-epidemiological study on bias in randomized trials using routinely collected 'Risk of bias' assessments by Cochrane authors: results from the ROBES study
A new machine-learning powered tool to aid citation screening for evidence synthesis: PICOPortal
A new online course on Campbell Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Methods
A new resource in the enhanced Cochrane Library: Cochrane Clinical Answers
A new strategy for meta-analysis of continuous covariates in observational studies
A new taxonomy is proposed for defining the interests of stakeholders’ representatives in health research
A new taxonomy of stroke physical rehabilitation to enable clinically relevant evidence synthesis within a Cochrane Systematic Review
A new tool to assess risk of bias in non-randomized studies
A new tool to assess the trustworthiness of evidence-based point-of-care information for health care professionals
A new tool to incorporate implementation data into systematic reviews - applying the Oxford Implementation Index
A new tool to measure credibility of studies determining minimally important difference estimates
A new tool to measure credibility of studies determining minimally important difference estimates for patient reported outcomes
A newly established network for Japanese healthcare professionals for translating the Cochrane Database of Systematic Review abstracts
A NICE Collaboration with Cochrane
A novel approach to building evidence for improving communication about childhood vaccinations in low- and middle-income countries: the 'communicate to vaccinate’ (COMMVAC) project
A novel approach to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of a sequence of tests
A novel approach to evaluate the plausibility of causal relationships from non-randomized studies
A novel approach to mixed-treatment meta-analyses
A novel approach to presenting adverse effect Results: a case study
A novel method for benefit-harm assessment based on individual patient data determines benefit-harm balance over time
A novel method for modelling interactions between the components of complex interventions in networks of randomised trials
A novel methodological approach to synthesising the findings from quantitative and qualitative systematic reviews
A novel modality for evidence mapping in systematic reviews: Plotting-E-Map (PLOEM)
A novel modeling approach for producing treatment hierarchies in network meta-analysis
A numbers of randomized controlled trials reported in Chinese literature are not covered in MEDLINE
A numbers of randomized controlled trials reported in Japanese literature database are not covered in Medline
A overview of systematic reviews about patients' values and preferences with AMSTAR II
A panoramic view of rapid reviews: Uses and perspectives from global collaborations and networks
A passing grade? How risk communication strategies aligned with citizen's efforts to access health information during COVID-19: A rapid review
A patient and public involvement panel to explore complex evidence synthesis: a case study on hazardous and harmful alcohol drinking
A patient perspective of using evidence for shared decision-making in a medical consultation
A Patients Included Cochrane Colloquium: embracing diversity, accepting challenge!
A pilot Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) for systematic mixed studies reviews
A pilot project to create partnerships between academic and professional organizations to produce and disseminate systematic reviews
A pilot study of an evidence-based practice training program for Filipino physiotherapists: emerging evidence on outcomes and acceptability
A pilot study on the efficacy of shared decision making in nutritional consultant clinics for patients with diabetes mellitus
A pilot study on the system and execution model for health technology reassessment
A pilot survey on the status of the local guidelines for healthcare workers at the Sichuan Tian Fu New Area, China
A pilot to translate Cochrane Incontinence blogshots: does it sustainably help reach a more global audience?
