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Colloquium Abstracts
Trusted evidence.
Informed decisions.
Better health.
Assessing transparency and reproducibility practices in dental randomized controlled trials
Assessing trial quality by a short and a detailed list
Assessment and management of burns pain at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital: A best-practice Implementation Project
Assessment of attitudes towards participation, willingness to participate, and competence to participate in Randomized Controlled Trials: a cross-sectional qualitative and quantitative survey of psychiatric patients and key family members
Assessment of dialysis technology:- a Cochrane systematic review comparing bicarbonate with acetate haemodialysis in ESRD
Assessment of health equity considerations in WHO guidelines from 2014-2019: A cross-sectional survey
Assessment of hospital capacities in patient safety in the Philippines
Assessment of knowledge, skills and attitude of undergraduate students on evidence-based medicine
Assessment of Language Bias and Indexing Bias Among Chinese-Sponsored Randomized Controlled Trials
Assessment of methodological limitations in qualitative evidence synthesis - pilot test of a new tool
Assessment of methodological quality of adaptive clinical trials
Assessment of methodological quality of clinimetric reviews: a systematic review
Assessment of methodological quality of systematic reviews of China health policy
Assessment of methodological quality of systematic reviews published in the Cochrane Library about physical activity for chronic noncommunicable diseases
Assessment of methods to adjust for publication bias through a comprehensive simulation study
Assessment of non-pharmacological interventions to manage geriatric conditions using GRADE
Assessment of publication bias based on clinical trial registrations
Assessment of publication time and Review process in Campbell Systematic Reviews
Assessment of Reporting Guidelines and Trial Registration Requirements in Nursing Journals: A Decade-Long Review
Assessment of reporting of evidence-based healthcare (EBHC) e-learning interventions in included studies of a Campbell systematic review
Assessment of reporting of stroke clinical practice guidelines in low- and medium-income countries using the RIGHT checklist: a scoping review
Assessment of reporting quality in infertility journals
Assessment of research quality in major infertility journals
Assessment of risk of bias due to blinding for objective and subjective outcomes: an exploratory study of Cochrane Reviews
Assessment of risk of bias in comparative diagnostic accuracy systematic reviews: an overview of reviews
Assessment of risk of bias in prognostic studies
Assessment of Russian clinical practice guidelines with the AGREE II instrument
Assessment of Soil-Transmitted Helminths Among School-Aged Children (5-18 Years) in Low- to Middle-Income Nations: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Assessment of the Cochrane ‘Risk of bias’ tool: a pilot study
Assessment of the completeness of reporting of methods in overviews of systematic reviews
Assessment of the evidence for diagnostic tests and strategies: a systematic review of available tools
Assessment of the exclusion criteria among randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in dentistry: preliminary results of a pilot study
Assessment of the GRADE domain “publication bias” in recent Cochrane reviews: a cross-sectional study
Assessment of the methodological quality of reporting of randomized trials in Iranian dental journals
Assessment of the methodological quality of reporting of randomized trials in Iranian healthcare journals
Assessment of the methodology approach of systematic reviews of the literature in speech therapy degree students
Assessment of the quality of clinical trials registries
Assessment of the quality of recommendations in high-quality methodological clinical practice guidelines for mental health care and epilepsy in pregnancy
Assessment of the quality of reporting for treatment components in Cochrane Reviews of acupuncture
Assessment of the quality of reporting in randomized controlled trials of acupuncture in the Korean literature using the CONSORT and STRICTA statements
Assessment of the reporting quality of clinical practice guidelines using CheckUP list/tool
Assessment of the reporting quality of Guidelines on Acupuncture and Moxibustion by using RIGHT Statement
Assessment of the risk of bias in randomized controlled trials in otorhinolaryngology
Assessment of the validity of a resources-saving selection procedure for non-English studies in systematic reviews
Assessment of trial risk of bias among Cochrane reviews: A cross-sectional analysis
Assessment of trial similarity and evidence consistency for indirect comparisons: preliminary results
Assessment of trustworthiness has a significant impact on conclusions of Cochrane reviews
Assessment of use and scope for use of IPD in a random sample of 100 reviews from the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth group
Assigning GRADE levels in an overview of reviews using general principles identified from current GRADE guidelines.
