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Colloquium Abstracts
Trusted evidence.
Informed decisions.
Better health.
ACURATE: a guide for reporting sham controls in trials using acupuncture
Acute Pain Assessment Tools: Quality Appraisal of Measurement Properties
Adaptation as method for clinical practice guideline development or implementation: a systematic review update
Adaptation of a British Medical Journal (BMJ) Rapid Recommendation: Challenges and perspectives
Adaptation of clinical practice guidelines to address wound management according to the ADAPTE-process
Adaptation of the European Guidelines on Breast Cancer Screening to the Tunisian setting using the GRADE-ADOLOPMENT approach
Adapting ADAPTE for faster guideline development
Adapting diagnostic review methods to summarise the properties of psychometric instruments: a case study of diagnosing postnatal depression (PND) in primary care
Adapting evidence-based peri-discharge complex interventions for reducing 30-day hospital readmissions among Heart Failure and COPD patients in Hong Kong
Adapting fishbone diagrams: a new approach for displaying findings of systematic reviews
Adapting foreign guidelines on post-stroke dysphagia identification and management to local context in China
Adapting global evidence-based practice guidelines to the Iranian health care context for management of female lower urinary tract symptoms
Adapting knowledge translation interventions for health equity considerations: an interactive workshop
Adapting national to international guidelines and back – an example on groin hernia guidelines
Adapting the GRADE approach to guide the evidence assessment in IPCC reports
Adapting the GRADE evidence-to-decision framework to facilitate robust decision-making : two case studies
Adapting the procedures of a hospital guidelines committee to International standards
Adding evidence from non-randomized patients to a randomized trial
Adding evidence to Wikipedia: edit-a-thon
Adding evidence to Wikipedia: edit-a-thon
Adding evidence to Wikipedia: editing workshop
Adding non-randomized and non-controlled studies to an existing review on the effectiveness of chronic disease management programs for asthmatic patients
Adding unpublished Food and Drug Administration (FDA) data changes the results of meta-analyses
Adding value to hand searching
Additional literature search in Cochrane reviews: how, what and why?
Addressing between-study heterogeneity and inconsistency in mixed treatment comparisons: application to stroke prevention treatments for Atrial Fibrillation patients
Addressing challenges in the conduct of a systematic review of clinical prediction models in rheumatoid arthritis
Addressing co-morbidities of spondyloarthritis through patient organization partnerships
Addressing confusion in evidence synthesis: developing a structured taxonomy for informing the synthesis of evidence to inform policy and practice
Addressing dilemmas and conflicting interests faced by Cochrane review authors
Addressing financial conflicts of interest: evaluating workshops with consumers
Addressing gaps in American Indian/Alaska Native cancer control and prevention
Addressing harms of screening – a review of outcomes in Cochrane reviews and suggestions for next steps
Addressing inequities in healthcare research
Addressing interdependency of data when conducting systematic reviews and meta-analyses
Addressing methodological challenges in evaluating diagnostic tests: Combining the GRADE approach and the RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method to produce clinical recommendations
Addressing missing participant data for continuous outcomes assessed with different instruments: a guide for systematic review authors
Addressing missing participant data in systematic reviews: Continuous outcomes—Part 2
Addressing missing participant data in systematic reviews: dichotomous outcomes
Addressing missing participant data in systematic reviews: dichotomous outcomes – Part 1
Addressing missing participant data in systematic reviews. Part 1: dichotomous outcomes
Addressing missing participant data in systematic reviews. Part 2: continuous outcomes
Addressing multimorbidity in or beyond guidelines
Addressing problems of non-transportability when combining treatment effects across patient populations in meta-analyses: a causality framework
Addressing racial health inequity: systematic review of systematic reviews
Addressing reporting bias in systematic reviews
Addressing resource limitations among systematic review groups
Addressing Results of Critical Appraisal in JBI Qualitative Systematic Reviews: An Analysis of Practices
Addressing the Dental Caries Burden in India: A Global Imperative for Evidence Translation and Implementation
Addressing the global health workforce shortfall by 2030: The need for intersectoral research evidence
Addressing the information needs of the lay reader: how much is enough?
