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Colloquium Abstracts
Trusted evidence.
Informed decisions.
Better health.
Use of continuous outcome measures in systematic reviews
Use of decision-making frameworks and models in health technology assessment (HTA): a systematic review
Use of evidence and data in response to COVID-19 challenges; Countries experience in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
Use of evidence from low- to middle-income countries in a national public health guidance programme
Use of evidence grading systems in Health Technology Assessments (HTAs): a cross-sectional survey
Use of evidence in economic decision models: an appraisal of health technology assessments in the UK since 1997
Use of Evidence to Decision frameworks in the European Breast Guidelines: increasing stakeholder involvement and transparency
Use of Evidence-based nursing (EBN) by nurses in Belgium
Use of Field Topic Lists in Archie
Use of filters in electronic searching for observational studies
Use of framework synthesis to prioritise systematic review topics among multiple stakeholders: a descriptive case study
Use of GRADE approach to rate the certainty of evidence from network meta-analyses: a cross-sectional survey
Use of GRADE in Chinese clinical practice guidelines
Use of GRADE in Dentistry Systematic Reviews: A Methodological Study
Use of GRADE in the Non-Cochrane Systematic Reviews of Diagnostic Test Accuracy
Use of Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) methodology to guide revision of CDC’s hepatitis C virus (HCV) testing recommendations for persons born during 1945 through 1965 in the United States
Use of Health Technology Assessment in Clinical Practice Guidelines: a Retrospective Analysis
Use of i>clicker technology in workshops improves evidence-informed decision making (EIDM) knowledge
Use of IMMPACT domains in clinical trials of acupuncture for chronic pain: a methodological survey
Use of indirect comparison methods in systematic reviews: A survey of Cochrane review authorsá views
Use of individual patient data vs. published reports in a meta-analysis: the case of ACE-inhibitors in myocardial infarction
Use of information from summary of findings tables in the clinical practice guidelines development: a pilot study in Colombia
Use of machine learning to conduct systematic reviews of patient values and preferences in the context of guideline development
Use of machine-learning tools to support efficient study identification in Cochrane reviews: A case study and cost-effectiveness analysis
Use of mathematical modelling in WHO guidelines
Use of medical terminologies to describe adverse event terms in
Use of network meta-analyses in WHO guideline recommendations
Use of network meta-analysis in guidelines: a retrospective analysis
Use of non-randomised evidence in Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care (EPOC) group's reviews
Use of observational studies in comparative effectiveness reviews
Use of outcome data hierarchies to deal with multiplicity in trials: survey of systematic reviews
Use of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) in drug subsidisation decisions
Use of research evidence in newborn and child health policies and practices in Kenya
Use of Simulation Scenarios and Vote Cards in Teaching Critical Appraisal of Randomized Controlled Trials
Use of study design search filters, search strategy quality and reviewers’ screening burden in prognosis, diagnosis and effectiveness systematic reviews
Use of systematic review evidence to inform local decision-making in the National Health Service: a case study of eating disorders
Use of systematic reviews and rapid evidence synthesis in setting up National Health Research Priorities in Malaysia
Use of systematic reviews in a clinical practice guideline on colorectal cancer
Use of systematic reviews in clinical practice guidelines developed by the Brazilian Medical Association
Use of systematic reviews in clinical practice guidelines: case study of development of clinical practice guideline by a professional organization in Indonesia
Use of systematic reviews when adapting guidelines
Use of the checklist for critical appraisal and data extraction for systematic reviews of prediction modelling studies (CHARMS) for critical appraisal of prediction modelling studies on medical usage rates in mass gatherings
Use of the Cochrane 'Risk of bias' tool in systematic reviews of traditional Chinese medicine
Use of the Cochrane Library in Medical Libraries in the United Kingdom.
Use of the Comments and Criticisms Facility: Pilot experience with new systematic reviews
Use of the GRADE approach in systematic reviews of animal studies
Use of the number needed to treat (NNT) in Cochrane reviews
Use of the USA food and drug administration web site for clinical trial information from approved therapies
Use Of The World-Wide-Web To Identify Unpublished Evidence For Systematic Reviews - The Future Role Of The Internet To Improve Information Identification
Use of tramadol in control of chronic cough: N-of-1 trial
Use of WOMAC for the Assessment of Treatment Benefit for the Pain of Osteoarthritis of the Knee
Use R! An introduction to meta-analysis with R
Use R! An Introduction to Meta-Analysis with R
Use R! Network meta-analysis with R
Usefulness of Cochrane Systematic Reviews in health technology assessments in Argentina
Usefulness of the Cochrane Library to U.S. Primary Care Clinicians.
