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Colloquium Abstracts
Trusted evidence.
Informed decisions.
Better health.
The utilization of systematic review and meta-analysis in China
The Validity of the McMurray Test and Joint Line Tenderness for Diagnosing Meniscal Lesions of the Knee: a Systematic Review
The value of author contact in determining risk of bias in included studies in a systematic review
The value of Cochrane reviews for informing health decisions on optimal use of albumin
The value of Cochrane reviews in the clinical practice of university-based surgeons in a developing country
The value of searching multiple databases for guideline development
The value of stakeholder, patient and public contributions and knowledge of lived experience to the conduct and interpretation of empirical findings from synthesised evidence.
The WHO Reproductive Health Library: disseminating effectiveness information in developing countries
The Winner, the First: Response Adaptive Randomization and its Platform Development
The wisdom of Plantwise: An alternative extension programme to reduce plant health problems for smallholder farmers
The WISEST AI Project: an artificial intelligence decision support tool to assess the quality/bias in systematic reviews
The wonders of randomisation—workshop for consumers
The World Health Assembly 2023 resolution calls all stakeholders to prioritize health policy and systems research in rehabilitation
The World Health Organization (WHO) International Clinical Trials Registry Platform: reducing bias through trial registration and results disclosure
The World Health Organization’s International Clinical Trials Registry Platform: a ‘one-stop shop’ for identifying clinical trials conducted worldwide?
The X of UXG
The young doctor’s opinion on Evidence-Based Health Care (EBHC) in Stellenbosch University’s medical curriculum
Theories of teaching and learning, and teaching methods used in postgraduate education in the health sciences: A scoping review
Theory of change models: explaining the link between intervention strategies and outcomes in test-treatment studies
Therapeutic effects and safety of adding Tongxinluo capsule vs. Western medical therapy alone on acute coronary syndromes after percutaneous coronary intervention: a GRADE-assessed systematic review and meta-analysis
Therapeutic Guidelines Developing Countries Programme
Therapeutic interventions for childhood cancer: An umbrella review of randomized evidence
Therapeutic interventions of low back pain: a mega-analysis
Therapeutic Objectives: Still an unknown concept in France
Therapeutics for COVID-19: World Health Organization guidelines as a model for partnered living evidence and guidance
Therapy by physicians to stop tobacco smoking: assessment of the quality of trials
There is no such thing as a one-dimensional hierarchy of evidence: a critique and a perspective
Thinking critically and making well-informed decisions about cancer misinformation and claims: an evidence-based programme Informed Health Choices-Cancer (IHC-C)
Thorough Debridement Reduces Infection Rates in Open Fracture Care Not Time to Index Surgery: Addressing the Global Commission of Surgery’s Call to Improve Care for the Bellwether Procedures A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Observational Studies
Those responsible for approving research studies have poor knowledge of research study design: a brief knowledge quiz in a nationwide sample of IRB members
Though not consistently superior, the absolute approach to framing the minimally important difference has advantages over the relative approach
Threading the needle we found in the haystack: Identifying ongoing trials with the Pan African Clinical Trials Registry
Three living systematic reviews to inform living guideline recommendations in Germany: lessons learned
Three years’ of experience of implementing an evidence-based nursing training programme and its clinical outcomes in a medical centre in Taiwan
Thumbs up, thumbs down: an analysis of online user ratings of summaries of systematic reviews
Time interval for first publication and updates of systematic reviews under Cochrane Multiple Sclerosis and Rare Diseases of the CNS Group
Time interval for updating Cochrane systematic reviews about neglected tropical diseases
Time lag bias in publishing results of clinical trials: a systematic review
Time to inclusion in systematic reviews: roadblock on the translational pathway
Time to publication among completed diagnostic accuracy studies: associated with reported accuracy estimates
Time to publication for results of clinical trials: The definitive systematic review
Time to publication of Cochrane reviews: a retrospective cohort study
Time trends in summary estimates from meta-analyses of diagnostic accuracy studies
Time-dependent risk of fracture in adults with type 2 diabetes receiving anti-diabetic drug: A one-stage network meta-analysis
Timing of prophylactic antibiotics during cesarean: a meta-analysis up to 2012
Title and abstract screening assessment in primary studies: based on Korean clinical trials
Title Proposal Forms: How we are and how we should be
Title undeclared
Title-abstract versus title-only citation screening strategies for systematic reviewsand meta-analyses
Title: Assessing the Quality of Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) development in Taiwan using the AGREE II instrument.