Adequacy of information on funding and financial conflicts of interest in clinical trial publications and how to obtain missing information: methodological study
Adequate adjustment for confounders is vital for a valid interpretation of meta-analyses incorporating non-randomized studies
Adherence and quality of systematic reviews for automatically registered protocols: a PROSPERO register study
Adherence of Cochrane reviews and protocols to the Cochrane's risk of bias 2.0 tool
Adherence of systematic reviews on photobiomodulation to the protocol registration. Meta-research study
Adherence to IMMPACT outcome reporting recommendations among trials assessing the effect of opioids for chronic non-cancer pain
Adherence to non-financial conflicts of interest policy in Cochrane reviews where authors are also editorial board members
Adherence to PRISMA 2020 statement in non-Cochrane systematic reviews of interventions. A meta-epidemiological study
Adherence to reporting guidelines in biomedical journals of Latin America
Adjusted analyses in studies addressing therapy and harm: A users’ guide to the medical literature
Adjusting for bias in unblinded randomized controlled trials
Adjusting for exposure misclassification in an individual participant data meta-analysis of observational studies
Adjusting for indirectness in comparative test accuracy meta-analyses
Adjusting for publication bias in meta-analysis
Adjusting for publication bias: a multiple imputation approach
Adjusting trial results for biases in meta-analysis: combining empirical evidence on bias with detailed trial assessment
Adjustment for covariates in non-randomized studies: propensity score based methods vs classical regression models
Adjustment of meta-analyses on the basis of quality score ranking should be abandoned
Adolescent mothers’ access and use of maternal health services in sub-Saharan Africa: Scoping review protocol
Adolescents and young adults’ experiences of living with everyday pain – a qualitative metasynthesis
Adopting a knowledge translation framework and applying information strategies for fall prevention among hospitalised patients
Adopting an adapted approach to developing scoping review protocols: an experience report
Adopting an integrated knowledge approach to promote impactful systematic reviews and enhance evidence-informed health policymaking: reflections and lessons learned from a middle-income country
Adoption of automation tools to undertake scoping reviews
Adult ADHD trials with methylphenidate have severely restricted study populations and should be revisited
Adults with kidney disease and dietary recommendations: integration of quantitative and qualitative evidence to involve patient perspectives
Advance care planning in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients -A best practice implementation project
Advanced Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care Group (EPOC) workshop
Advanced EPOC Methods Workshop
Advanced meta-analysis 1: Random-effects methods to be implemented in RevMan
Advanced meta-analysis 2: Performing meta-analysis in the presence of rare events
Advanced meta-analysis 2: performing meta-analysis in the presence of rare events
Advanced meta-analysis of diagnostic test performance: investigating heterogeneity and comparing tests
Advanced meta-analysis—dealing with heterogeneity and test comparisons
Advanced Q&A session for Embase
Advanced searching for systematic reviews
Advanced searching masterclass: Cochrane Library
Advanced searching masterclass: The Cochrane Library
Advanced Searching on The Cochrane Library
Advanced workshop for Cochrane Trials Search Co-ordinators (closed)
Advancement of the methodological quality through a measurement tool to assess reviews: AMSTAR
Advances in guideline development: A scoping review of key innovations
Advancing Health Technology Assessment Knowledge in Brazil to Inform Health Decision-Making
Advancing methods for overviews of reviews: a discussion of challenges and potential solutions
Advancing quality in health policy decision-making in the face of uncertainty: an integrated review to characterize and address uncertainty
Advancing racial and ethnic health equity in systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines
Advancing research integrity: a programme to embed good practice in Africa
Advancing the methods of conducting a systematic review alongside a realist review: an example investigating 'what' interventions are effective and 'why' for improving outcomes for seniors with multi-morbidity
Advantage and disadvantage between GRADE system and CINeMA approach to rate the certainty of network meta-analysis
Advantages and challenges of including randomised and non-randomised evidence in a systematic review: example of advanced or metastatic renal cell carcinoma
Advantages of the meta-analysis of individual patient data: an example from superficial bladder cancer.