User and producer-friendly formatting of Cochrane Reviews
User engagement in evidence synthesis: A comparative analysis of African labour, housing and conservation policies
User involvement in the recommendation development process to improve guideline adherence
User preferences regarding online tools for systematic review and guideline production: Results from a G-I-N Tech Survey
User-friendly search strategies for geriatric evidence in Medline
User-involvement in a Cochrane systematic review update: using structured methods to enhance clinical relevance, usefulness and usability
Users' experiences with the interactive Evidence to Decision framework (iEtD): a qualitative analysis
Users’ experience of frameworks to support evidence-informed
decision-making in public health is positive, but still limited
Users’ guides to assessing multiple treatment comparison meta-analysis
Using 'Implications for practice’ from Cochrane reviews to promote worldwide improvements in healthcare
Using ‘chain of evidence’ synthesis for the use of intra-partum antibiotic prophylaxis to prevent early onset group B streptococcal disease
Using a bibliometric approach for a clinical question that generates a large volume of literature
Using a challenge in Cochrane Crowd to involve medical students in evidence production
Using a co-design approach to increase the awareness, use and engagement of a digital map of COVID-19 recommendations
Using a collaborative online platform to identify systematic reviews in LILACS
Using a combined realist and socio-ecological approach to integrating quantitative and qualitative systematic review evidence in a health technology assessment setting
Using a Distribution-Based Approach and Systematic Review Methods to Derive Minimum Clinically Important Differences
Using a figure to display characteristics of studies in reviews of complex interventions or reviews with broad questions
Using a hospital evidence-based practice center (EPC) to inform nursing policy and practice: assessing impact
Using a hospital evidence-based practice centre (EPC) to inform nursing policy and practice: Describing an approach
Using a Logic Model Framework Synthesis to map experiences of robotic companion animals in care homes
Using a matrix analysis to integrate findings from a qualitative evidence synthesis and a review of effectiveness: a worked example
Using a problem-based learning method for teaching evidence-based medicine in China: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials
Using a sci-fi narrative and medical simulation to design clinical trials in unexpected emergencies
Using a scoping review to identify promising gender-sensitive health promotion interventions for women
Using a scoping review to prioritize primary research: impact of simulated patients on first aid training of laypeople
Using a search filter to improve literature searching efficiency for clinical question updating
Using a systematic review to develop a taxonomy of uncertainties in health care to structure the design of future participatory research
Using a theory driven mixed-method review to assess the benefits of complex environmental-health programmes. Cochrane Public Health Group review CD010351
Using a Virtual Journal Club Platform to Teach and Assess Evidence-Based Practice Critical Appraisal Skills: A Pilot Study
Using advanced features in the Cochrane Register of Studies
Using AGREE II to assess the methodological quality of clinical practice guidelines for Chagas disease
Using AI tools to support storyboarding as a means of synthesis for qualitative evidence
Using AMSTAR to assess methodological quality of systematic reviews/meta-analysis of animal studies in China
Using AMSTAR to assess the methodological quality of systematic reviews: An external validation study
Using and generating relevant evidence in LMICs by actively engaging stakeholders
Using arm-based network meta-analysis for binary outcomes for generalizability of findings across baseline risk values
Using Artificial Intelligence to Answer Context Questions in Systematic Reviews
Using Artificial intelligence Tools to increase the efficiency of Systematic reviews
Using automation tools to improve the speed of searching for studies for a systematic review
Using Bayesian information for matching qualitative and quantitative sources in a mixed studies review
Using BestEvidence to inform health decisions
Using bibliometrics to evaluate impact of systematic reviews in disability and rehabilitation research
Using bivariate meta-analysis and meta-regression to investigate the effects of exercise on pain and disability in osteoarthritis
Using Children and Adolescents as Standardized Patients in Health: A Scoping Review and Evidence Map
Using citation-management software for more efficient screening of search results in systematic reviews
Using Clinical Study Reports versus published articles in a Cochrane Review update
Using clinical trial data to restore the trial literature: what and how to ‘RIAT’?
