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Colloquium Abstracts
Trusted evidence.
Informed decisions.
Better health.
Applying the Updating Classification System to Cochrane Reviews
Appraisal of search strategies in industry submissions for technology appraisal (ASSIST): Reviewing search methods of industry submissions to NICE using a structured checklist
Appraising the quality of evidence in age estimation studies: a systematic review
Approach and lessons learned from a priority-setting exercise conducted by the Cochrane Breast Cancer Group
Approaches to applicability in the recent literature
Approaches to estimate and present baseline risks: Recommendations for Cochrane reviews ’Summary of findings' tables
Approaches to interim analysis of randomized clinical trials in cancer: a survey from the Italian National Monitoring Centre for Clinical Trials
Approaches to optimise review research recommendations when evidence is very limited: going beyond “high quality studies are needed”
Approaches to prioritisation: the Cochrane Airways Group experience
Approaches to risk of bias assessments in non-Cochrane reviews
Approaches to the identification, synthesis and appraisal of frameworks, models and theories: A methodology review
Appropriate use of the label "systematic review" according to a novel definition in a sample of recently published papers
Appropriateness of asymmetry tests for publication bias in meta-analysis: large-scale survey
Archie Cochrane's Second E - the creation of Value based Healthcare
Archie training for Cochrane Review Group (CRG) editors
Are 'Risk of bias' summary graphs in Cochrane Reviews overestimating bias?
Are 3 days enough to capture the key evidence for HTA documents?
Are all Cochrane reviews born equal? Methodological quality across different Review Groups
Are all Cochrane reviews born equal? Methodological quality across different Review Groups
Are all Cochrane Reviews born equal? Statistical methods in Cochrane Reviews (could be improved)
Are Australian Human Research Ethics Committees effectively promoting prospective trial registration?
Are awaiting classification studies properly managed by Cochrane Reviews?
Are claims made in advertisements of nutritional supplements in South African women’s magazines supported by research evidence?
Are claims of interventional benefit in clinical trial abstract conclusions justifiable? A case report of pharmacological and complementary therapies for chronic asthma
Are clinician-administered semi-structured interviews and lay-administered fully structured interviews equivalent gold standards for major depression? An individual patient data meta-analysis
Are Cochrane plain language summaries plain?
Are Cochrane Review Protocols available and post-protocol changes to methods documented? A study in HIV/AIDS and ophthalmology
Are Cochrane reviews for end users of healthcare services? The results of an international survey
Are Cochrane reviews of diagnostic test accuracy informing clinical guidelines?
Are Cochrane Reviews Updated Regularly or Not?
Are Cochrane systematic reviews being used in national clinical practice guidelines for chronic kidney disease?
Are computerized clinical decision support systems effective at improving the process of care and patient outcomes, and what makes an effective system? A decision-maker-researcher partnership systematic review
Are conference abstracts of systematic reviews reliable and well-reported? A case study of five consecutive World Congresses of Pain
Are criteria to evaluate the appropriateness of performing colonoscopy evidence based?
Are harms reported in abstracts of trial results from conference proceedings?
Are health authority policy and commissioning decisions evidence-based?
Are Health Technology Assessment (HTA) funded trials using systematic reviews to inform their design? A retrospective cohort
Are individual/small group interventions in math more effective than class/school level interventions? A meta-analysis of What Works Clearinghouse reviews
Are men difficult to find? Identifying sex-specific studies in MEDLINE and Embase
Are online learning resources effective to build capacity for evidence-informed decision making?
Are overviews of (systematic) reviews really of good quality and transparent information?
Are patient-reported outcomes evaluated in randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses regarding reconstruction methods after distal gastrectomy?
Are Polish physicians familiar with the Cochrane Collaboration and the Cochrane Library?
Are predictions from test accuracy meta-analyses valid in practice?
Are public health strategies relevant to non-communicable disease in China covered in the Cochrane Library?
Are RCTs addressing evidence based healthcare education following evidence based research approach?
Are reporting and methodological quality of systematic reviews from China lower than those from USA? A meta-epidemiological study
Are results from clinical study registers considered in recent interventional Cochrane Reviews? A systematic review
Are retracted studies affecting our reviews?
Are routinely collected data studies reliable surrogates when there are no randomized trials? A meta-epidemiological study
Are school-based mindfulness interventions effective? A Campbell systematic review and meta-analysis
Are supplementary feeding programmes to improve the health of disadvantaged young children effective? For whom and under what circumstances?
