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Colloquium Abstracts
Trusted evidence.
Informed decisions.
Better health.
A search for studies on negative pressure wound therapy was complemented by the nursing database CINAHL in a systematic review
A search strategy for prognostic reviews and for reviews on diagnostic and prognostic prediction models
A search strategy for retrieving articles from the LILACS database in a systematic review of diagnostic accuracy studies: an experimental study
A search strategy to identify studies on the prognosis of work disability
A selection model to explore whether publication bias is more likely in two-arm and placebo-controlled trials rather than in multi-arm and head-to-head studies
A sensitive MEDLINE search strategy to retrieve studies of diagnostic imaging test performance
A shortcut for developing evidence based pregnancy guidelines by adapting already existing ones to local constraints in Belgium
A sign of the times: helping more with less
A simple adaptation considerably improves the performance of the standard method for random effects meta-analysis
A simplified search strategy for identifying randomised controlled trials for systematic reviews of health care interventions: a comparison with more exhaustive strategies
A simulation study of methods for imputing data from continuous outcomes: effects on results from primary studies and results from meta-analysis
A simultaneous comparison of multiple pharmacological treatments for bipolar disorder: an application of Bayesian statistical methods
A single versus multiple cut-off values in meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy studies
A single-center study using the GRADE approach to assess prognostic factors in the rare disease of adults with Burkitt lymphoma
A single-centre experience using the GRADE approach for addressing a complex clinical question within a clinical practice guideline
A small proportion of Cochrane authors are from low- and lower-middle-income countries: an analysis of all 2023 Cochrane reviews
A snapshot of the review prioritisation work conducted by the Gynaecological, Neuro-oncology and Orphan Cancers Group since 2007.
A snowballing technique to ensure comprehensiveness of search for systematic reviews: A case study
A south-to-south collaboration: Localising a global health innovation - the PACK Brazil case study
A staged approach to Review Group registration - a case study
A Standardized HTA Report Summary for Rapidly Presenting Outside Findings
A statistical methodology to integrate the findings from studies of complex public health interventions
A strategic framework for prioritizing programs to improve health care quality in Singapore
A strategy to increase partnerships between health care professionals and Cochrane Canada: online peer review modules for dietitians
A strategy to maximise data retrieval
A strategy to promote research-based nursing care: effects on childbirth outcomes
A study of evidence sources used in midwifery training and practice
A study of knowledge and attitudes toward evidence based medicine (EBM) among medical students and interns of the AMA International University Bahrain College of Medicine
A study of knowledge and attitudes towards Evidence basedmedicine (EBM) amongmedical students and Interns at Manipal University, India
A survey analysis of doctors’ and patients’ perceptions of shared decision making in China
A survey analysis of doctors’ perceptions of difficulties in patient involvement in clinical decision making
A survey analysis of patient for patient safety in China
A Survey of Characteristics and Potential Contribution of Registered Studies for 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
A survey of Cochrane editors revealed several problem areas related to time-to-event (meta-)analyses
A survey of patient-centered outcome for coronary heart disease
A survey of searching CBM and LILACS databases in Cochrane Systematic Reviews
A survey of systematic reviews to identify items for assessing risk of bias in individual studies addressing values and preferences
A survey of the awareness rate of GRADE in China
A Survey of the Effects of Sending Influenza A (H1N1) Evidence Through the Short Messages System to Doctors of Township Health Centers in China
A Survey Of Transparency Of Scoping Review Reports Published In High-impact Chinese Journals And Their Influencing Factors
A survey of use of Cochrane author resources by Malaysian authors
A survey on literature searching of systematic review in traditional Chinese medicine filed
A survey on medical students perception, attitude toward evidence-based medicine in a medical school in Taiwan
A survey on the exposure to training, practice and perception of health reporting among journalists in Malaysia
A survey on the methodology of nursing clinical practice guidelines in the National Guideline Clearinghouse
A survey on the registration of COVID-19 clinical trials
A synopsis of four Cochrane systematic reviews on bladder training and voiding programmes using metastudy techniques for qualitative research
A Systematic Analysis of Process Evaluations
A systematic and transparent process to support informed decisions for diagnostic tests in laboratory settings