Using co-design to develop reusable learning apps to promote evidence-based healthcare across borders
Using Cochrane Interactive Learning with students: building a foundation for evidence-based medicine
Using Cochrane methods to strengthen health policy in Nepal: what is the quality of evidence cited in existing health sector plans?
Using Cochrane reviews for patient-centred information on the management of low-back pain
Using Cochrane Reviews in policy agenda setting, choice and implementation
Using Cochrane reviews to develop consumer information - choosing and presenting outcomes
Using Cochrane Reviews to ensure best practices to achieve optimal attainment of the Malaysian MDG 4 and 5 mortality indicators
Using Cochrane reviews to help reduce fetal and other perinatal deaths in high income countries
Using Cochrane reviews to identify research gaps in the perinatal evidence
Using Cochrane Reviews to improve critical appraisal skills and clinical decision making in problem-based learning
Using Cochrane reviews to inform future research
Using Cochrane Systematic Reviews in real life—experiences from teaching health science students and professionals to access and utilize Cochrane Reviews
Using Covidence to support multiple teams to collaborate on scoping reviews
Using crowdsourcing and machine learning for study identification: a quantitative and qualitative evaluation of Cochrane’s Screen4Me workflow
Using cumulative meta-analysis methods for prioritizing Cochrane Review updates
Using Different Knowledge: A Case Study of Cannabis Use for Health Conditions
Using directed acyclic graphs as an approach for inclusion criteria of meta-analyses with non-randomized trials
Using e-mail for identifying unpublished and ongoing clinical trials and those published in non-indexed journals
Using electronic searching to retrieve additional randomized controlled trials missed by full text searching
Using EpiData software to extract data for Cochrane systematic reviews
Using Epistemonikos to create a one-stop shop for systematic reviews in dentistry
Using EPPI-Reviewer to create a Cochrane Review (workshop in Spanish)
Using evaluations as learning and programme-improvement tools – Lessons from Uganda
Using evidence and other perspectives to inform health policy in low- and middle-income countries: nucleic acid amplification tests to detect transfusion transmissible infections in blood donors
Using evidence beyond an empirically available time horizon: should it be done?
Using evidence in management decisions: Developing and implementing a Hospital Based Health Technology Assessment Unit in Colombia
Using evidence mapping and synthesis to support healthier life trajectories: The case of the WHO Life Course Program
Using evidence syntheses: views and experiences of public health decision makers and review authors in the United Kingdom
Using evidence to define policy and influence practice - a case study of the Northern Sydney Fractured Neck of Femur (FNOF) Project
Using evidence to improve lives: A rapid systematic approach
Using evidence to make decisions in guideline development: The Evidence to Decision Framework (EtD)
Using Evidence to nurture multi-actor dialogue in the public sector: Lessons from the Paliament of Uganda
Using evidence to stop ineffective practice: The UK Cochrane Centre (UKCC) and the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) work together
Using existing guidelines to generate recommendations for promoting physical activity among older people: a GRADE approach
Using existing systematic reviews to identify the evidence gaps for resilient health systems: a novel methodology
Using FASD prevalence rates to inform prevention efforts
Using flow to estimate the percentage contribution of studies in network meta-analysis
Using full information on cut-offs per study to determine an optimal cut-off in diagnostic test accuracy reviews
Using games to teach Cochrane concepts
Using Google Translate for Malay translation of Cochrane plain language summaries: a randomised controlled trial (RCT)
Using GRADE in public-health guidelines – challenges and some solutions?
Using GRADE to assess the certainty of the evidence from intervention reviews (advanced methods)
Using GRADE to develop an evidence-based benchmark for a rate: the use case of the patient safety indicator ‘postoperative venous thromboembolism’
Using GRADE to engage healthcare professionals and managers in shared learning and collaborative development and implementation of local guidelines
Using GRADE to evaluate the quality of evidence in Chinese systematic reviews
Using GRADE to evaluate the quality of evidence in systematic reviews about Chinese traditional medicine
Using GRADE to integrate randomised and non-randomised studies in systematic reviews
Using GRADE-CERQual to assess confidence in findings from qualitative evidence syntheses: how well are review authors applying the approach?