Assisting Recommendations Formulation of Practice Guideline with Large Language Models: A Feasibility Study
AssociALi - Cochrane Associate Center: 18 months of activities dedicated to spreading a culture of EBM in Italy.
Associated factors with abdominal aortic aneurysm: a systematic review of literature
Association between alcohol intake, mild cognitive impairment and progression to dementia: a dose-response meta-analysis
Association between cigarette smoking prevalence and income level: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Association between industry affiliation and position on rosiglitazone and cardiovascular risk: a cross sectional systematic review
Association between insomnia drugs and adverse events in adults: a systematic review and network meta-analysis
Association between perioperative hypothermia and the incidence of blood coagulation disorders: a systematic review
Association between personal financial conflicts of interest and recommendation of medical interventions: systematic review
Association between risk of bias and the effects of interventions on mortality in randomized controlled trials in critical care medicine
Association between the burden of behavioural risk factors and the number of primary studies included in Cochrane Systematic reviews
Association of healthy lifestyle behaviors with incident irritable bowel syndrome: a large population-based prospective cohort study
Association of previous stillbirth with subsequent perinatal outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies
Associations of hand-washing frequency with the incidence of illness: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Asthma self-management educational interventions versus usual care for adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 22 controlled trials with 3304 patients
At the beginning of a public health emergency what’s the utility of a conducting a systematic review?
At what point in the life cycle of technologies are HTA reports requested? An analysis of 130 HTA reports in Argentina
Attack of zombie reviews? How can journals help reduce research waste—an editors’ perspective
Attitude, expectation and needs of Cochrane knowledge translation volunteers in China
Attitudes and implementation of shared decision making: the practicalities of consumer involvement among patients with chronic diseases
Attitudes of guideline developers regarding machine learning and crowd sourcing for health-evidence synthesis
Attitudes towards evidence based medicine among medical students of Universidad Nacional del Sur Medical School of Argentina
Attributes of non-randomized studies associated with bias
Attribution of credit in updated Cochrane reviews
Attribution of multiple literature databases in systematic reviews for public health guideline development
Attrition bias, the use of intention-to-treat and magnitude of treatment effects in randomized controlled trials: a meta-epidemiological study
Atypical patient and public involvement (PPI): how to expand PPI into highly technical research
Audio-visual resources for key evidence-based medicine terms and concepts: findings from an e-learning project
Audio-visual Resources of Testing Treatments (AVRTT)
Audit of the use of clinical trial registries in Cochrane Intervention Reviews – preliminary results
Augmented reality in surgery: an overview of systematic reviews
Australian Aboriginal children:- the randomised controlled trial and special populations
Australian Living Guidelines for Management and Care of Patients with COVID-19 Infection
Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR) user survey results from 2009 and 2015
Australian Physicians and EBM: Where are we now and Where to from here?
