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Colloquium Abstracts
Trusted evidence.
Informed decisions.
Better health.
An empirical investigation of the impact of different methods for synthesising evidence in a network meta-analysis
An empirical investigation of the potential impact of selective inclusion of results in systematic reviews of interventions
An empirical study investigating the extent of heterogeneity, inconsistency and potential limitations in networks of interventions published in 2013
An empirically defined decision tree to predict systematic reviews at risk of change in conclusion
An environmental scan for training programs in medical writing and publishing and a systematic review of their effectiveness
An equity focused approach for systematic reviews: using community dialogue to interpret the implications of findings for safety and security of immigrant children and youth
An equity lens for identifying priority topics for Cochrane reviews
An evaluation Of a teacher vision awareness programme (TVAP),implemented by preschool teachers to detect vision problems in pre-school children in Kwa Zulu-Natal, South Africa
An evaluation of emergency guidelines issued by WHO in response to the 2015-16 Zika virus outbreak
An evaluation of harvest plots to display results of meta-analyses in overviews of reviews
An evaluation of interventions to reduce the use of tobacco products
An evaluation of large studies and meta-analyses of smaller studies
An Evaluation of Methodological and Reporting Quality of Guidelines in Rare Disease
An evaluation of the EBM Guidelines database by French GPs
An evaluation of the RHL by new users in a low income setting.
An evaluation of theoretical and operational fidelity of best-practice implementation studies conducted in low- and middle-income economies
An evaluation study of using semi-automation systematic tools for effective Health Technology Assessment in Korea
An Evaluative system and Effects Research of Problem Based Learning
An Evidence Ecosystem Evaluation for the Prevention and Control of Healthcare-Acquired Infections in China
An evidence gap map of interventions for noncommunicable diseases and risk factors among children and adolescents
An evidence map of studies evaluating methods for conducting, interpreting, and reporting overviews of systematic reviews
An evidence partnership informing solutions for youth unemployment
An evidence-based approach to scoping reviews
An Evidence-based Evaluation of AI Voice Follow-up System's Impact on Postoperative Care and Prognosis in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients
An evidence-based novelty model for the incorporation of evidence in pharmaceutical policy
An evidence-based pre-clinical and clinical remote service transforming healthcare in a city in the south of Brazil
An evidence-informed and stakeholder co-designed physical and community mobility intervention for older adults facing health inequities: the EMBOLDEN study
An evidence-informed approach to SDG 7: a call for action based on results from a synthesis project
An Evidence-Informed Approach to SDG 7: A call for action based on results from a synthesis project
An evolving partnership between policy-makers and researchers in prioritisation, production and dissemination of systematic reviews: lessons learned from Norway
An examination of the impact of different types of trial materials included in the Cochrane reviews of interventions for treating distal radial fracture in adults
An example of policy makers as consumers throughout the systematic-review cycle
An experience of producing a group of diagnostic test accuracy reviews on the diagnosis and staging of skin cancer
An experience of retrieving clinical trials on the drug therapy in acute ischemic stroke using the Japanese medical database
An Explicit Approach to Applying the Results of Cochrane Reviews to High-Risk Populations
An exploration of knowledge translation in a wider audience by holding Cochrane evidence dissemination competitions via social media in China
An exploration of non-dissemination in qualitative research: viewpoints of editors and peer reviewers
An exploratory analysis for identifying factors associated with the primary care physicians’ interpretation of the rigor of overstated abstract conclusions
An exploratory analysis of lumping and splitting in systematic reviews
An extrapolation checklist to answer 'Can I use the results of this systematic review in a disadvantaged population?’
