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Displaying 1 - 20 of 94 records Index
Workshop 'Consumers for the terrified' or identifying good practice in involving consumers in the work of Cochrane Review Groups
2015 Vienna
Objectives: This interactive and participative workshop is designed and led by people who work in Cochrane Review Groups (CRGs), and by consumers. It is open to all those who presently work with consumers in Review Groups, and who would like to involve consumers more, and to consumers themselves.…
Workshop ACROBAT-NRSi (A Cochrane Risk Of Bias Assessment Tool: for Non-Randomized Studies of Interventions) for non-clinical community based studies: a participatory workshop using a worked example from public health
2015 Vienna
Thomson, Sterne, Higgins
1. To facilitate learning through experience about the content and application of ACROBAT-NRSi when applied to public health intervention studies.
2. To gather input on the ease of application and appropriateness of applying ACROBAT-NRSi to public health intervention studies.…
Workshop Accounting for missing outcome data in meta-analysis
2015 Vienna
Salanti, Chaimani, Higgins, Mavridis, White
Objectives: To understand the theory and application of methods used to account for missing outcome data in a meta-analysis.
Description: Missing outcome data in the included trials reduce the precision in the meta-analysis summary effect. If outcomes are not missing at random, the synthesis of…
Workshop Adding evidence to Wikipedia: edit-a-thon
2015 Vienna
Objectives: Wikipedia has been accepted worldwide as a credible source of health information by lay people, medical students, and healthcare professionals. With about 155,000 medical articles getting about 400 million pageviews each month, there is an urgent need for ensuring that information…
Workshop Advanced Q&A session for Embase
2015 Vienna
Winter, Krstic
Objectives: To provide participants with advanced knowledge and understanding of Embase content, indexing policies and search options in an interactive, advanced Question and Answer (Q&A) session.
Description: This advanced Q&A session for experienced Embase users will cover a number of…
Workshop Adverse effects in systematic reviews: challenges for formulating the question and searching for different studies and sources of information
2015 Vienna
Objectives: To give guidance for review authors on formulating the question, the available data sources on adverse effects, and how to retrieve data for incorporation into a systematic review. This will include the development of optimal search techniques and discussion of the diverse formats of…
Workshop An introduction to narrative synthesis of quantitative data: a participatory workshop using a worked example from public health
2015 Vienna
Thomson, Doyle, McKenzie, Thomas
Objectives: To facilitate learning:
1. through experience about how to conduct a narrative synthesis;
2. about the challenge of ensuring transparency and consistency in narrative synthesis.
Description: Narrative synthesis is a common synthesis method and used to synthesise data when meta-…
Workshop Assessing and adjusting for outcome reporting bias in systematic reviews
2015 Vienna
Kirkham, Williamson, Riley
Objectives: To provide the reviewer with a background to the problem of outcome reporting bias (ORB) and how it might lead to misleading conclusions, to demonstrate how a reviewer might identify such bias in their review, and to present techniques for assessing the robustness of the meta-analysis…
Workshop Assessing bias due to confounding in a Cochrane Systematic Review that includes non-randomised studies of an intervention (NRSI)
2015 Vienna
Shea, Reeves, Savovic, Higgins, Sterne., Wells
Objective: To train authors to assess the risk of bias due to confounding using an extended risk of bias tool, 'A Cochrane Risk Of Bias Assessment Tool: for Non-Randomized Studies of Interventions' (ACROBAT-NRSI), when including NRSI in a systematic intervention review.
Workshop Assessing bias in selection of participants into studies in a Cochrane Review that includes non-randomised studies of an intervention (NRSI)
2015 Vienna
Reeves, Shea, Savovic , Higgins, Sterne, Wells
Objective: To train authors to assess the risk of bias due to confounding using an extended risk of bias tool, 'A Cochrane Risk Of Bias Assessment Tool: for Non-Randomized Studies of Interventions' (ACROBAT-NRSI), when including NRSI in a systematic intervention review.