Title: Effective Knowledge Translation: Lessons from a Three-Day Interactive Cochrane Standard Author Training Webinar
To annotate or re-annotate- what is the question?
To assess the impact of contraceptive use and menstrual health among women of reproductive age- A systematic review with WHO
To assess the impact of contraceptive use and mental health among women of reproductive age- Systematic review
To blog or not to blog? Using blogs as a tool to provide consumer friendly evidence-based information on optimal aging
To disseminate is to ‘spread information widely’ – but how well do we do this? Dissemination of three linked Cochrane Reviews
To filter or not to filter? A study examining the use of diagnostic test accuracy search filters on a Cochrane DTA review
To Identify Chinese Trial Reports of Studies: Hand Searching Compare with Electronic Searching
To improve the efficiency of database searches for the identification of reports of RCTs used in NICE guidelines
To include, or not to include non-randomized controlled trials in systematic reviews: a novel approach to a controversial question
To screen or not to screen: the online opinion on prostate cancer screening
To share or not to share data: how valid are copious randomized controlled trials?
To sum or not to sum: assessing the methodological quality of primary studies in public health
To treat, NOT to trick: open-label placebo (OLP) and its applications in randomized controlled trials
To what extent are conference abstracts reporting randomised controlled trials of skin diseases published subsequently?
To what extent do Cochrane authors in sub-Saharan Africa conduct and publish non-Cochrane Reviews?
To what extent do trials stopped early for benefit overestimate treatment effects?
To what extent is the clinical context considered in diagnostic test accuracy (DTA) reviews?: A methodological review
Too many reviews to update, not enough time or resources! A workshop on prioritising and tools to update reviews
Too much data from too many sources: what is the best estimate of the treatment effect?
Tool of transferability: application on studies of cost-effectiveness
Tool to assess recognition and understanding of elements in Summary of Findings table
Toolbox for effective evidence dissemination: a hands-on workshop
Tools and methods for assessing the transferability of health technology assessment results across jurisdictions: a systematic review
Tools and resources for a rapid-response service to meet policy makers' urgent needs for evidence
Tools and resources for reviews of complex interventions: a workshop by the Consumers and Communication Review Group
Tools for sharing evidence for effectiveness from a systematic review of complex interventions to improve food security: Which do policy makers prefer?
Tools to assess trustworthiness of evidence-based, point-of-care resources for healthcare professionals: a systematic review
Tools to evaluate the methodological quality of physical therapy trials. What items should we use from these tools? A factor analysis
Tools to support capacity development for evidence-informed public health
Tools, techniques, methods, and processes for the detection and mitigation of fraudulent or erroneous data identified in evidence synthesis
Topical Steroid Withdrawal Syndrome: An Evidence Gap Map on the range of evidence in research literature and social media platforms
Topics and issues reported as 'other bias' in randomised clinical trials included in systematic reviews by Cochrane authors during 2017
Totality of evidence: using indirect evidence to bridge the gaps
Towards a better understanding of what the 'level of evidence' is and how this can be evaluated
Towards Achieving the UNAIDS FIRST 90 target: Repeat HIV testing amongst PLHIVs in Nigeria - A Myth or Reality?
