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Displaying 1 - 20 of 441 records Index
Workshop Advanced meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy: dealing with heterogeneity and test comparisons
2016 Seoul
Macaskill, Takwoingi
1. To explain the recommended statistical models used for diagnostic test accuracy meta-analysis and the concepts underlying these methods.
2. To illustrate the methods and their interpretation using examples.
Description: This workshop will cover advanced statistical methods for…
Workshop Disseminating Cochrane evidence
2016 Seoul
Anthony, Millward
Cochrane Reviews are full of useful information that can help consumers, clinicians, policy makers, researchers, and others make better and more effective decisions about all aspects of health. But a key part of ensuring those decisions get made using the best evidence is getting it in front of the…
Oral 'Portuguese Pills' by WhatsApp: a typically Brazilian experience
2016 Seoul
Logullo, Riera, Torloni, Logullo, Martimbianco, Logullo, Freitas, Mazzucca, Batista, Cruz, de Albuquerque, Pedrosa, da Silva, Parra, Tavares, Atallah
Background: The Brazilian Cochrane Centre (BCC) reviews systematic review abstracts translated into Portuguese by volunteers. During the last year, we have identified the main mistakes and difficulties our translators had with their own language. WhatsApp has become increasingly popular in Brazil,…
Oral A general framework for exploring the impact of suboptimal treatment choices to health outcomes in a real-world population
2016 Seoul
Efthimiou, Leucht, Samara, Belger, Salanti
Background: Network meta-analyses are increasingly used to synthesize evidence from randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and provide useful information about relative treatment benefits and harms. However, clinicians often make treatment decisions that disregard the evidence, and potentially…
Poster A methodological systematic review of 494 published network meta-analyses
2016 Seoul
Chaimani, Petropoulou, Nikolakopoulou, Salanti
Background: Previous empirical studies exploring the characteristics of networks of interventions have raised the need for improving the quality of network meta-analyses (NMA) applications. These empirical studies have included networks published up to the end of 2012 at the latest. Since then,…
Poster A network meta-analysis of prophylactic antibiotics for preventing post-cesarean endometritis
2016 Seoul
Nozaki, Kashiwabara, Shinozaki, Oba, Matsuyama, Ota, Mori
Background: The caesarean section rate is increasing all over the world. Endometritis is the most common infection-related complication following caesarean delivery.
Objectives: To compare the effect of prophylactic antibiotics for preventing post-cesarean endometritis via a network meta-…
Oral A new large-scale meta-epidemiological study on bias in randomized trials using routinely collected 'Risk of bias' assessments by Cochrane authors: results from the ROBES study
2016 Seoul
Savovic, Turner, Mawdsley, Jones, Higgins, Sterne
Background: Empirical evidence suggests that certain aspects of trial design may lead to biased intervention effect estimates.
Objectives: To examine the influence of 'Risk of bias' judgements from Cochrane Reviews for sequence generation, allocation concealment, blinding and…
Oral A novel modality for evidence mapping in systematic reviews: Plotting-E-Map (PLOEM)
2016 Seoul
Lee, Kim, Lee, Kim, Hwang
Background: The highlight of previous systematic reviews has been focusing on meta-analyses of randomized-controlled trials and non-randomized studies. In several clinical issues with a lack of meaningful sized comparative studies, although the issue is important, there are rare modalities to…
Poster A quantitative assessment of the quality of randomized controlled trial reporting in the urologic literature
2016 Seoul
Narayan, Cone, Smith, Scales, Dahm
Background: Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are the gold standard format for clinical research, and clear reporting is vital to informing evidence-based practice. In 1996 the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) statement was published to provide guidelines and standardization…
Poster A survey on the exposure to training, practice and perception of health reporting among journalists in Malaysia
2016 Seoul
Tan, Foong, Foong, Ho, Kumaraysun
Background: Apart from the launch of Cochrane Malaysia in 2014 and one small mention of a Cochrane Review in the one of the English newspapers’ reports (1), there has been virtually no coverage of Cochrane Reviews in any of the Malaysian media. We wanted to explore the reason for this.…
Poster A systematic review of COPD patients’ values and preferences: what quantitative information can suggest outcome importance?
2016 Seoul
Zhang, Alonso-Coello, Guyatt, Schünemann
Background: Consideration of people’s values and preferences is essential in evidence-based decision-making. Systematic reviews of values and preferences are not yet common, and take different approaches.
Objectives: To summarize the quantitative evidence of patient values and preferences on…
Poster A systematic review on compliance with QUADAS-2 application guideline
2016 Seoul
Zheng, De Souza, Shi, Chan
Background: QUADAS-2 is recommended for use in diagnostic accuracy (DTA) systematic reviews to evaluate the risk of bias and applicability of the primary studies. To ensure appropriate application, a four-phased approach has been recommended. However, in practice reviewers may use the standard…
Poster A tale of two databases: a comparison of Embase versus Scopus
2016 Seoul
Mann, Hood, Trubey, Powell
Background: Embase is a bibliographic database covering international biomedical literature from 1947 to the present day. Scopus, likewise, is a bibliographic database, which claims to index more than 60 million records, including over 21,500 peer-reviewed journals and articles-in-press. As they…
Workshop A workshop on Rayyan, the web and mobile systematic review app
2016 Seoul
Ouzzani, Hammady, Hammady, Fedorowicz
Objectives: To provide an opportunity to experience the full customizability, ease of use and intuitive interface of Rayyan (
Enabling evidence-based health care will depend on the availability of high-quality, up-to-date clinical resources. Disseminating these resources in a…
Workshop Accounting for missing outcome data in meta-analysis: Part 1
2016 Seoul
Salanti, Higgins, White
Objectives: To understand the theory of methods used to account for missing outcome data in a meta-analysis.
Description: Missing outcome data are common even in carefully designed randomized control trials. We assume at the meta-analysis level the problem with missing data is solved at the…
Workshop Accounting for missing outcome data in meta-analysis: Part 2
2016 Seoul
Chaimani, Mavridis, Higgins, White
Objectives: To understand the practical application of methods used to account for missing outcome data in a meta-analysis using an updated version of the metamiss command in Stata.
Description: This hands-on practical workshop is the second of two workshops on how to estimate meta-analytic…
Workshop Adding evidence to Wikipedia: editing workshop
2016 Seoul
Owens, Millward, De Haan, Poore
Objectives: To introduce participants to:
1. Wikipedia, its contributor community, and the values it holds important;
2. the Cochrane-Wikipedia initiative and ongoing projects; and
3. how to edit articles in Wikipedia, specifically how to register as a user, creating user pages, general editing…
Workshop Addressing missing participant data in systematic reviews: dichotomous outcomes
2016 Seoul
Kahale, Akl, Guyatt, Johnston
Objectives: To describe how to use an innovative approach to addressing missing participant data for dichotomous outcomes in systematic reviews of randomized trials.
Description: The workshop will consist of the following:
1. A didactic presentation of methods being used by Cochrane and non-…
Poster Addressing resource limitations among systematic review groups
2016 Seoul
Background: Systematic reviews are essential tools in evidence synthesis and evidence-based decisionmaking. They are highly technical, costly, and time-consuming projects that often must be tailored to the needs of funders/end users. Rapid reviews, streamlining, and outsourcing of review processes…
Oral Adjusting for bias in unblinded randomized controlled trials
2016 Seoul
Schmidt , Groenwold
Background: It may not always be possible to blind participants of a randomized controlled trial (RCT) for treatment allocation. Knowledge of treatment allocation may lead to differences between treatment arms, and consequently observed differences in the outcome may not be attributable to the…