A systematic approach to choosing outcome measures for meta-analyses of healthcare interventions
A systematic approach to identifying and responding to policymakers needs in evidence-based veterinary public health - food safety
A systematic approach to involving consumers in the review process
A systematic approach to the evidence based laboratory medicine in Japan
A systematic assessment of the quality of systematic reviews/meta-analyses on radiofrequency ablation versus hepatic resection for small hepatocellular carcinoma
A systematic Delphi prioritisation process on synthesised evidence informing clinical care in chronic kidney disease
A systematic literature review on implementation of cervical cancer screening and associated factors in Nepal: study protocol
A Systematic Method for Investigating Funding of Healthcare Professional Associations by the Commercial Milk Formula Industry Using Publicly Available Information
A systematic method of identifying and prioritising research questions
A systematic overview of individual data from 100,000 patients in randomised trials: data management aspects
A systematic overview of school-based adolescent suicide prevention programs
A systematic overview of the effectiveness of audit and feedback to improve health care provider performance
A systematic review and external validation of prediction models for gestational diabetes: the RESPECT study
A systematic review and meta-analysis of psychological and pharmacological treatments for depression
A systematic review and meta-analysis: The effectiveness of animal-assisted interventions for common mental disease
A systematic review identifies substantial heterogeneity of studies evaluating effects of rural-to-urban migration on cardiovascular risk factors in low and middle income countries
A systematic review of appraisal tools for clinical practice guidelines: multiple similarities and one common deficit
A systematic review of case series of paediatric cardiac surgery
A systematic review of COPD patients’ values and preferences: what quantitative information can suggest outcome importance?
A systematic review of grading systems for recommendations about medical tests
A systematic review of how studies describe digital health educational interventions: stage one of the development of the STEDI guideline
A systematic review of integrated traditional chinese and western medicine for early postoperative inflammatory ileus
A systematic review of interventions for shoulder pain
A systematic review of Knowledge Transfer and Exchange Practices: Challenges in the search and relevance steps
A systematic review of magnesium sulfate in the treatment of acute exacerbations of asthma
A systematic review of multidisciplinary team care (MTC) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
A systematic review of N-of-1 methods, analysis and meta-analysis
A systematic review of nedocromil sodium in the prophylactic treatment of exercise-induced bronchoconstriction
A systematic review of oral steroids in cystic fibrosis: statistical challenges
A systematic review of physical tests used in the diagnosis of shoulder impingement: a Cochrane experience
A Systematic Review of Prophylactic Mastectomy
A Systematic Review of Psychotherapies in Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder and Related EDNOS Syndromes.
A systematic review of quality improvement education for medical students: Kirkpatrick’s learning model
A systematic review of randomised trials on the efficacy of interventions for shoulder pain
A systematic review of RCTs of behavioural interventions to prevent children and adolescents smoking
A systematic review of RCTs to change the self-concept of children and adolescents
A systematic review of safety issues and reporting quality of mesenchymal stem cell therapy in clinical research
A systematic review of short-term psychodynamic psychotherapies
A Systematic Review of Splicing Analysis and Prediction Tools [SAPT] using SWiM (Synthesis Without Meta-analysis) Guidance.
A systematic review of studies that determine which outcomes should be measured in clinical trials in children
A systematic review of studies that develop or evaluate search filters for the retrieval of diagnostic studies in MEDLINE
A systematic review of systematic reviews of management of lumbar disc herniation
A systematic review of the cost-effectiveness of colorectal cancer screening
A systematic review of the effectiveness of concept map on nursing students critical thinking
A systematic review of the efficacy of common interventions for acute low back pain
A systematic review of the efficacy of common interventions for chronic low back pain
A systematic review of the quality and types of instruments used to assess KTE implementation and impact
A systematic review of the quality of homeopathic clinical trials
A systematic review of the scientific evidence on the effects of different follow-up policies for breast cancer patients
A systematic review of the treatment of acute bronchitis/upper respiratory tract infection in the community
A systematic review of the use of narrative storytelling and visual arts-based approaches as knowledge translation tools in healthcare
A systematic review of therapeutic equivalence: Inhaled versus oral steroids for adults with chronic asthma.