A population based study of patient treatment preferences for prostate cancer: early results from the Prostate Cancer Intervention Versus Observation Trial (PIVOT) Registry
A population based study of patient treatment preferences for prostate cancer: early results from the Prostate Cancer Intervention Versus Observation Trial (PIVOT) Registry
A practical guide to expand integrated paediatric primary care: the PACK Child development process
A practical introduction individual participant data meta-analysis
A practical taxonomy proposal for systematic reviews of therapeutic interventions
A practical toolkit for clinicians to locate best evidence to improve patient outcomes
A practical workshop on how to use QUADAS-2 in a systematic review
A predictive modelling algorithms for meta-analysis Of individual patient data
A preliminary analysis on systematic reviews produced in China
A preliminary investigation on the psychological health status of SARS patients in the Chinese medical journals
A Pretrained Language Model for Classification of Cochrane Plain Languages Summaries on Conclusiveness of Recommendations
A principled and pragmatic critique of the use of confidence intervals and post hoc power analyses in systematic reviews
A priority setting tool for prioritizing review questions for systematic reviews in health policy and systems research: development and validation
A priority-setting mechanism for national evidence-based consumer health information: the criteria and their application to Cochrane reviews
A PRISMA assessment of the reporting quality of systematic reviews or meta-analysis of interventions on diabetic nephropathy
A program to evaluate Cochrane training for authors of systematic reviews
A project to help Cochrane Review Groups (CRGs) to improve the quality of Cochrane reviews on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
A proposal for a register of methodological research
A Proposal of Reporting Items for Evidence Briefs for Policy: RIGHT-EBP
A proposed framework for developing quality-assessment tools
A proposed methodology for assessing the effectiveness of geriatric services
A protocol for the practical application of human rights in World Health Organization guideline development
A provisional model for when to update systematic reviews
A QQAQ assessment of the methodological quality of systematic reviews of China health policy
A qualitative and visual assessment approach of evidence - exemplified by Xiao Chai Hu Tang formula for chronic hepatitis B
A qualitative systematic review of the experiences and support needs of newly graduated nurses during community service in South Africa
A quality assessment of Health Management Information System (HMIS) data for maternal and child health (MCH) in Jimma Zone, Ethiopia
A quantitative assessment of the quality of randomized controlled trial reporting in the urologic literature
A question of balance : Sustainability and Ethics of drug pricing : A Systematic Review
A randomised trial of integrated machine-learning for systematic review 'Risk of bias' assessments
A randomised trial of training student clinicians in how to facilitate shared decision making and communicate evidence: the ignored step in evidence-based practice?
A randomized controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of three knowledge translation and exchange interventions among public health decision makers
A randomized controlled trial of case-based small-group learning modules and/or individual prescribing portraits on prescribing behaviour
A Randomized Trial Of The Preference Of Gastroenterologists For A Cochrane Review Versus A Traditional Review
A randomized trial of the preference of gastroenterologists for a Cochrane review versus traditional reviews
A Rapid Horizon Scanning Review. Digital Interventions to Reduce Alcohol-Related Harm
A rapid review process for evidence aid (to produce a Cochrane systematic review): electric fans for reducing adverse health impacts in heatwaves
A rapid systematic review versus a Cochrane systematic review: An empirical comparison
A rapid, fit-for-purpose QES for a WHO guideline: processes and challenges
A readability assessment of Plain Language Summaries and abstracts of Cochrane Systematic Reviews published during 2019
A real-world example demonstrating the application of Cochrane guidance to ensure transparent synthesis of evidence addressing a broad policy question
A realist review of community-based participatory research in health: insights for synthesizing large, heterogeneous, and complex bodies of literature
A report of handsearching Chinese neurological journals
A repository of Cochrane nutrition systematic reviews: providing a nutrition lens on the Cochrane Library
A review of Cochrane methodology reviews: informing nomenclature, typology and reporting guidelines
A review of contemporary clinical study protocols approved by research ethics committees in Denmark to assess if earlier trials were cited
A review of methods used for hazard identification and risk assessment of environmental hazards
A review of online evidence-based practice point-of-care information summary providers: 2014 update
A review of online evidence-based practice point-of-care information summary providers: an update
A review of the biomedical journals in Japan containing the RCTs which may be useful for the Cochrane Collaboration
A review of the quality of tuberculosis costing studies
A review of tools for assessing the quality of qualitative studies: implications for systematic reviews
A review on healthcare prioritisation in low- and middle-income countries
A review on systems perspectives in systematic reviews
A Roadmap to Success: Strategic Planning and Performance Measurement for Entity and Organisation Administrators
A robust statistical modelling framework for random effects meta-analysis
A rough guide to implementation: the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) in Scotland
A rough guide to implementation: the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) in Scotland
A scale for measuring evidence-searching capability: a development and validation study
A scientific initiation underpinned in free Cochrane materials is feasible and effective in delivering high-quality training to undergraduates.