An holistic research design for Integrative Medicine
An implementation model of integrating Traditional Chinese medicine for behavior change in China smoking cessation
An individual patient data collaboration for malaria treatment
An Initial analysis on the status quo of applying diagnosis test in imaging scientific study in China
An initiative to provide evidence-based support for judicial decision on healthcare in Brazil
An innovative approach for getting research evidence in development projects for development agency work
An innovative box plot for assessing data trends associated with selective dissemination of evidence
An innovative tool for incorporating risk of bias ratings into the GRADE assessment
An integrative and collaborative approach to equity-based knowledge mobilization and dissemination: advancing the Canadian Guidelines for Post COVID-19 Condition (CAN-PCC)
An interactive hypertext database of synoptic summaries of cardiovascular clinical trials
An interactive tool for visualizing design heterogeneity in clinical trials
An interactive web application to aid diagnostic test accuracy meta-analysis
An interdisciplinary evidence-based education workshop: an 8-year experience in a Mexican university
An international register of ongoing systematic reviews
An international survey reveals current worldwide practice for rapid reviews (RR) of diagnostic tests
An introduction to literature searching for systematic reviews
An introduction to narrative synthesis of quantitative data: a participatory workshop using a worked example from public health
An introduction to narrative synthesis of quantitative data: a participatory workshop using a worked example from public health
An introduction to rapid reviews: developing timely evidence summaries for decision makers (a Cochrane Rapid Reviews Methods Group (RRMG) workshop)
An introduction to rapid reviews: Developing timely evidence summaries for decision makers (A Cochrane Rapid Reviews Methods Group Workshop)
An introduction to rapid reviews: developing timely evidence summaries for decision-makers (a Cochrane Rapid Reviews Methods Group (RRMG) workshop)
An introduction to systematic reviews of prognosis and prognostic factors
An introduction to systematic reviews of prognostic studies
An introduction to systematic reviews of prognostic studies
An introduction to using realist review
An inventory of methods for overviews of systematic reviews of interventions: mapping the evidence for the methods
An investigation into public opinion of embedded rooftop photovoltaic systems in Stellenbosch to interrogate policy effectiveness
An investigation into the assessment and reporting of harms in clinical studies
An investigation of the type I error rate when testing for subgroup differences in the context of random-effects meta-analyses
An investigation on the quality of randomized controlled trials in 11 non key medical journals of traditional Chinese medicine from 1995 to 2000
An online implementation of the ROBINS-I (risk of bias in non-randomized studies – of interventions) tool
An online tool to assess the potential impact of missing outcome data on the estimates of treatment effect of trials
An open competition involving thousands of competitors failed to construct useful search filters for new diagnostic test accuracy systematic reviews
An opportunity to learn more about and pilot ROBIS, a new tool to assess the risk of bias in a systematic review
An opportunity to pilot QUADAS-3: updated tool to evaluate risks of bias and applicability concerns in diagnostic test accuracy studies
An overview of Cochrane reviews of predictive, prognostic or prognostic modelling studies
An overview of evidence-based clinical studies on fasting therapy
An overview of randomized controlled trials in non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
An overview of reports evaluating the quality or reporting of systematic reviews
An overview of systematic reviews on mental healthcare for refugees and asylum seekers
An overview of systematic reviews on peripartum antiretroviral therapies for preventing the risk of mother-to-child transmission of HIV
An overview of the efficacy and safety of alpha-glucosidase inhibitors for the patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus based on the RCTs conducted in Japan
An Overview of the Evidence for the Clinical Practice Guidelines in Rare Disease
An overview of the Summary Guidelines developed by the Brazilian Ministry of Health in 2023
An quality assurance program evaluating prescription for tardive dyskinesia in French psychiatric hospitals: integration of Cochrane systematic reviews as an evidence-based reference
An umbrella review of randomized evidence in the field of solid organ transplantation
An umbrella study of meta-analyses on global health outcomes in the field of ultra-processed foods
An unusual diagnostic test accuracy review: challenges in study identification, data extraction and quality assessment
An updated review of the development of Evidence-based pharmacy: definition, practice and research
Anaesthesiologic treatment for patients with chronic benign low back pain: a systematic review
Analgesic Effect Of Tap And Ql Block Are Not Clinically Meaningful For Laparoscopic Nephrectomy: Systematic Review And Network Meta-analysis.