Are systematic reviews in danger of amplifying the unimportant questions? The case of dermatology
Are systematic reviews original research? - survey of editors of core clinical journals
Are test treat trials as rare as suspected? A capture-recapture estimate of numbers published
Are the estimates of blood pressure (BP) lowering effect the same in parallel and cross-over trials?
Are the integrative practices recently incorporated into the Brazilian public healthcare system supported by evidence from Cochrane Reviews?
Are the search and data extraction procedures similar between Cochrane Reviews and systematic reviews from other high impact factor journals?
Are the searches of network meta-analysis comprehensive or well-reported?
Are there differences in results between Bayesian and Frequentist network meta-analyses
Are there discipline-specific quality measures? A systematic review of meta-epidemiological studies
Are there missing randomized trials in Cochrane systematic reviews and what is their impact on the results?: A methodological study
Are they doing what it says on the packet? Towards an implementation fidelity index for use in systematic reviews
Are trial size and reported methodological quality associated with treatment effects? Observational study of 523 randomised trials
Are unpublished data searched for and included in systematic reviews? A survey of 348 reviews of adverse effects
Are volunteers authoring Cochrane reviews? A brief investigation.
Are we evaluating methodological quality in the same way? Comparison of tools used in general health research and physical therapy with the 'Risk of bias' tool
Are we listening to QUOROM (Quality of Reporting of Meta-analyses)? An evaluation of journal-published oral health systematic reviews
Are we managing the influx of living systematic reviews? "Behemoths" and "side quests"
Are we overestimating harm when high numbers of placebo patients are switched to active therapy as part of an adaptive trial design? A meta-epidemiological study
Are you listening? Podcasts from The Cochrane Library; a review
Are you listening? Podcasts from The Cochrane Library: a review of 2008
Are you searching the right database? An example from mental health
Area of prediction ellipse in diagnostic test accuracy reviews: Implementation in R and application to different review scenarios
Arm-based versus contrast-based methods for network meta-analyses: radical differences or misunderstood nuances?
Arriving at a bottom line for evidence quality: precision of the estimate
Artemesinin-based combination therapy for uncomplicated Malaria management among children under-5 in Cameroon: A best-practice implementation project
Artemisinin-based combination therapies for malaria: a systematic review and network meta-analysis
Arthroplasty registries as a source of information for decision making: a comprehensive overview
Artificial intelligence (AI) in drug discovery process: an overview
Artificial intelligence in evidence production: critical reflections and lessons learned
Artificial intelligence performance in detecting lymphoma from medical imaging: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Artificial intelligence tools for screening references in systematic reviews. Preliminary Results of Scoping Review
Artificial intelligence-generated plain-language summaries from Systematic Reviews for improving general public healthcare participation using the best evidence
Artificially defined transformation methods for obtaining dose points in dose-response meta-analysis should be more standardized: a cross-section study.
Ask Suicide-Screening Questionnaire (ASQ): Rapid Suicide Risk Screening for Hospitalized Patients
Ask the author? Does it make a difference to quality assessment?
Aspirin Chemoprophylaxis: Weighing the benefits and harms for patients at different levels Of risk for cardiovascular disease.
Assessing adverse effects of interventions in Cochrane reviews: what types of study designs are used?
Assessing and Addressing the Perceived Barriers to Evidence-Based Stroke Rehabilitation
Assessing and adjusting for outcome reporting bias in systematic reviews
Assessing and building capacity for clinical guideline development in Malawi, South Africa, and Nigeria
Assessing and improving quality of reporting the estimated effect size and its precision in randomized controlled trials
Assessing and validating search strategies: When is a study truly identified?