A systematic review of treatment studies of patients who have attempted suicide
A systematic review of trials evaluating the effects of computer-based clinical decision support systems
A systematic review on compliance with QUADAS-2 application guideline
A systematic review on the efficacy of statins in animal model
A systematic review on the impact of mass media on health services utilisation
A systematic review on the impact of studies that are not fully published on results of meta-analyses
A systems approach to the use of core outcome sets
A tale of four review groups
A tale of two databases: a comparison of Embase versus Scopus
A test to assess claims about treatment effects for Spanish primary school children: the development and validation of the interactive CLAIM Test
A time sensitive, multi-disciplinary and collaborative method for systematic reviews enabling decision making in physical rehabilitation
A tool for the systematic coding and assessment of the quality of scale development and scale validation studies
A tool to assess Risk Of Bias In Non-randomised Studies - of Exposures (ROBINS-E)
A tool to assess risk of bias in studies estimating the prevalence of mental health disorders (RoB-PrevMH)
A tool to improve efficiency and quality in the production of protocols for Cochrane Reviews of Diagnostic Test Accuracy
A tool to measure complexity in public health interventions
A tool to measure complexity in public health interventions and classification of studies based on their complexity status
A training process: implication of contest of evidencebased practice application in clinical settings
A trend analysis and search strategies for the identification of meta-analyses in MEDLINE
A triangulated approach for evidence-based practice in vulnerable populations with high blood pressure
A two-stage rapid umbrella review of interventions relevant to the Welsh context to support recruitment and retention of clinical staff
A Typical Cochrane Review: How Many More are Needed to Cover Existing Evidence?
A typology of questions for systematic reviews on complex interventions
A unique approach to extend the reach of Cochrane reviews to public health practitioners: the Cancer Control
A uniqueweb service to facilitate the study selection process in systematic reviews
A US hospital-based health technology assessment center to improve the quality, safety and cost-effectiveness of patient care
A user-friendly alert service of high-impact, pre-filtered literature for obstetrics and gynaecology
A waste of time? What can or cannot be gained from systematic reviews when the available research is of questionable quality
A web-based tool for adjusting costs for currency and prices year
A whole outcomes and whole systems approach to evidence
A worked example of 'bestfit’ framework synthesis: A potentially more consistent or reliable form of qualitative data synthesis?
A worked example of a systematic review applying an integrative evidence synthesis approach: Factors promoting and hindering Female Genital Mutilation/ Cutting
A workshop on Rayyan, the web and mobile systematic review app
A workshop on Rayyan: The ultimate web and mobile app for systematic reviews
A World Wide Web interface for the UKCCCR Register Of Cancer Trials
Abstract screening: do we hold humans to the same standard as the machines?
Abstract to full publication: findings from meetings on systematic reviews
Abstracts of Cochrane reviews are getting longer, but this has no large impact on the reporting quality.
Abstracts’ concept selection to reduce information overload
Academia-Industry Collaboration and Conflict of Interest
Academic detailing as a strategy to implement a HIV guideline in primary health care
Academic detailing: a knowledge translation strategy to implement HIV Clinical Management Guideline
Academic response to the 'Increasing value, reducing waste' discussion: Swiss national consensus on a quality framework for clinical research
Academic-clinical partnership for enhancing evidence-based healthcare in a Portuguese Context: a case study
Accelerated developed guideline (ADG) on cardiovascular risk prevention and dyslipidaemias management
Accelerated Developed Guidelines : the French 4 years Experiment
Accelerating evidence production with the Evidence Review Accelerator (TERA)
Accelerating integration of emerging evidence into health care delivery: rapid reviews for learning health systems
Acceptance of systematic reviews as master/PhD thesis in Brazilian graduate programs in dentistry
Access alone does not guarantee use: The need for training to use evidence based resources
Access of evidence-based online databases among main and allied health professionals: a nationwide survey in Taiwan
Access to electronic health knowledge in five countries in Africa: a descriptive study in postgraduate doctors
Access to evidence from countries in South Asia: the South Asian Database of Controlled Clinical Trials and the South Asian Cochrane Network and Centre’s Digital Library
Access to ongoing paediatric drug trials in the Netherlands
Access to research results for decision making
Access to The Cochrane Library: Results of Canada’s National Pilot License Initiative
Access to the German and international Cochrane collaboration web site.
