Displaying 1 - 20 of 465 Index
Poster 'Fatal flaws' in randomised controlled trials of interventions for low-back pain
2011 Madrid
Henschke, Ostelo, van Tulder
Background: When performing a systematic review, it is possible that a study could be included even if it has a serious methodological flaw which can render the results implausible. These 'fatal flaws'can include excessive attrition or a large proportion of drop-outs and withdrawals.…
Poster 'Irrelevant’ or 'neglected’? An analysis of RCTs in the ARI Group
2011 Madrid
Thorning, Van Driel, Del Mar
Background: Acute respiratory infections (ARI) are commonly managed problems in general practice. The Cochrane ARI group supports 120 reviews covering a wide range of topics relevant to primary care. Topics of Cochrane reviews are based on questions relevant to clinical practice. The ARI reviews…
Oral A Bayesian selection model for incorporating prior information for publication bias in meta-analysis
2011 Madrid
Mavridis, Cipriani, Sutton, Salanti
Background: The Copas parametric model is aimed at exploring the potential impact of publication bias via sensitivity analysis, by making assumptions regarding the probability of publication of individual studies related to the standard error of their effect sizes (Copas and Shi). Review authors…
Poster A Canadian example of facilitating the uptake of syntheses into public health practice
2011 Madrid
Docorby, Tirilis, Husson, Robeson, McCrae, Greco
Background: The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) are mandated to ensure the results of the research it funds lead to improved health and health systems. However, current knowledge translation (KT) efforts may be insufficient to promote the uptake of these CIHR funded reviews into…
Poster A US hospital-based health technology assessment center to improve the quality, safety and cost-effectiveness of patient care
2011 Madrid
Mitchell, Williams, Umscheid
Purpose: Most existing centers for health technology assessment (HTA) are associated with payers or government agencies. They most frequently review and analyze emerging and costly technologies. But hospitals often have to make decisions about processes of care that impact not only cost, but also…
Poster A bibliometric analysis of Cochrane collaboration and its products
2011 Madrid
Chen, Xiao, Wang, Yao, Yang
Background: With the development of Evidence based medicine and systematic reviews, more and more people begin to know Cochrane Collaboration and The Cochrane Library.
Objectives: To investigate the dissemination of Cochrane Collaboration and The Cochrane Library in China.
Methods: We searched…
Poster A case report on updating Cochrane Reviews
2011 Madrid
Background: Updating reviews is a challenge faced by all review groups within The Collaboration. Many groups have tried to create mechanisms to help authors update their review, but the challenge of updating increases as more Cochrane reviews are published every year.
Objectives: We report on a…
Poster A central repository for data extracted in systematic reviews
2011 Madrid
Hadar, Keefe, Parkin, Iovin, Lau
Background: Systematic reviews are labor-intensive and many overlap in the literature reviewed.
Objectives: To describe the challenges involved in creating a repository for reusable extracted data.
Methods: Web-based electronic data extraction tool and repository.
Results: The availability of a…
Poster A citation analysis of Cochrane systematic reviews in Chinese Science Citation Database
2011 Madrid
Chen, Wei, Li, Xu, Zhu
Background: Although The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews has an Impact Factor of 5.653 and is ranked 11th out of 132 in the ISI category, 'Medicine, General & Internal,á in 2009, we know little about citation of Cochrane systematic reviews in Chinese articles.
Objectives: To…
Poster A coherent framework for choosing 'fit for purpose’ review methods
2011 Madrid
Oliver, Thomas, Gough
Background: Systematic review methods span qualitative syntheses (e.g. meta-ethnography, thematic synthesis), mixed methods syntheses (e.g. realist synthesis, framework synthesis) and quantitative synthesis (e.g. statistical meta-analysis and meta-regression). They differ in terms of how they…
Poster A comparative analysis of systematic reviews published in Chinese academic journals and the Cochrane Library
2011 Madrid
Chen, Yao, Liang, Wang, Li, Wei, Xu
Background: Should we conduct more than one systematic review for the same topic or question? How many systematic reviews are similar between Chinese systematic reviews and Cochrane systematic reviews? Does it make sense for identified Cochrane systematic reviews that some authors still conducted…
Poster A comparison of Embase randomised controlled trial filters
2011 Madrid
Martin, McHugh
Background: The BMJ Evidence Centre has a transparent and rigorous methodology. Our products are based on systematic searches of Medline, Embase and the Cochrane Library for systematic reviews and randomised controlled trials. Our challenge was to develop new filters for Embase searches to increase…
Poster A comparison of Embase systematic review filters
2011 Madrid
Martin, McHugh
Background: The BMJ Evidence Centre has a transparent and rigorous methodology. Our products are based on systematic searches of Medline, Embase and the Cochrane Library for systematic reviews and randomised controlled trials. Our challenge was to develop new filters for Embase searches to increase…
Poster A comparison of subgroup analyses in grant applications and publications
2011 Madrid
Boonacker, Hoes, van Liere-Visser, Schilder, Rovers
Background: One of the most important recommendations of the available guidelines on studying and reporting subgroup analyses, is to pre-specify subgroups rather than define them post hoc. We therefore studied both grant proposals and their publications and compared the subgroup analyses that were…
Poster A comparison of two search methods for determining the scope of systematic reviews
2011 Madrid
Forsetlund, Kirkehei, Harboe, Odgaard-Jensen
Background: One of the core activities of the Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services is the summary of research literature into systematic reviews on request. A pilot search to assess the scope of a new review is conducted before starting the reviewing process. These searches are…
Poster A descriptive analysis of overviews of reviews published between 2000 and 2010
2011 Madrid
Hartling, Chisholm, Thomson, Dryden
Background: Overviews of systematic reviews (overviews) compile data from multiple systematic reviews (SRs) and are a new method of evidence synthesis.
Objectives: To describe the methodological approaches in overviews of healthcare interventions.
Methods: We searched four databases from 2000 to…
Oral A descriptive analysis of risk of bias in neonatal trials and the association with effect estimates
2011 Madrid
Bialy, Lacaze-Masmonteil, Dryden, Ha, Armijo-Olivo, Vandermeer, Hartling
Background: Research that quantifies the impact of different biases on effect sizes in neonatal randomized controlled trials (RCTs) has shown conflicting results. A meta-epidemiological study to quantify bias in neonatal RCTs will inform the design, conduct, and interpretation of research in this…
Poster A meta-epidemiological approach for evaluating bias and small study effects in networks of interventions
2011 Madrid
Chaimani, Schmid, Vasiliadis, Salanti
Background: Investigation of the impact of study-specific biases typically requires a large number of studies. Meta-epidemiological approaches consider collections of independent pairwise meta-analyses, where the impact of bias in each one of them might be different, depending on the clinical area…
Poster A multi-faceted provider education program designed for consistent, evidence-based clinical practice change within an integrated care delivery syste
2011 Madrid
Background: An ongoing challenge in medical education is demon- strating its ability to help implement evidence-based care, enable sustainable clinical practice change, and reduce unnecessary variations in care delivery. In 2009, an integrated care delivery system in the U.S. launched a multi-…
Poster A network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of target therapy for mRCC
2011 Madrid
Chan, Leung
Background: there are six new target therapeutic drugs approved for the treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) since 2006. At present, no direct head to head trial to compare their efficacy is available.
Methods: A systematic literature search of the MEDLINE, EMBASE, CANCERLIT and…