Towards an optimal use of the Cochrane Systematic Review to support decision making in a hospital setting
Towards evidence summit in reducing maternal and neonatal mortality in Indonesia
Towards informed decisions in trusted evidence in Latin America: quality and risk of bias in systematic reviews about vaccines
Towards modernizing the systematic review pipeline: efficient updating via data mining
Towards More Scientific Meta-Analyses
Towards rapid learning health systems: supporting the Central Asian and European countries in using research evidence for policy-making
Towards universal access to reliable healthcare information: a global consultation for the World Health Organization
Toxicity spectrum of immunotherapy in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A safety analysis from clinical trials and a pharmacovigilance system
Trading certainty for speed: how much uncertainty are decisionmakers willing to accept when using rapid review? An international survey
Traditional Chinese interventions for stable angina
Traditional-intensive versus technology-enhanced approach for search and screening in systematic reviews (TITE project)
Traffic engineering and educational interventions to reduce pedestrian injuries: Identifying controlled studies
Train the trainer
Train the trainer: Cochrane Library
Train the Trainer: what training do the trainers need to improve?
Train the trainers of evidence-based healthcare workshops
Train the trainers: Medical Library Literacy for Health Professionals in Ethiopia
Train the trainers: techniques for training systematic reviewers
Training and education in critical appraisal leads to increase in usage and contribution to The Cochrane Library in India
Training and support; one region's views and needs
Training and supporting of Cochrane authors – Polish experience
Training Cochrane Systematic Reviews: challenges and benefits of online training
Training community research partners in evidence synthesis methods: a pilot study
Training for awareness on using Cochrane Library in Ministry of Health, Malaysia
Training for Managing editors – Part 1 (restricted)
Training for patients and citizens representatives: evaluating the PartecipaSalute courses
Training handsearchers: going from a paper to a web-based course
Training new commissioners from the social/welfare area
Training on critical appraisal and scientific production for health residents and preceptors in Brazil
Training practitioners in the EBP process: an effective continuing education training model
Training reviewers in China
Training trainers: an approach to standardizing and disseminating risk of bias education
Training U.K. Librarians to Use the Cochrane Library: Has it Impacted on Usage of the Cochrane Library?
Training workshops in Cochrane Systematic Reviews at Cochrane Russia
Training your robot: best practices for leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) in reference screening
Transdisciplinary Approaches for Setting Research Priorities on Climate Change and Health: Engaging Decision Makers, Researchers, and Communities
TRANSFER Approach: including consumers in assessing transferability of review findings
Transferability of evidence based information driven by Clinical Evidence through an Italian continuing education programme on the web: a qualitative study
Transferring evidence into practice: A Nursing Minimum Data Set within the nutritional area in primary healthcare
Transferring knowledge: equity for health professionals in Ethiopia
Transferring Public Health Nursing research to health system planning: assessing the relevance and accessibility of systematic reviews
Transfers between Cochrane review Groups to sharpen profile and facilitate the work of Cochrane authors
Transformation of meaning perspectives in clients with rheumatoid arthritis
Transformation of summary statistics from a skewed distribution into summary statistics on the log scale
Transforming from information overload to information excitement using the Pearl Harvesting Information Retrieval Framework
Transforming the health care system through the National Guideline Development and Adaptation Program in Egypt
Transfusion Evidence Round-ups’: an ISBT/SRI collaboration with a goal to share knowledge to improve transfusion practice worldwide.
Transitional Care to prevent readmission of patients with Chronic Heart Failure through a multidisciplinary approach: a best practice implementation project
Transitioning to living systematic reviews: Lessons learned from a large scale review on diabetes quality improvement interventions
Transitioning to value-based care through system-level, evidence-based guidelines
Transitions: Cochrane PDUC to Cochrane Urology and expanding to 12 TSCs
Translating basic science research to public health impact: challenges of water and wastewater-based surveillance evidence informing cholera outbreak management
Translating Cochrane abstracts and plain language summaries from traditional to simplified Chinese: feasibility assessment and user survey
Translating Cochrane abstracts into Portuguese for use in Africa: a successful partnership between Cochrane Africa and Cochrane Brazil
Translating Cochrane evidence into practice in the Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka
Translating Cochrane Reviews to lay people through the web: the IN-DEEP project
Translating critical appraisal of a systematic review to meaningful peer review
Translating critical appraisal of a systematic review to meaningful peer review
Translating critical appraisal of a systematic review to meaningful peer review
Translating evidence into a user-centred interface: the European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer (ECIBC) web hub
Translating evidence into patient information: challenges and possible solutions when extracting and presenting the results of Cochrane reviews
Translating evidence into practical tools to teach first aid to children in sub-Saharan Africa
Translating filters between different interfaces: not as easy as you might think
Translating global research evidence to local decisions: learning to use the EtD framework and the KNOW ESSENTIALS tool.