Adverse effects in systematic reviews: challenges for formulating the question and searching for different studies and sources of information
Adverse effects in systematic reviews: challenges for formulating the question and searching for different studies and sources of information
Adverse effects in systematic reviews: Challenges for formulating the question and searching for different studies and sources of information
Adverse effects of radiation therapy in vulnerable patients with head and neck cancer before and after the implementation of evidence
Adverse effects reviews of opioids - a key element for balanced systematic reviews and guidelines
Adverse events and adverse effects in systematic reviews: some methodological issues
Adverse events of antiepileptic drugs, across indications: Can randomised controlled trial data from non-epilepsy indications be included in meta-analysis for AEDs used in epilepsy?
Advocating evidence-based shared decision-making implementation for clinical teachers: A mixed-method approach
Advocating for Cochrane evidence: packaging Cochrane HIV/AIDS summaries
Advocating for greater evidence communication and use of evidence: new and upcoming GRADE guidance
Affiliational bias in arguments regarding the use of systematic reviews in health policy decision making
Affiliational bias in arguments regarding the use of systematic reviews in health policy decision making
African Community for Systematic Reviews needs assessment among researchers in low- and middle-income countries
African randomized controlled trials - too hard to find?
African Trials Register: 5 years later, where are we now?
After MEDLINE? Dividend from other potential sources of randomised controlled trials
Aggregate Data Meta-Analysis With Time-To Event Outcomes: A Tutorial
Aggregating published prediction models with individual participant data: combining models with different predictors
Aggregating published prediction models with individual patient data: A comparison of different approaches
AGREE II: Advancing development, reporting, and evaluation of practice guidelines
Agree instrument: A good instrument for family practice training
Agreeing to disagree: an analysis of the responses to critical appraisal questions in postgraduate students
Agreement and alignment: Current status of clinical practice guidelines within the Southern African Development Community
Agreement between data-based and opinion-based predictions of biases affecting randomised trials within systematic reviews
Agreement between systematic reviews (SRs) and clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) on drug treatment in acute stroke
Agreement in results data between conference abstracts and full reports of randomized controlled trials: should we depend on conference abstracts?
Agreement in the assessment of systematic reviews with the AMSTAR 2 tool: novice versus expert methodologists
Agreement of treatment effects from observational studies using causal modelling and randomised trials: Meta-epidemiological study
Agreements about risk of bias in randomized controlled trials on different interdental cleaning aids
Agreements on publication rights: an investigation of protocols and publications of randomized clinical trials
AHRQ EPC Methods Report: Characterising research evidence needs of hospitals and healthcare systems in the US
AHRQ EPC pilot projects: improving health systems' access to high quality evidence
AHRQ Evidence-based Practice Center and NIH Pathways to Prevention programs: A decade-long partnership in closing evidence gaps
AI for Dummies: Do DistillerSR AI Tools Improve Screening Efficiency for Evidence Syntheses?
AI in action: shaping the future development and use of guidelines
AI-driven assessment of the application of GRADE evidence-to-decision frameworks in German oncological guidelines
AI-Powered Dialogues with Scientific Literature: A Novel Approach to Risk of Bias Analysis Using ROB 2 in PDF Articles
Alendronate for prevention and treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis
Algorithms for reaching risk-of-bias judgments in randomised trials
Alive: A new collaborative approach for ensuring users have the evidence they need, when they need it.