A scoping review of prospective meta-analyses in health research
A scoping review of prospective meta-analyses in health research
A Scoping Review of Published and Ongoing Prospective Meta-Analyses in Health Research
A scoping review of published literature on vector-competence characteristics for Chikungunya Virus in Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes
A scoping review of tools used to assess the quality of reporting of case report and case series studies
A search for studies on negative pressure wound therapy was complemented by the nursing database CINAHL in a systematic review
A search strategy for prognostic reviews and for reviews on diagnostic and prognostic prediction models
A search strategy for retrieving articles from the LILACS database in a systematic review of diagnostic accuracy studies: an experimental study
A search strategy to identify studies on the prognosis of work disability
A selection model to explore whether publication bias is more likely in two-arm and placebo-controlled trials rather than in multi-arm and head-to-head studies
A sensitive MEDLINE search strategy to retrieve studies of diagnostic imaging test performance
A shortcut for developing evidence based pregnancy guidelines by adapting already existing ones to local constraints in Belgium
A sign of the times: helping more with less
A simple adaptation considerably improves the performance of the standard method for random effects meta-analysis
A simplified search strategy for identifying randomised controlled trials for systematic reviews of health care interventions: a comparison with more exhaustive strategies
A simulation study of methods for imputing data from continuous outcomes: effects on results from primary studies and results from meta-analysis
A simultaneous comparison of multiple pharmacological treatments for bipolar disorder: an application of Bayesian statistical methods
A single versus multiple cut-off values in meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy studies
A snapshot of the review prioritisation work conducted by the Gynaecological, Neuro-oncology and Orphan Cancers Group since 2007.
A snowballing technique to ensure comprehensiveness of search for systematic reviews: A case study
A south-to-south collaboration: Localising a global health innovation - the PACK Brazil case study
A staged approach to Review Group registration - a case study
A Standardized HTA Report Summary for Rapidly Presenting Outside Findings
A statistical methodology to integrate the findings from studies of complex public health interventions
A strategy to increase partnerships between health care professionals and Cochrane Canada: online peer review modules for dietitians
A strategy to maximise data retrieval
A strategy to promote research-based nursing care: effects on childbirth outcomes
A study of evidence sources used in midwifery training and practice
A study of knowledge and attitudes toward evidence based medicine (EBM) among medical students and interns of the AMA International University Bahrain College of Medicine
A study of knowledge and attitudes towards Evidence basedmedicine (EBM) amongmedical students and Interns at Manipal University, India
A survey analysis of doctors’ and patients’ perceptions of shared decision making in China
A survey analysis of doctors’ perceptions of difficulties in patient involvement in clinical decision making
A survey analysis of patient for patient safety in China
A Survey of Characteristics and Potential Contribution of Registered Studies for 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
A survey of Cochrane editors revealed several problem areas related to time-to-event (meta-)analyses
A survey of patient-centered outcome for coronary heart disease
A survey of searching CBM and LILACS databases in Cochrane Systematic Reviews
A survey of systematic reviews to identify items for assessing risk of bias in individual studies addressing values and preferences
A survey of the awareness rate of GRADE in China
A Survey of the Effects of Sending Influenza A (H1N1) Evidence Through the Short Messages System to Doctors of Township Health Centers in China
A survey of use of Cochrane author resources by Malaysian authors
A survey on literature searching of systematic review in traditional Chinese medicine filed
A survey on medical students perception, attitude toward evidence-based medicine in a medical school in Taiwan
A survey on the exposure to training, practice and perception of health reporting among journalists in Malaysia
A survey on the methodology of nursing clinical practice guidelines in the National Guideline Clearinghouse
A survey on the registration of COVID-19 clinical trials
A synopsis of four Cochrane systematic reviews on bladder training and voiding programmes using metastudy techniques for qualitative research
A Systematic Analysis of Process Evaluations
A systematic and transparent process to support informed decisions for diagnostic tests in laboratory settings
A systematic approach to choosing outcome measures for meta-analyses of healthcare interventions
A systematic approach to identifying and responding to policymakers needs in evidence-based veterinary public health - food safety
A systematic approach to involving consumers in the review process
A systematic approach to the evidence based laboratory medicine in Japan
A systematic assessment of the quality of systematic reviews/meta-analyses on radiofrequency ablation versus hepatic resection for small hepatocellular carcinoma
A systematic literature review on implementation of cervical cancer screening and associated factors in Nepal: study protocol
A systematic method of identifying and prioritising research questions
A systematic overview of individual data from 100,000 patients in randomised trials: data management aspects
A systematic overview of school-based adolescent suicide prevention programs
A systematic overview of the effectiveness of audit and feedback to improve health care provider performance
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