Analysing and presenting results from systematic reviews of complex interventions
Analysing rank statistics: The Cochrane Kit Kat Trial
Analysing systematic reviews of different types of diagnostic studies
Analysing the Altmetric scores of articles from the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Analysing the growth in impact of the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR)
Analysing the impact factor of the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR)
Analysing the source of evidence from Chinese clinical practice guidelines based on Traditional Chinese Medicine interventions
Analysis and assessment of systematic reviews of Chinese herbal medicine published in Cochrane Library
Analysis for the composition of the guideline-development group
Analysis of clinical guidelines developed based on evidence in China
Analysis of conflicting results of 2 non-randomized controlled trials
Analysis of continuous outcomes when a large proportion of the data are zeroes
Analysis of Knowledge-attitude-practice Behavior and Influencing Factor for “Internet Hospital” in Community Residents in Guangzhou
Analysis of participants with potential missing outcome data in 653 trials: a methodological survey
Analysis of prospective/retrospective registration trends on the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR) from 2006-2015
Analysis of publication characteristics for Campbell systematic reviews
Analysis of quality assessment tools in Campbell systematic reviews
Analysis of randomized controlled trials on the effects of exercise training on the bone mass in pre- and post-menopausal women
Analysis of randomized controlled trials published from India by Indian physiotherapists in PubMed and PEDro database
Analysis of research designs to support nursing or medical care
Analysis of the current status of Internet use and its impact on depressive symptoms among Chinese elderly people
Analysis of the evidence sources of recommendations in integrative medicine guidelines
Analysis of the graphic report of results of randomized clinical trials in manual therapy: a methodological review
Analysis of the level of evidence included in the recommendations given during health-based news reports on Brazilian television
Analysis of the proportion, role, function, and reporting quality of patient and public involvement (PPI) in systematic reviews and meta-analyses: A cross-sectional study
Analysis of the quality of reporting and risk of bias of Clinical Trials published in Latin American Nursing Journals
Analysis of the report of the information necessary for the interpretation of the results in randomized clinical trials in manual therapy
Analysis of the Trials on the Cochrane Consumers and Communication Review Group (CCCRG) Specialised Register
Analysis of treatment description in RCTs in physiotherapy
Analysis on the current status of research on the implementation of domestic education poverty alleviation policies
Analysis the status quo of using network meta-analysis in guidelines
Analytic methods to bridging the gap between randomized controlled trials and observational studies
Analytical validity of molecular techniques for BRCA1 and BRCA2 genetic testing for breast and ovarian cancer: a systematic review
Analyzing the quality of clinical randomized control trial of Traditional Chinese Medicine for coronary heart disease (CHD)
Ankle brachial index to predict cardiovascular events in primary health care, a systematic review
Annotating Cochrane systematic reviews of interventions
Another decision to evaluate: choice of standardized mean difference effect size estimator
Answering clinical questions at the point of care using Cochrane evidence
Answering questions put forward by local musculoskeletal pain clinicians in the UK
Answering the call: responsive evidence generation for guideline developers
Antenatal care strategies to improve perinatal and newborn outcomes
Antenatal corticosteroids to prevent adverse perinatal outcomes in the presence of preterm prelabour rupture of the membranes (pPROM). Meta-analyses including unpublished data
Anti-TNF pivotal studies: Psoriatic patients’ nebulous data
Antibiotics versus Placebo in the Common Cold
Anticipating policy makers' needs: moving toward health intelligence at WHO/Europe
Antidepressants for the treatment of bulimia nervosa (BN)
Antidepressants versus psychtherapy for the treatment of bulimia nervosa (BN)
Antiepileptic drug monotherapy for epilepsy: an updated network meta-analysis of individual participant data
Antilibidinal managements of disorders of sexual preference and those who have been convicted of sexual offences
Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern of Enterobacteriaceae isolated from Urine and Stool Samples of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Fako Division, Cameroon
Antiphospholipid syndrome – Cochrane reviews in primary and secondary prevention vs. non-Cochrane reviews and practice guidelines on similar topics
Antiracism in critical appraisal: an overview of tools and checklists
Anywhere Cochrane Reviews: responsive web design, the 'connected article' and Cochrane evidence
Applicability and clinical relevance of results in randomised controlled trials. The Cochrane review on exercise therapy for low back pain as an example
Applicability and usability of rapid systematic reviews for rapid guidance development in health care and policy settings
Applicability of Cochrane reviews in a developing country setting- a pilot study
Applicability of R-AMSTAR instrument to appraise systematic reviews
Applicability of the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS) for rating quality of cohort studies: using studies regarding the predictors of returning to work after traumatic limb injuries for example