All that glitters is not gold: predatory journals may be open access, but not openly accessible
All together now, a global perspective: inclusion of HTA recommendations into guidelines, assessments for currency, and triggers for updates
Allowing for both relevance and rigour in evidence synthesis – a bivariate power prior approach
ALOIS Community
ALOIS, ScreenToGo and the Cochrane Register of Studies: using mobile technology to engage and involve consumers in the work of the Cochrane Collaboration
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with type-2 diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Alternative distributions for random effects meta-analysis model
Alternative methods for conducting qualitative syntheses: Primary data versus published findings
Alternative strategy to ensure patient perspective in Clinical Practice Guideline: the case of Brucellosis in Brazilian Unified Health System
Alternative strategy to identify systematic reviews in the context of a guideline
Alternative Therapies for Viral Hepatitis in Chinese Textbook of Infectious Diseases: What is the Evidence?
Aluminium therapy in the prevention and treatment of silicosis: used for over 30 years in Canada but generally rejected elsewhere.
Amalgamating individual patient data for meta-analysis: An IT perspective
Ambiguity of study population analysis and reporting in asthma clinical trials
Aminopyridines for symptomatic treatment in multiple sclerosis
Amiodarone for arrhythmia in Chagas patients: A systematic review and individual patient meta-analysis
AMSTAR 2 and ROBIS tools: our first-hand experience
AMSTAR-2’s inter-rater reliability for quality assessment in an overview of interventions to prevent adverse events in the ICU
AMSTAR: helping decision makers distinguish high and low quality systematic reviews that include non-randomized studies
AMSTAR2 or ROBIS to teach evidence synthesis?
An ‘all-in-one’ meta-analysis model: joint synthesis of multiple outcomes to compare multiple interventions
An accessible method Of further regression analysis within Cochrane reviews: The problem Of demonstrating equivalence
An adaptable framework for analysing diversity, context and inequalities in systematic reviews
An algorithm to assign GRADE levels of evidence to comparisons within systematic reviews
An alternative method for presenting assessments of risk of bias in systematic reviews of diagnostic test accuracy studies
An AMSTAR assessment of the methodological quality of systematic reviews of nursing interventions published in China
An analysis of randomized controlled trials of tuberculosis prophylaxis and treatment in Africa
An analysis of the current situation of evidence-based methodology of clinical guidelines in China
An analysis Of the neurological Cochrane review group modules
An analysis of the transparency of narrative synthesis methods in systematic reviews of quantitative data
An analysis of theory building in realist synthesis: perspectives from the literature
An analytical apparatus for including and presenting art-research evidence in a systematic review
An analytical apparatus for including art-research evidence in a systematic review
An approach for eliciting utilities for patients’ health outcomes with guideline panels
An approach for systematic review teams to engage policymakers and stakeholders: from question selection to knowledge translation
An approach to deal with the absence of cohort studies in prognosis systematic reviews: a meta-analysis of cross-sectional studies
An approach to disinvestment: an Italian experience
An approach to evaluate the quality of evidence from a network meta-analysis
An assessment of the design-by-treatment interaction model for network meta-analysis inconsistency
An assessment of the performance of meta-analytical methods for pooling intervention effects based on continuous data
An audit of the data structures of four international clinical trial registries
An education and skills-building program to deliver competent, confident, and efficient evidence-users
An educational package for the management of menorrhagia in the East Anglian region
An effective model for training social workers in evidence-based practice in Korea
An efficient approach to identify eligible studies for 102 PICO (population, intervention, control, outcome) questions
An efficient search strategy identifying primary papers on diagnostic test evaluations
An effort in promoting evidence-informed decision making in health and education: experience from Thailand
An effort of evidence-based medicine in Brazil to provide the best healthcare evidence for the community of Portuguese-speaking countries
An electronic data repository of randomized controlled trials for the treatment of depressive disorders
An emerging digital and trustworthy evidence ecosystem for malaria: Rapid creation and dissemination of trustworthy recommendations in Africa
An empirical assessment of bivariate methods for meta-analysis of test performance
An empirical assessment of minimal important differences in network meta-analysis
An empirical assessment of the validity of uncontrolled comparisons of the accuracy of diagnostic tests
An empirical comparison of methods for meta-analysis of studies of diagnostic accuracy
An empirical comparison of univariate and multivariate meta-analysis for categorical outcomes
An empirical investigation of clinical trialists' views regarding methods to conceal allocation
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