Assessing applicability, scaling up and equity issues in Cochrane reviews: A worked example from a review of lay health worker interventions in primary and community health care for chronic conditions
Assessing attitudes towards dietary fats in five countries: development and validation of Fat-related Attitude Scale (FATTS)
Assessing baseline imbalance in randomised trials: implications for the Cochrane risk of bias tool
Assessing bias due to confounding in a Cochrane Systematic Review that includes non-randomised studies of an intervention (NRSI)
Assessing bias due to confounding in a Cochrane systematic review which includes non-randomised studies of an intervention (NRSI)
Assessing bias due to missing data in a systematic review that includes non-randomised studies (NRS)
Assessing bias in osteoarthritis trials included in Cochrane reviews
Assessing bias in selection of participants into studies in a Cochrane Review that includes non-randomised studies of an intervention (NRSI)
Assessing bias in selection of participants into the study in a Cochrane Systematic Review that includes non-randomised studies of an intervention (NRSI)
Assessing characteristics and outcomes of interventions designed to mitigate the effects of adverse childhood experiences: A Scoping review
Assessing conceptual richness in a meta-ethnography: an example from a qualitative evidence synthesis on factors influencing acceptance of childhood vaccination
Assessing confidence in qualitative evidence used in guidelines: Benefits and challenges when applying GRADE-CERQual
Assessing dementia care gaps to guide clinical guidance scoping and other implementation efforts—the Singapore experience
Assessing equity, applicability and scaling up issues in Cochrane reviews: a worked example from a review of lay health worker interventions in primary and community health care
Assessing ethics and equity issues in systematic reviews and primary studies of nutrition interventions
Assessing Financial Conflicts of Interest in Published Research Using a Large Language Model: A Proof of Concept Study
Assessing generalizability of findings in systematic reviews of public health interventions: methods of the US Community Preventive Services Task Force
Assessing GPT-3.5 Turbo’s performance in primary screening across diverse types of systematic literature reviews
Assessing healthcare interventions along the complex-simple continuum
Assessing healthcare interventions along the complex-simple continuum: a proposal
Assessing heterogeneity in meta-analysis: what Q, I², Tau², and prediction intervals do and do not tell us
Assessing how information is packaged in rapid reviews for policymakers and other stakeholders: a cross-sectional study
Assessing how much certainty to place in findings from qualitative evidence syntheses: the CerQual approach
Assessing how much confidence to place in findings from qualitative evidence syntheses: a new version of the CERQual tool
Assessing how much confidence to place in findings from qualitative evidence syntheses: a new version of the GRADE-CERQual approach
Assessing how much confidence to place in findings from qualitative evidence syntheses: a new version of the GRADE-CERQual tool
Assessing how well interventions for migrant population have addressed inequity: a two-stage systematic review
Assessing implementation in complex interventions: tips, strategies and examples
Assessing imprecision in Cochrane systematic reviews: a comparison of GRADE and Trial Sequential Analysis
Assessing Leg Ulcer Prevalence Studies: Conceptual, Methodological and Practical Issues
Assessing methodological quality in a large research literature: the case of distance education comparison studies
Assessing Methodological Quality in Cohort Studies: A Comparison of NOS and ROBINS-I
Assessing methodological quality of primary studies and applying results in the cochrane reviews. An evaluation of the drugs and alcohol group s reviews.
Assessing publication bias in systematic reviews andmeta-analyses in the context of small n trials: application of a capture-recapture method
Assessing quality in systematic reviews of the effectiveness of health promotion and public health: areas of consensus and dissension
Assessing risk of bias (RoB) in randomized trials: RoB 2.0
Assessing risk of bias in comparative diagnostic accuracy studies using QUADAS-C
Assessing risk of bias in included studies: the recommended tool for Cochrane reviews
Assessing risk of bias in non-randomised studies and incorporating GRADE: Initial experience with a new Cochrane 'Risk of bias' tool under development
Assessing risk of bias in non-randomized studies of interventions (1): introduction to the ROBINS-I tool
Assessing risk of bias in non-randomized studies of interventions 2: an online tool to facilitate risk of bias assessments using the ROBINS-I tool
Assessing risk of bias in non-randomized studies of interventions: introduction to the ROBINS-I tool
Assessing risk of bias in nonrandomized studies of interventions: introduction to the ROBINS-I tool
Assessing risk of bias in randomised studies: RoB 2.0
Assessing risk of bias in randomized trials: RoB 2
Assessing risk of bias: comparison of the PEDro scale with Cochrane’s ‘Risk of bias’ tool
Assessing risk of lead-time bias in studies of overdiagnosis
Assessing risk of performance and detection bias in Cochrane reviews as a single domain is less accurate compared to assessment of two separate domains
Assessing spin bias in abstracts of systematic reviews from Revista médica de Chile between 2017-2021
Assessing success of guideline implementation: development of a generalized tool facilitating cross-comparison and targeted improvement
Assessing the Accuracy, Reliability and Quality of Online Health Information of Treatment for Patients With COVID-19
Assessing the availability, scope, and quality of stroke rehabilitation guidelines in LMICs - a systematic review of quality and scope
Assessing the body of evidence and grading recommendations in evidence-based clinical practice guidelines
Assessing the certainty across a body of evidence for comparative test accuracy
Assessing the certainty of evidence in overviews of reviews: current practice and expert perspectives
Assessing the certainty of evidence in studies about peoples’ values, utilities, or the importance of outcomes
Assessing the certainty of the evidence from network-meta analysis using the GRADE approach
Assessing the certainty of the evidence from network-meta analysis using the GRADE approach
Assessing the certainty of the evidence from network-meta analysis using the GRADE approach
Assessing the certainty of the evidence in network meta-analysis: GRADE approach
Assessing the completeness and comparability of outcomes in systematic reviews addressing food availability
Assessing the completeness of systematic reviews via the 'related articles' function and/or a simple structured Boolean search in PubMed,-,a pilot study
Assessing the Current Landscape of Health Technology Assessment Knowledge and Skills Among Clinicians in Croatia
Assessing the effect of adjusting for funnel plot asymmetry in networks of interventions
Assessing the Effectiveness and Safety of Deep Brain Stimulation in Severe and Refractory Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Living Systematic Review
Assessing the effectiveness of artificial intelligence tools in automating systematic reviews for cancer research: a systematic review
Assessing the effects of diagnostic tests on patient outcomes: how reliable, informative and practical are randomised controlled trials?