Accessibility and diversity of Cochrane Systematic Reviews
Accessible Cochrane nutrition evidence: ‘packaging and push’ and ‘facilitating pull’ in action
Accessing and using information for choosing over-the-counter (OTC) medicines by consumers
Accessing clinical study reports: potential to reduce bias in systematic reviews
Accessing the evidence: a search portal and reference site for clinical trials in children
Accessing the National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools' (NCCMT) capacity-building resources remotely: supporting the development of evidence-informed practice skills in low resource settings
Accountability and health information systems: from health systems' priority setting to a pragmatic systematic review
Accounting for comorbidity of patients in systematic reviews - a rehabilitation perspective
Accounting for missing outcome data in meta-analysis
Accounting for missing outcome data in meta-analysis
Accounting for missing outcome data in meta-analysis: Part 1
Accounting for missing outcome data in meta-analysis: Part 2
Accounting for missing outcome data in pairwise and network meta-analysis
Accuracy of blood pressure data abstraction from graphs
Accuracy of case-finding instruments for depression: a meta-analysis
Accuracy of study selection in systematic reviews
Accuracy of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale – Depression subscale (HADS-D) for detecting major depression: individual participant data meta-analysis
Accuracy of the MeSH term 'Breast Neoplasms': Ten years on
Accuracy of the PHQ-9 for screening to detect major depression: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data
Accuracy of the Spanish translated conclusions of Cochrane systematic reviews
Accuracy of vascular ultrasound compared to angiotomography for extracranial carotid stenosis imaging
Accurate COnsensus Reporting Document (ACCORD) checklist: a reporting guideline for consensus methods
Accurate diagnosis of latent tuberculosis in children, immunocompromised, and recently arrived people from high tuberculosis incidence countries: a systematic review
Achieving evidence interoperability in the computer age: setting evidence on Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR)
Achieving evidence interoperability in the computer age: setting evidence on the FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources)
Achieving saturation in qualitative analysis: developing a codebook for a study on peer review in biomedical journals
Acne treatment guidelines: Are they a CUT (Clear Unbiased Trustworthy) above the rest?
ACROBAT-NRSi (A Cochrane Risk Of Bias Assessment Tool: for Non-Randomized Studies of Interventions) for non-clinical community based studies: a participatory workshop using a worked example from public health
ACROBAT-NRSi for public health: reporting on feasibility and utility of applying ACROBAT to studies of housing improvement
Actionable principles for the implementation of the Practical Approach to Care Kit (PACK) programme for global adult primary healthcare
Active management of the third stage of labour
Active placebo versus standard placebo control interventions in pharmacological randomised trials: a systematic review
Active placebo versus standard placebo control interventions in pharmacological randomised trials: a systematic review
Actors contributing to Evidence-Informed Policymaking in Latin America and the Caribbean
Actual usage of the Cochrane Library in teaching hospitals in Australia
Acupuncture and Related Acupoint Therapies for Smoking Cessation: An Overview and Updated Meta-analysis
Acupuncture for Acute Stroke
Acupuncture for depression: a systematic review and network meta-analysis
Acupuncture for labour pain relief: A systematic review and a network meta-analysis
Acupuncture in major depressive disorder: a scoping review of clinical practice guidelines
Acupuncture therapy for diabetic peripheral neuropathy: a network meta-analysis and methodology research
Acupuncture treatment for essential hypertension: Evidence-Based Practice
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