Workshop Assessing implementation in complex interventions: tips, strategies and examples
2015 Vienna
Cargo, Harris, Thomas, Hannes, Noyes, Booth, Pantoja
1. To provide an update on the methods that are being developed to assess implementation within effectiveness reviews.
2. To provide reviewers with practical strategies for extracting data on implementation from effectiveness reviews.
3. To illustrate how implementation can be…
Workshop Bayesian meta-analysis hands-on in WinBUGS
2015 Vienna
Lewis, N, Nair N
Objectives: The purpose of this workshop is to introduce Bayesian meta-analysis (BMA), convey its scope and importance, followed by a hands-on training in WinBUGS. At the end of the workshop, participants will be sensitized to the concepts of BMA and receive practical tips on performing BMA.…
Workshop Challenges and solutions when carrying out mixed methods literature reviews in resource constrained settings
2015 Vienna
Bosch-Capblanch, Oliver, Hill, Lewing
Objectives: To share ad hoc solutions to challenges in producing non-effectiveness systematic reviews.
Description: Increasingly, stakeholders commission research synthesis that relates to a greater variety of types of questions, which requires managing evidence from a mix of study designs and…
Workshop Cochrane Clinical Answers: facilitating the use of Cochrane Reviews within the clinical decision-making pathway
2015 Vienna
Pettersen, Tort, Burch
Objectives: To discuss and demonstrate the role Cochrane Clinical Answers have in facilitating the use of Cochrane Reviews in healthcare decision-making.
Description: Cochrane Clinical Answers (CCAs; aim to place the results of Cochrane Reviews within the…
Workshop Cochrane Commercial Sponsorship Policy: an implementation workshop
2015 Vienna
Foxlee, Tovey, Farquhar, Bero
Objectives: In April 2014 the Cochrane Collaboration Steering Group approved a revision of the Cochrane Commercial Sponsorship Policy in keeping with our longstanding aim of providing independent healthcare information. In the same year an audit of compliance with the policy was undertaken. In the…
Workshop Cochrane Training - facilitation skills: Creating a positive learning climate for effective learning
2015 Vienna
Kredo, Durao, Young
1. Describe characteristics of adult learners of Cochrane workshops.
2. Describe the features of a positive learning climate.
3. Plan for, establish and maintain a positive learning climate before, during and after Cochrane training.
Description: Effective learning for adults…
Workshop Cochrane Updating Classification System (UCS): helping readers and editors understand the status of reviews
2015 Vienna
MacLehose, Foxlee, Mehta, Garner
Objectives: To help Cochrane Review Group (CRG) editorial teams understand and apply the Cochrane Updating Classification System to Cochrane Reviews.
Description: The Cochrane Updating Classification System aims to inform readers about whether a Cochrane Review is up-to-date, likely to be updated…
Workshop Collaborative priority setting in clinical research: the James Lind Alliance Neuro-Oncology Priority Setting Partnership
2015 Vienna
MacDonald, Grant, Bulbeck, Day, Morley, Quinn
Objectives: To describe the process, share the successes and explore the challenges of running a James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership.
Description: Participants will be asked to reflect on what opportunities, if any, they have to influence research carried out in areas of health care…
Workshop Comparing multiple treatments: an introduction to overviews of reviews
2015 Vienna
Hartling, Fernandes, Becker, Foisy
1. Introduce overviews of reviews.
2. Discuss points to consider when choosing whether to do an overview or an intervention review.
3. Provide general guidance on the steps for conducting an overview.
Description: Overviews integrate information from multiple systematic reviews to…
Workshop Core outcome measures for randomised controlled trials and Cochrane Reviews
2015 Vienna
Williamson, Clarke
Objectives: Ill health and treatments can affect people in different ways, making it difficult to select the most appropriate outcomes for research. Selection of outcomes to measure when assessing the effects of healthcare interventions is crucial to trials, reviews and guidelines. The development…