Application of Interpretable Machine Learning Method to Predict Risk of Death in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction and Diabetes Mellitus
Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in living evidence synthesis
Application of Artificial intelligence in the postoperative of knee arthroplasty: a meta-analysis and systematic review
Application of Bayesian methods in public health systematic reviews
Application of Case Report (CARE) guidelines in nursing Science Citation Index (SCI-index) journals
Application of diagnostic accuracy methods in a health systems context: task-shifting of diagnostic procedures
Application of evidence-based medicine to drug policy making in China
Application of evidence-based quality control circle in cardiac exercise rehabilitation of hospitalized patients after PCI of acute myocardial infarction
Application of GRADE 2: Making evidence-based recommendations about acupuncture for stroke rehabilitation
Application of GRADE in hematological malignancy: watchful waiting vs. immediate systemic treatment in indolent non-Hodgkins lymphoma
Application of multi-criteria decision analysis in drug reimbursement: a systematic review
Application of QUADAS-C and GRADE in a Cochrane DTA Review: Comparison of lipoarabinomannan assays for tuberculosis in adults living with HIV
Application of systematic review methodology to scope the development of a national nutrition policy
Application of text mining and machine learning for problem formulation in systematic reviews
Application of the GRADE method in public health: a bibliometric study of the 87 systematic reviews in Cochrane Library
Application of the GRADE methodology to Cochrane diagnostic test accuracy reviews
Application of the GRADE-ADOLOPMENT approach to develop Clinical Practice Guidelines for chronic non-cancer pain in Spain
Application of the Knowledge to Action cycle in a Public Health Setting
Applications and challenges of knowledge translation and dissemination in clinical research: a qualitative analysis
Applying a stepwise appraisal tool to determine the usefulness of systematic reviews in health technology assessments
Applying AI to Expedite Full-Text Screening in a Systematic Review on Amyloidosis – A Comparative Study
Applying an Algorithm for Incorporating Economic Evidence into Clinical Practice Guidelines: the Spanish Guideline for Management of Chronic Non-Cancer Pain
Applying an equity framework to assess race-aware recommendations in clinical guidelines
Applying best-worst scaling to identify health-outcome preferences among patients with diabetes or hypertension and multiple chronic conditions
Applying CERQual to findings from a qualitative evidence synthesis on user perceptions of mHealth: discussing methodological challenges
Applying current philosophical insights on causality using Qualitative Comparative Analysis as an additional synthesis in systematic reviews to address complex interventions
Applying evidence grading methods to public health interventions
Applying framework synthesis to understand complexity in systematic reviews: a methodological systematic review.
Applying GRADE guidance for choosing the right question in a systematic review supporting guideline development: a case study
Applying GRADE to prognostic evidence
Applying GRADE-CERQual to interpretive review findings: Reflections from a Cochrane meta-ethnography on childhood vaccination acceptance
Applying GRADE-CERQual to interpretive review findings: Reflections from a Cochrane meta-ethnography on childhood vaccination acceptance
Applying house style to Cochrane reviews using the Cochrane Style Guide and Review Manager
Applying integrated knowledge translation framework for impactful systematic reviews: a case study about promoting rational drug use in Lebanon
Applying knowledge translation typologies: a workshop on effective research utilization
Applying nationwide public engagement in guideline prioritization and development of recommendations
Applying rapid response methods to a patient priority setting project
Applying research evidence in real life: using epidemiologists as change agents in hospitals
Applying RIGHT to evaluate guidelines of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Applying ROBINS-E: Practical Insights and Suggestions for Future Refinements
Applying sex and gender analysis to systematic reviews: development of a new knowledge translation tool
Applying Subpopulation Treatment Effect Pattern Plot (STEPP) method to optimize subgroup analysis in clinical trials
Applying the Evidence Ecosystem concept as a tool to demonstrate the successful implementation of evidence-based practice in international aid: the example of ‘Water, Sanitation and Hygiene’ (WASH)
Applying the Evidence Ecosystem to enhance knowledge development and dissemination in an aid organization: the example of ‘Blood donation’
Applying the framework for actionable statements to COVID-19 guidelines
Applying the GRADE tool in systematic reviews: inter-rater reliability and sources of discrepancy
Applying the GRADE-ADOLOPMENT approach
Applying the GRADE-CERQual approach: Experiences from the development of an EPOC qualitative-evidence synthesis
Applying the Instrument to assess the Credibility of Effect Modification Analyses (ICEMAN) in a meta-analysis
Applying the risk of bias tool in a systematic review of combination long-acting beta-agonists and inhaled corticosteroids for maintenance therapy of persistent asthma
Applying the ROBINS-I tool to controlled before-and-after studies: An example from public health
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