Assessing the efficacy of anti-depressant treatment: methodological considerations for meta-analysis
Assessing the feasibility of network meta-analyses comparing pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions for psychiatric disorders
Assessing the impact of bibliographical support on the quality of medical care in patients admitted to an internal medicine service
Assessing the impact of climate change on Eastern equine encephalitis virus in Canada.
Assessing the impact of diverse definitions of major adverse cardiac events on coronary stent study outcomes
Assessing the impact of information retrieval in postgraduate medical education
Assessing the impact of missing participant data for continuous outcomes in systematic reviews on risk of bias
Assessing the methodological and reporting quality of clinical Systematic reviews and meta-analyses published in the Leading Sports medicine Journals
Assessing the methodological quality of systematic review: the AMSTAR II-DTA extension
Assessing the methodological strengths and limitations of qualitative evidence: What are the key criteria?
Assessing the methodological strengths and limitations of qualitative evidence: what are the key criteria?
Assessing the number, characteristics and quality of randomized controlled trials conducted in Japan
Assessing the optimal presentation of how patients value health outcomes (values and preferences): A qualitative user testing
Assessing the prognostic power of prediction rules: A Users’ Guide to the medical literature
Assessing the quality of a body of evidence: experiences with the GRADE approach
Assessing the quality of diagnostic studies that use psychometric instruments: applying QUADAS in a novel area
Assessing the quality of economic studies of health care-searching for an ideal instrument
Assessing the quality of information recorded on trial registries
Assessing the quality of non-randomised comparative studies: Our experience of using the Cochrane Collaboration’s risk of bias tool}
Assessing the Quality of Primary Studies: Empirical Study of Meta-Analyses Published in Leading Journals
Assessing the quality of randomized controlled trials evaluating nonpharmacological treatments: a CheckList to Evaluate A Report of NonPharmacological Trial (CLEAR NPT)
Assessing the Quality of Reporting Meta-analyses of Randomized Controlled Trials
Assessing the Quality of Reports of Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses: A Systematic Review of Checklists and Scales
Assessing the quality of surveillance studies
Assessing the quality of the evidence for preterm labor tocolysis trials
Assessing the richness and thickness of data in primary qualitative research included in qualitative evidence synthesis
Assessing the risk of bias associated with missing participant outcome data: applying decision thresholds for binary data
Assessing the risk of bias associated with missing participants in randomized controlled trials: a systematic review and meta-analysis in autologous cell therapy for peripheral arterial disease
Assessing the Risk of Bias in Randomised Controlled Trials with Large Language Models: A Feasibility Study
Assessing the Risk of Bias in Randomized Controlled Trials using RoB2 by Large Language Models: A Feasibility Study
Assessing the risk of confounding and selection bias in a systematic review that includes non-randomized studies (NRS)
Assessing the risk of selection bias in a systematic review which includes non-randomised studies (NRS)
Assessing the risk of within-study selective reporting in a systematic review which includes non-randomised studies (NRS)
Assessing the success of blinding in randomized controlled trials
Assessing the usability of ACROBAT-NRSI for studies of exposure and intervention in environmental health research
Assessing the validity of abbreviated literature searches in rapid reviews
Assessing the validity of an ultra-rapid review strategy: four case studies from oncology and public health
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