Australian recommendations on the use of glucocorticoids in people with rheumatoid arthritis
Authenticity investigation and quality assessment of claimed randomized controlled trials on upper respiratory infection
Author affiliation influences the presentation of benefits and harms of mammography screening in scientific articles
Author instructions of haematology and oncology journals: A cross-sectional and longitudinal study
Author self-classification of conference proceeding abstracts
Author-led webinars as an education strategy for communicating systematic review evidence to a public-health audience
Authoring and editing reviews through the new Cochrane Information Management System: an introductory workshop for review authors and editors
Authors need guidance on creating clinical pathways in Cochrane diagnostic test accuracy systematic reviews
Authorship diversity among first authors of original investigation articles published in Revista Medica de Chile between 2017-2021
Authorship diversity among systematic reviews in eyes and vision
Authorship in reports of clinical practice guidelines: a systematic cross-sectional analysis
Authorship trends in Cochrane reviews, 1996-2018
Automated assessing completeness and accuracy of reporting randomized clinical trials: based on large language models
Automated checking for human errors in meta-analyses of diagnostic test accuracy
Automated citation searching in systematic review production: a simulation study
Automated extraction of adverse drug reactions from Biomedical literature and FDA drug labels using machine learning
Automated extraction of adverse drug reactions from biomedical literature and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) drug labels using machine learning
Automated Indexing of Publication Types and Study Designs in Biomedical Literature
Automated translation of abstracts using a free internet software package
Automatic generation of comprehensive trial registers for specific health conditions
Automatic information retrieval: citation tracking, deduplication and full-text fetching
Automatic search strategy reformulation interface for systematic reviews
Automating RCT identification can identify more than 99% of RCTs included in Cochrane reviews and could reduce manual screening by 77%
Automating risk-of-bias assessment with generative AI
Automating Screening of Studies for Systematic Reviews Using a Large Language Model
Automation in Systematic Reviews: A Cross-Sectional Metaresearch Survey
Automation of scoping reviews: towards the efficiency of systematic reviews
Availability of eye health–related evidence relevant to low- and middle-income countries: using an evidence gap map approach
Availability of large-scale evidence on specific harms from systematic reviews of randomised trials
Avoiding informal recommendations: a framework for identifying and managing guideline statements
Awareness and perception of dissemination bias in qualitative research: an exploratory study
Awareness and use of evidence-based medicine databases and The Cochrane Library among physicians in Croatia
Awareness and use of the Cochrane Library in internal medicine
Awareness of The Cochrane Collaboration and The Cochrane Library in India
Background section at Cochrane reviews: is it supported by systematic reviews?
Bad examples of Interference In the conduct and publication of clinical research
BADERI: an Internet-based platform to co-ordinate handsearching activities. Implementation and early results
Balancing efficiency with methodological rigor when synthesizing evidence to inform guideline recommendations during a pandemic
Balancing risks, harms and benefits in guideline development for pain management
Banning smoking in vehicles with children: Lessons from a realist review
Barriers and concerns in patient perceptions of shared decision making in China
Barriers and enablers for the implementation of clinical practice guidelines in Latin America: A scoping review
Barriers and Enablers to Access Diabetic Eye Care: Systematic Review
Barriers and Facilitators in Application of the Living Guideline Framework in Oncology–A Mixed Methods Study
Barriers and facilitators in clinical pathway implementation: A literature review
Barriers and facilitators in the implementation of interventions to prevent publication bias
Barriers and facilitators to completing a Cochrane Review: a survey of authors in the African region
Barriers and facilitators to handsearching: experience of the Brazilian Cochrane Centre
Barriers and facilitators to implementation in dementia care: Findings from a qualitative evidence synthesis
Barriers and facilitators to implementing evidence in African healthcare: A content analysis
Barriers and facilitators to postnatal care services utilisation in low- and middle-income countries: A Cochrane/EPOC systematic review
Barriers and facilitators to sharing of individual patient data: a randomised controlled trial
Barriers and methods to improve the use of Cochrane systematic reviews as a primary source of evidence in developing countries
Barriers of best evidence implementation for preventing peripheral intravenous infusion extravasation in NICU newborns based on the i-PARIHS framework
Barriers to and facilitators of evidence utilisation in healthcare in low-income settings: A qualitative systematic review
Barriers to Cochrane Reviews of traditional medicine therapies: problems and potential solutions
Barriers to implementation of evidence synthesis methods education for broad audiences
Barriers to implementing evidence-based nursing practice from the hospitals' point of view in China: A regional cross-sectional study
Barriers to knowledge translation in Chinese doctors: a cross-sectional survey
Barriers to meta-analysis of time-to-event data: a case study
Barriers to participating in an HIV vaccine trial: a systematic review of qualitative studies
Barriers to successful patient and public involvement on guideline panels and strategies to overcome them
Baseline heterogeneity: a method to identify trials with bias arising from randomisation in meta-analyses
Basics of meta-analysis
Basics of meta-analysis
Basics of meta-analysis
Bayesian approach to meta-analysis. What can you gain?