Translating knowledge from systematic reviews: evaluation of infographics and critical appraisal formats
Translating one million words into two languages: process approach and lessons learnt from the translation of a comprehensive international guideline database
Translating research into practice: current challenges in pediatric sleep medicine
Translating the abstracts in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) into Chinese
Translating the Cochrane Library into Spanish
Translation and validation of the 'Risk of bias' (RoB) tool to Brazilian Portuguese
Translation and validation of the Cochrane Collaboration’s tool for assessing risk of bias into German
Translation initiative of the Brazilian Cochrane Centre: experience of the first eight months
Translation of Cochrane summaries: a realistic and timely goal for the collaboration?
Translation of plain language summaries, does it help in better understanding?
Translation of research priorities into research topics - A 3-step approach
Translation of the ADAPTE process: an important step to improve evidence communication in Brazil
Transparency and completeness of reporting in study registries - a comparative study
Transparency enhancement for reports of randomized controlled trials in behavioral medicine
Transparency of Chinese trials: The results are fully published after registered in WHO primary registries?
Transparency of clinical trial in China: strategy and foresight
Transparency of COVID-19-related research: A meta-research study
Transparency of the guideline development process by using a new guideline structure
Transparent and traceable data science-based real-world evidence (DS-RWE) producing: framework and practice in traditional Chinese medicine
Transparent assessment of resource use and costs of randomised clinical trials: a case series
Transparent reporting of a multi-variable prediction model for individual prognosis or diagnosis: the TRIPOD statement
Transparent two stage approach to identification and selection of qualitative literature for meta ethnographic synthesis
Transparent, explicit, intuitive: Bayesian updating of Cochrane reviews
Travelling to the tropics? How to enrich a systematic review with good observational evidence about adverse effects
Treatment adequacy of Chinese medicine in Cochrane systematic reviews: an investigation
Treatment benefit cannot be excluded on the basis of mean difference alone
Treatment decision by patient participation: a preliminary study based on the workpiece of shared decision making in medicine
Treatment effect estimates for nontruncated trials need adjustment when conducting sensitivity analyses to assess risk of bias in early-stopped trials
Treatment effect sizes vary in randomized trials depending on type of outcome measure
Treatment effects from the patient perspective: understanding the alternatives to intention-to-treat analyses
Treatment guidelines in specialist mental healthcare: how important are they and how to translate them into practice?
Treatment information-seeking by people with multiple sclerosis in the internet age: Stage 1 findings of the IN-DEEP project
Treatment of acute migraine attacks in children with analgesics on the World Health Organization Essential Medicines List: A systematic review
Treatment of chronic cerebrovascular disorders with the metabolic activators compared to placebo: a cumulative meta-analysis
Treatment of Hashimoto's thyroiditis with Xiao-yao San: A meta-analysis and systematic review
Treatment of heterogeneity in systematic reviews of diagnostic tests in cancer
Treatment of multiple test readers in diagnostic accuracy systematic reviews of imaging studies
Treatment of quasi-randomised trials in Cochrane Reviews
Treatment related harms: what was planned and what was reported? An analysis of Southwest Oncology Group phase III trials
Treatment uncertainties in blood donation and blood transfusion: involvement of patients and donors as well as clinicians
Treatments for Bullous Pemphigoid - A systematic review
Treatments for plantar heel pain
Trends analysis of cancer topic of Cochrane Systematic Reviews: a bibliometric analysis
Trends and quality of Japanese clinical practice guidelines
Trends in item scores of the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation (AGREE) II instrument in Japan
Trends in methodological quality of randomised clinical trials in low back pain: comparing drug trials with non-drug trials
Trends in randomized controlled trials of malaria treatment and prophylaxis in Africa
Trends in reported allocation concealment in RCTs included in systematic reviews
Trends in the consumption of medicines for the treatment of bipolar disorder in Brazil
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