Using GRADEpro to create ‘Summary of Findings’ tables
Using harmonised results of different tests for a single biomarker in test accuracy meta-analysis
Using health-technology assessment in universal health coverage: From learning to practice
Using High Quality Evidence Based Consumer Health Information for Non-therapeutic Patient Advice in Germany.
Using implementation levers to translate evidence into practice
Using innovative methods in trial identification for 12 Cochrane Intervention Reviews
Using IPD meta-analysis to explore health and care inequalities among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people
Using JBIs’ approach to integrate evidence into clinical practice.
Using Large Language Models in Assessing Bias Risk in Cohort Studies
Using large language models to assess the compliance of randomized controlled trials on AI interventions with CONSORT-AI: a cross-sectional survey
Using living systematic reviews to support evidence-informed shared decision-making: a case study of cannabis use for health conditions
Using machine learning as a study design filter for systematic reviews of RCTs
Using machine learning to automate data extraction from RCTs — hands on with RobotReviewer
Using machine learning to automate the broad screening process - a research update
Using machine learning to reduce the systematic review workload
Using MECIR standards in developing and evaluating Cochrane Reviews of interventions
Using MECIR standards in the conduct of systematic reviews with emphasis on associated Common Errors—Part 2
Using MECIR standards in the conduct of systematic reviews, with emphasis on associated common errors
Using MECIR standards in the interpretation and presentation of results in Cochrane Reviews of interventions – Part 1
Using meta-study to synthesize the results of qualitative research: the role of theory
Using Microsoft Academic Graph in a rapid review of reviews on vaccine uptake
Using Microsoft Academic Graph to maintain Cochrane Incontinence Specialised Registers of controlled trials and economic evaluations
Using mixed methods to identify successful school-based asthma interventions
Using mixed-effects meta-analysis to examine the impact of study design, patient characteristics, and treatment intensity in a systematic review of music therapy for serious mental disorders
Using more than one systematic review as evidence base for a guideline recommendation: Updating the National Disease Management Guideline (NDMG) Asthma
Using Multifaced Strategies and Social media to Promote Knowledge Translation of Cochrane Review: Taiwan 10 year experiences
Using narrative statements to communicate evidence from knowledge syntheses
Using narratives and storytelling to influence health policy-making: findings and implications from a mixed-methods systematic review
Using overview of systematic reviews to identify topics for health systems living reviews
Using patient-important outcomes for systematic reviews: a joint Cochrane and COMET (Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials) workshop
Using PICO to establish a framework for a comprehensive clinical guideline
Using priority setting to enhance the policy relevance of systematic reviews: a case study from the South African Initiative for Systematic Reviews on Health Policies and Systems
Using ProCite for creating and submitting trials databases to CENTRAL
Using program theory to understand heterogeneity in systematic effectiveness reviews
Using purposive sampling within qualitative evidence synthesis: experiences from a Cochrane Review of parents’ views and experiences of vaccination communication
Using QUADAS-2 in systematic reviews of diagnostic test accuracy studies: survey of users’ experience
Using Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) in diverse ways to explore intervention complexity: how two QCA approaches were valuable within a single review
Using qualitative evidence to inform a review of effectiveness: A case study of integrating qualitative data in a systematic review of effectiveness of ECT for adult depression
Using qualitative methods to assess impact of public involvement in a UK national lung cancer screening health technology assessment (HTA)
Using qualitative research to explore heterogeneity in a Cochrane Review
Using Real World Data to Tackle Health Inequalities: Informing Guidelines and Promoting Equity
Using real-world data to analyze the offer of medicines incorporated in the Brazilian public health system between 2012 and 2016.
Using Real-World Evidence to Augment Systematic Review Findings
Using reference manager (Mendeley) in systematic reviews
Using Response-adaptive Randomization (RAR) Platform to Explore Potential Effective Treatments during the Outbreak of COVID-19 in China
Using ROBINS-I to assess risk of bias in non-randomised studies of interventions
Using ROBINS-I to assess risk of bias in non-randomized studies of interventions
Using RobotReviewer to assist humans in conducting risk of bias assessments—a randomized user study
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