Bayesian approaches to meta-epidemiology
Bayesian hierarchical models for complex meta-analyses using MCMCglmm in R
Bayesian meta-analysis for quantifying treatment benefit of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) in neonates
Bayesian meta-analysis hands-on in WinBUGS
Bayesian mixed treatment comparison meta-analysis of interventions for Metabolic Syndrome
Be Smart about Your Health - Helping secondary school students think critically about health choices: Results of 3 randomized trials
Beading plot: a visualization for summarizing outcomes among treatments of network meta-analysis
Becoming a systematic review editor or peer reviewer for journals
Becoming a systematic review editor or peer reviewer for journals
Bed rest after subarachnoidal puncture to prevent headache: a systematic review
Bed Rest after Uncomplicated Acute Myocardial Infarction: Is it Any Good? A Systematic Review
Begin here! A non-scientist’s guide to Evidence-Based Medicine, Cochrane and getting involved
Behavior change in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) promotion programs: a review of reviews to identify evidence gaps
Behavioral medicine: providing another perspective of trial methodologies
Behavioural therapy for chronic low back pain: how to interpret meta-analyses combining studies with multiple effect sizes?
Behind the dementia headlines. A systematic look at the quality of reporting of dementia research in two UK national newspapers
Benefit-harm assessment: evidence selection
Benefits and barriers in the development of a Rare Diseases Guidelines Programme in Europe
Best evidence for better practice: using social media to help nurses engage with evidence
Best evidence for optimal aging: filter the information overload using the McMaster Optimal Aging Portal
Best evidence summary for smoking cessation management in patients with coronary heart disease
Best practice in editorial and organisational processes of Collaborative Review Groups (on behalf of QAG)
Best practice in editorial policies, process, and publication
Best practices in patient and stakeholder engagement
Best-practice recommendations for using clinical trial registry records and published study protocols when conducting systematic reviews of interventions
Best-practice statements in public-health guidelines
Beta-test of a software program designed to facilitate systematic research reviews
Betahistine for vertigo: a patient-professional partnership in action
Better data extraction with Covidence and RevMan Web
Better dissemination using Cochrane's Dissemination Checklist: Cochrane UK's experience
Better reporting of health equity in randomised trials: CONSORT-Equity 2017
Better values clarification methods for better decisions
Better, faster, stronger: how to find tools to expedite the systematic review process
Between-the-eyes adverse drug reactions: anecdotes as evidential gold standards
Beyond Clinical Effectiveness - the Role of the UK NHS Economic Evaluation Database in Providing Best Evidence for Health Care
Beyond publication bias
Beyond Statistical Significance: Investigating How Systematic Review Authors Communicate Meaningful Differences of Nonsignificant Results
Beyond synthesis: developing a research program on knowledge translation and exchange
Beyond Systematic Reviews: Other Possible Activities for the Cochrane Centres
Beyond the pandemic: adapting living guideline methods from COVID-19 to the Australian Pregnancy and Postnatal Care Guidelines
Beyond the RCT: how global patient organisations build research capacity and impact
Beyond the surface: navigating the maze of evidence definitions across disciplines
Beyond the systematic review: an example of a pilot decision analysis
Beyond theories: advancing development evaluation frameworks
Bias adjustment in meta-analysis using expert opinions
Bias associated with inadequate or unclear concealment of allocation in randomized osteoarthritis trials
Bias associated with patient reported outcome measures
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